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2022-09-13 20:35:53 +02:00

186 lines
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package capture
import (
apt-get install \
libgstreamer1.0-0 \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad \
gstreamer1.0-libav \
gstreamer1.0-doc \
gstreamer1.0-tools \
gstreamer1.0-x \
gstreamer1.0-alsa \
gst-inspect-1.0 --version
gst-inspect-1.0 plugin
gst-launch-1.0 ximagesrc show-pointer=true use-damage=false ! video/x-raw,framerate=30/1 ! videoconvert ! queue ! vp8enc error-resilient=partitions keyframe-max-dist=10 auto-alt-ref=true cpu-used=5 deadline=1 ! autovideosink
gst-launch-1.0 pulsesrc ! audioconvert ! opusenc ! autoaudiosink
const (
videoSrc = "ximagesrc display-name=%s show-pointer=true use-damage=false ! video/x-raw,framerate=%d/1 ! videoconvert ! queue ! "
audioSrc = "pulsesrc device=%s ! audio/x-raw,channels=2 ! audioconvert ! "
// CreateRTMPPipeline creates a GStreamer Pipeline
func CreateRTMPPipeline(pipelineDevice string, pipelineDisplay string, pipelineSrc string, pipelineRTMP string) (*gst.Pipeline, error) {
video := fmt.Sprintf(videoSrc, pipelineDisplay, 25)
audio := fmt.Sprintf(audioSrc, pipelineDevice)
var pipelineStr string
if pipelineSrc != "" {
// replace RTMP url
pipelineStr = strings.Replace(pipelineSrc, "{url}", pipelineRTMP, -1)
// replace audio device
pipelineStr = strings.Replace(pipelineStr, "{device}", pipelineDevice, -1)
// replace display
pipelineStr = strings.Replace(pipelineStr, "{display}", pipelineDisplay, -1)
} else {
pipelineStr = fmt.Sprintf("flvmux name=mux ! rtmpsink location='%s live=1' %s audio/x-raw,channels=2 ! audioconvert ! voaacenc ! mux. %s x264enc bframes=0 key-int-max=60 byte-stream=true tune=zerolatency speed-preset=veryfast ! mux.", pipelineRTMP, audio, video)
return gst.CreatePipeline(pipelineStr)
// CreateAppPipeline creates a GStreamer Pipeline
func CreateAppPipeline(codecName string, pipelineDevice string, pipelineSrc string, fps int, bitrate uint, hwenc string) (*gst.Pipeline, error) {
pipelineStr := " ! appsink name=appsink"
// if using custom pipeline
if pipelineSrc != "" {
pipelineStr = fmt.Sprintf(pipelineSrc+pipelineStr, pipelineDevice)
return gst.CreatePipeline(pipelineStr)
switch codecName {
case "VP8":
if hwenc == "VAAPI" {
if err := gst.CheckPlugins([]string{"ximagesrc", "vaapi"}); err != nil {
return nil, err
// vp8 encode is missing from
// note that it was removed from some recent intel CPUs:
pipelineStr = fmt.Sprintf(videoSrc+"video/x-raw,format=NV12 ! vaapivp8enc rate-control=vbr bitrate=%d keyframe-period=180"+pipelineStr, pipelineDevice, fps, bitrate)
} else {
// gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
// vp8enc error-resilient=partitions keyframe-max-dist=10 auto-alt-ref=true cpu-used=5 deadline=1
if err := gst.CheckPlugins([]string{"ximagesrc", "vpx"}); err != nil {
return nil, err
pipelineStr = strings.Join([]string{
fmt.Sprintf(videoSrc, pipelineDevice, fps),
fmt.Sprintf("target-bitrate=%d", bitrate*650),
fmt.Sprintf("buffer-size=%d", bitrate*4),
fmt.Sprintf("buffer-initial-size=%d", bitrate*2),
fmt.Sprintf("buffer-optimal-size=%d", bitrate*3),
}, " ")
case "VP9":
// gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
// vp9enc
if err := gst.CheckPlugins([]string{"ximagesrc", "vpx"}); err != nil {
return nil, err
pipelineStr = fmt.Sprintf(videoSrc+"vp9enc target-bitrate=%d cpu-used=-5 threads=4 deadline=1 keyframe-max-dist=30 auto-alt-ref=true"+pipelineStr, pipelineDevice, fps, bitrate*1000)
case "H264":
if err := gst.CheckPlugins([]string{"ximagesrc"}); err != nil {
return nil, err
if hwenc == "VAAPI" {
if err := gst.CheckPlugins([]string{"vaapi"}); err != nil {
return nil, err
pipelineStr = fmt.Sprintf(videoSrc+"video/x-raw,format=NV12 ! vaapih264enc rate-control=vbr bitrate=%d keyframe-period=180 quality-level=7 ! video/x-h264,stream-format=byte-stream"+pipelineStr, pipelineDevice, fps, bitrate)
} else {
// gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
// openh264enc multi-thread=4 complexity=high bitrate=3072000 max-bitrate=4096000
if err := gst.CheckPlugins([]string{"openh264"}); err == nil {
pipelineStr = fmt.Sprintf(videoSrc+"openh264enc multi-thread=4 complexity=high bitrate=%d max-bitrate=%d ! video/x-h264,stream-format=byte-stream"+pipelineStr, pipelineDevice, fps, bitrate*1000, (bitrate+1024)*1000)
// gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly
// video/x-raw,format=I420 ! x264enc bframes=0 key-int-max=60 byte-stream=true tune=zerolatency speed-preset=veryfast ! video/x-h264,stream-format=byte-stream
if err := gst.CheckPlugins([]string{"x264"}); err != nil {
return nil, err
vbvbuf := uint(1000)
if bitrate > 1000 {
vbvbuf = bitrate
pipelineStr = fmt.Sprintf(videoSrc+"video/x-raw,format=NV12 ! x264enc threads=4 bitrate=%d key-int-max=60 vbv-buf-capacity=%d byte-stream=true tune=zerolatency speed-preset=veryfast ! video/x-h264,stream-format=byte-stream"+pipelineStr, pipelineDevice, fps, bitrate, vbvbuf)
case "Opus":
// gstreamer1.0-plugins-base
// opusenc
if err := gst.CheckPlugins([]string{"pulseaudio", "opus"}); err != nil {
return nil, err
pipelineStr = fmt.Sprintf(audioSrc+"opusenc inband-fec=true bitrate=%d"+pipelineStr, pipelineDevice, bitrate*1000)
case "G722":
// gstreamer1.0-libav
// avenc_g722
if err := gst.CheckPlugins([]string{"pulseaudio", "libav"}); err != nil {
return nil, err
pipelineStr = fmt.Sprintf(audioSrc+"avenc_g722 bitrate=%d"+pipelineStr, pipelineDevice, bitrate*1000)
case "PCMU":
// gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
// audio/x-raw, rate=8000 ! mulawenc
if err := gst.CheckPlugins([]string{"pulseaudio", "mulaw"}); err != nil {
return nil, err
pipelineStr = fmt.Sprintf(audioSrc+"audio/x-raw, rate=8000 ! mulawenc"+pipelineStr, pipelineDevice)
case "PCMA":
// gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
// audio/x-raw, rate=8000 ! alawenc
if err := gst.CheckPlugins([]string{"pulseaudio", "alaw"}); err != nil {
return nil, err
pipelineStr = fmt.Sprintf(audioSrc+"audio/x-raw, rate=8000 ! alawenc"+pipelineStr, pipelineDevice)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown codec %s", codecName)
return gst.CreatePipeline(pipelineStr)