--bind "" // (string) address/port/socket to serve neko
--cert "" // (string) path to the SSL cert used to secure the neko server
--key "" // (string) path to the SSL key used to secure the neko server
--static "./www" // (string) path to neko client files to serve
--device "auto_null.monitor" // (string) audio device to capture
--display ":99.0" // (string) XDisplay to capture
--audio "" // (string) audio codec parameters to use for streaming (unused)
--video "" // (string) video codec parameters to use for streaming (unused)
--screen "1280x720@30" // (string) default screen resolution and framerate
--epr "59000-59100" // (string) limits the pool of ephemeral ports that ICE UDP connections can allocate from
--vp8 // (bool) use VP8 video codec
--vp9 // (bool) use VP9 video codec
--h264 // (bool) use H264 video codec
--opus // (bool) use Opus audio codec
--g722 // (bool) use G722 audio codec
--pcmu // (bool) use PCMU audio codec
--pcma // (bool) use PCMA audio codec
--nat1to1 // ([]string) sets a list of external IP addresses of 1:1 (D)NAT and a candidate type for which the external IP address is used
--icelite // (bool) configures whether or not the ice agent should be a lite agent
--iceserver "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302" // ([]string) describes a single STUN and TURN server that can be used by the ICEAgent to establish a connection with a peer
--password "neko" // (string) password for connecting to stream
--password_admin "admin" // (string) admin password for connecting to stream