# n.eko (m1k1o fork)
This app uses Web RTC to stream a desktop inside of a docker container. This is fork of https://github.com/nurdism/neko.
## Differences to original repository.
### New Features
- Clipboard button with text area - for browsers, that don't support clipboard syncing (FireFox, what a shame...) or for HTTP.
- Keyboard modifier state synchronization (Num Lock, Caps Lock, Scroll Lock) for each hosting.
- Added chromium ungoogled (with h265 support) an kept up to date by @whalehub.
- Added Picture in Picture button (only for watching screen, controlling not possible).
- Added RTMP broadcast. Enables broadcasting neko screen to local RTMP server, YouTube or Twitch.
- Stereo sound (works properly only in Firefox host).
- Added limited support for some mobile browsers with `playsinline` attribute.
- Added `VIDEO_BITRATE` and `AUDIO_BITRATE` in kbit/s to control stream quality (in collaboration with @mbattista).
- Added `MAX_FPS`, where you can specify max WebRTC frame rate. When set to `0`, frame rate won't be capped and you can enjoy your real `60fps` experience. Originally, it was constant at `25fps`.
### Bugs
- Fixed minor gst pipeline bug.
- Locked screen only for users, admins can still join.
- Fixed h264 pipelines bugs (by @mbattista).
- Fixed sessions manager thread safety by adding mutexes (caused panic in rare edge cases).
- Now when user gets kicked, he won't join as a ghost user again but will be logged out.
- **iOS compatibility!** Fixed really strange CSS bug, which prevented iOS from loading the video.
### Misc
- Custom docker workflow.
- Based on debian buster instead of stretch.
- Custom avatars without any 3rd party depenency.
- Ignore duplicate notify bars.
- No pointer events for notify bars.
- Disable debug mode by default.
- Remove HTML tags from user name.
- Upgraded `pion/webrtc` to v3 (by @mbattista).
- Added `requestFullscreen` compatibility for older browsers.
# Getting started & FAQ
Use following docker images:
- `m1k1o/neko:latest` - for Firefox.
- `m1k1o/neko:chromium` - for Chromium Ungoogled (needs `--cap-add=SYS_ADMIN`).
- `m1k1o/neko:base` - for custom base.
- If you want to use n.eko in **external** network, you can omit `NEKO_NAT1TO1`. It will automatically get your Public IP.
- If you want to use n.eko in **internal** network, set `NEKO_NAT1TO1` to your local IP address (e.g. `NEKO_NAT1TO1:`)-
Why so many ports?
- WebRTC needs UDP ports for each channel it creates towards users.
- Every user will need 2 UDP ports (for getting audio/video and sending mouse positions).
- You can freely limit number of UDP ports. But you can't map them to diferent ports.
- This **WONT** work: `32000-32100:52000-52100/udp`
- You can change API port (8080).
- This **WILL** work: `3000:8080`
Behind reverse proxy?
- Nginx configuration: https://github.com/nurdism/neko/issues/111#issuecomment-742656957
- Apache configuration: https://github.com/nurdism/neko/blob/cad98a62a5bd7f1daf2c11980631bb14ba81a1f6/docs/apache-proxypass-config.md#example-apache-config
- Traefik configuration: https://github.com/m1k1o/neko-vpn/blob/a1b934515dcf597992a515d61d307c2450a11002/docker-compose.yml#L38-L43
Want to use VPN for your neko browsing?
- Check this out: https://github.com/m1k1o/neko-vpn
- There are no accounts, display name (a.k.a. username) can be freely chosen. Only paword needs to match. Depeding on which password matches, visitor gets its privilege:
- Anyone, who enters with `NEKO_PASSWORD` will be **user**.
- Anyone, who enters with `NEKO_PASSWORD_ADMIN` will be **admin**.
Screen size
- Only admins can change screen size.
- You can set default screen size, but this size **MUST** be one from list, that your server supports.
- You will get this list in frontend, where you can choose from.
## Firefox
version: "3.4"
image: "m1k1o/neko:latest"
restart: "unless-stopped"
shm_size: "2gb"
- "8080:8080"
- "52000-52100:52000-52100/udp"
NEKO_SCREEN: '1920x1080@30'
NEKO_EPR: 52000-52100
## Chromium Ungoogled
version: "3.4"
image: "m1k1o/neko:chromium"
restart: "unless-stopped"
shm_size: "2gb"
- "8080:8080"
- "52000-52100:52000-52100/udp"
NEKO_SCREEN: '1920x1080@30'
NEKO_EPR: 52000-52100
## Mobile support
Neko is now working on iOS and Android! Also, the UI screens have been fixed for small screens.