# MSE-MC #### Maoist Standard English Minecraft language-pack generator --- # Usage And Options ``` ./packgen.js [OPTIONS] ``` Example usage: * `./packgen.js -fR` generate a pack with the latest release version and descriptive output (recommended) * `./packgen.js -f -v 1.15` using version "1.15" for pack generation * `./packgen.js --lang en_nz` generate a pack using `en_nz` insead of the default `en_gb` * `./packgen.js -f` generate a pack with a descriptive output zip E.g. `en_gb-v1.19.1-en_MSE` insead of just `Maoist-Standard-English.zip` * `./packgen.js -m https://example.com/mc/game/version_manifest_v2.json -r https://example.com/` with a custom server `example.com`
* Valid language options ``` Recommended languages: (It is recommended to only use english languages due to the nature of the translation) en_au en_ca en_gb en_nz en_pt en_ud enp enws All languages: af_za ar_sa ast_es az_az ba_ru bar be_by bg_bg br_fr brb bs_ba ca_es cs_cz cy_gb da_dk de_at de_ch de_de el_gr en_au en_ca en_gb en_nz en_pt en_ud enp enws eo_uy es_ar es_cl es_ec es_es es_mx es_uy es_ve esan et_ee eu_es fa_ir fi_fi fil_ph fo_fo fr_ca fr_fr fra_de fur_it fy_nl ga_ie gd_gb gl_es haw_us he_il hi_in hr_hr hu_hu hy_am id_id ig_ng io_en is_is isv it_it ja_jp jbo_en ka_ge kk_kz kn_in ko_kr ksh kw_gb la_la lb_lu li_li lmo lo_la lol_us lt_lt lv_lv lzh mk_mk mn_mn ms_my mt_mt nah nds_de nl_be nl_nl nn_no no_no oc_fr ovd pl_pl pt_br pt_pt qya_aa ro_ro rpr ru_ru ry_ua sah_sah se_no sk_sk sl_si so_so sq_al sr_cs sr_sp sv_se sxu szl\n ta_in th_th tl_ph tlh_aa tok tr_tr tt_ru uk_ua val_es vec_it vi_vn vp_vl yi_de yo_ng zh_cn zh_hk zh_tw zlm_arab ```
## General Options: ``` Options: -h, --help Show help [boolean] -V, --version Show version number [boolean] -f, --descriptivefile descriptive output E.g. "en_gb-v1.19.1-en_MSE"[boolean] -l, --lang base language for pack generation [string] -v, --verid base version for pack generation [string] -R, --releaseOnly use only the *latest* release version [boolean] -m, --manifest custom manifest endpoint [string] -r, --resources custom resources endpoint [string] -d, --debug verbose debug output [boolean] ``` # Why Us | | Maoist English | Our Competitors | |-------------------------------------|:---------------:|:----------------:| | Indecipherable | ✅ | ❌ | | Upholds Marxist principles | ✅ | ❌ | | Officially endorsed by George Soros | ✅ | ❌ | | Bourgeois decadence | ❌ | ✅ | | Maoist vibes | ✅ | ❌ | ## License [GNU GPLv3](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/)