# Getting started & FAQ Use the following docker images: - `m1k1o/neko:latest` - for Firefox. - `m1k1o/neko:chromium` - for Chromium (needs `--cap-add=SYS_ADMIN`). - `m1k1o/neko:google-chrome` - for Google Chrome (needs `--cap-add=SYS_ADMIN`). - `m1k1o/neko:ungoogled-chromium` - for [Ungoogled Chromium](https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium) (needs `--cap-add=SYS_ADMIN`) (by @whalehub). - `m1k1o/neko:brave` - for [Brave Browser](https://brave.com) (needs `--cap-add=SYS_ADMIN`). - `m1k1o/neko:tor-browser` - for Tor Browser. - `m1k1o/neko:vncviewer` - for simple VNC viewer (specify `NEKO_VNC_URL` to your VNC target). - `m1k1o/neko:vlc` - for VLC Video player (needs volume mounted to `/media` with local video files, or setting `VLC_MEDIA=/media` path). - `m1k1o/neko:xfce` - for a shared desktop / installing shared software. - `m1k1o/neko:base` - for custom base. For ARM-based devices (like Raspberry Pi, with GPU hardware acceleration): - `m1k1o/neko:arm-firefox` - for Firefox. - `m1k1o/neko:arm-chromium` - for Chromium. - `m1k1o/neko:arm-base` - for custom arm based. Images (except `arm-`) are built using GitHub actions on every push and on weekly basis to keep all browsers up-to-date, ### Networking: - If you want to use n.eko in **external** network, you can omit `NEKO_NAT1TO1`. It will automatically get your Public IP. - If you want to use n.eko in **internal** network, set `NEKO_NAT1TO1` to your local IP address (e.g. `NEKO_NAT1TO1:`)- - Currently, it is not supported to supply multiple NAT addresses (see https://github.com/m1k1o/neko/issues/47). ### Why so many ports? - WebRTC needs UDP ports in order to transfer Audio/Video towards user and Mouse/Keyboard events to the server in real time. - If you don't set `NEKO_ICELITE=true`, every user will need 2 UDP ports. - If you set `NEKO_ICELITE=true`, every user will need only 1 UDP port. It is **recommended** to use *ice-lite*. - Do not forget, they are **UDP** ports, that configuration must be correct in your firewall/router/docker. - You can freely limit number of UDP ports. But you can't map them to different ports. - This **WON'T** work: `32000-32100:52000-52100/udp` - You can change API port (8080). - This **WILL** work: `3000:8080` ### Want to customize and install own add-ons, set custom bookmarks? - You would need to modify the existing policy file and mount it to your container. - For Firefox, copy [this](https://github.com/m1k1o/neko/blob/master/.docker/firefox/policies.json) file, modify and mount it as: ` -v '${PWD}/policies.json:/usr/share/firefox-esr/distribution/policies.json'` - For Chromium, copy [this](https://github.com/m1k1o/neko/blob/master/.docker/chromium/policies.json) file, modify and mount it as: ` -v '${PWD}/policies.json:/etc/chromium/policies/managed/policies.json'` ### Want to use VPN for your n.eko browsing? - Check this out: https://github.com/m1k1o/neko-vpn ### Want to have multiple rooms on demand? - Check this out: https://github.com/m1k1o/neko-rooms ### Want to use different Apps than Browser? - Check this out: https://github.com/m1k1o/neko-apps ### Accounts: - There are no accounts, display name (a.k.a. username) can be freely chosen. Only password needs to match. Depending on which password matches, the visitor gets its privilege: - Anyone, who enters with `NEKO_PASSWORD` will be **user**. - Anyone, who enters with `NEKO_PASSWORD_ADMIN` will be **admin**. ### Screen size - Only admins can change screen size. - You can set a default screen size, but this size **MUST** be one from the list, that your server supports. - You will get this list in frontend, where you can choose from.