- The resulting stream frames per seconds should be capped (0 for uncapped)
- e.g. 0
- If opus should be used as audio encoder for the stream (default encoder)
- e.g. 'true'
- If g722 should be used as audio encoder for the stream
- e.g. 'false'
- If pcmu should be used as audio encoder for the stream
- e.g. 'false'
- If pcma should be used as audio encoder for the stream
- e.g. 'false'
- Bitrate of the audio stream in kb/s
- e.g. 196
- Path to the SSL-Certificate
- e.g. '/certs/cert.pem'
- Path to the SSL-Certificate private key
- e.g. '/certs/key.pem'
- Use the ice lite protocol
- e.g. false
- Describes a single STUN and TURN server that can be used by the ICEAgent to establish a connection with a peer (simple usage for server without authentication)
- e.g. 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'
- Describes multiple STUN and TURN server that can be used by the ICEAgent to establish a connection with a peer
- Set a default URL for broadcast streams. Setting this value will automatically enable broadcasting when n.eko starts. It can be disabled/changed later in GUI.
--device string audio device to capture (default "auto_null.monitor")
--display string XDisplay to capture (default ":99.0")
--epr string limits the pool of ephemeral ports that ICE UDP connections can allocate from (default "59000-59100")
--g722 use G722 audio codec
--h264 use H264 video codec
-h, --help help for serve
--icelite configures whether or not the ice agent should be a lite agent
--iceserver strings describes a single STUN and TURN server that can be used by the ICEAgent to establish a connection with a peer (default [stun:stun.l.google.com:19302])
--iceservers string describes a single STUN and TURN server that can be used by the ICEAgent to establish a connection with a peer