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2021-10-27 05:02:01 +13:00
<canvas ref="overlay" class="neko-cursors" tabindex="0" />
<style lang="scss">
2021-10-27 05:02:01 +13:00
.neko-cursors {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
outline: 0;
<script lang="ts">
import { Vue, Component, Ref, Prop, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator'
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import { SessionCursors, Cursor, Session } from './types/state'
2021-11-02 09:15:57 +13:00
import { InactiveCursorDrawFunction, Dimension } from './types/cursors'
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import { getMovementXYatPercent } from './utils/canvas-movement'
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// How often are position data arriving
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const POS_INTERVAL_MS = 750
// How many pixel change is considered as movement
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name: 'neko-cursors',
export default class extends Vue {
@Ref('overlay') readonly _overlay!: HTMLCanvasElement
private _ctx!: CanvasRenderingContext2D
private canvasScale = window.devicePixelRatio
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private readonly sessions!: Record<string, Session>
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private readonly sessionId!: string
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private readonly hostId!: string | null
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private readonly screenSize!: Dimension
private readonly canvasSize!: Dimension
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private readonly cursors!: SessionCursors[]
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2021-11-02 09:15:57 +13:00
private readonly cursorDraw!: InactiveCursorDrawFunction | null
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private readonly fps!: number
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mounted() {
// get canvas overlay context
const ctx = this._overlay.getContext('2d')
if (ctx != null) {
this._ctx = ctx
// synchronize intrinsic with extrinsic dimensions
const { width, height } = this._overlay.getBoundingClientRect()
this.canvasResize({ width, height })
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2021-11-15 07:16:19 +13:00
// store last drawing points
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this._last_points = {}
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beforeDestroy() {}
onCanvasSizeChange({ width, height }: Dimension) {
this.canvasResize({ width, height })
canvasResize({ width, height }: Dimension) {
this._overlay.width = width * this.canvasScale
this._overlay.height = height * this.canvasScale
this._ctx.setTransform(this.canvasScale, 0, 0, this.canvasScale, 0, 0)
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2021-11-12 11:50:35 +13:00
// start as undefined to prevent jumping
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private _last_animation_time!: number
// current animation progress (0-1)
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private _percent!: number
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// points to be animated for each session
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private _points!: SessionCursors[]
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// last points coordinates for each session
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private _last_points!: Record<string, Cursor>
canvasAnimateFrame(now: number = NaN) {
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// request another frame
if (this._percent <= 1) window.requestAnimationFrame(this.canvasAnimateFrame)
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// calc elapsed time since last loop
const elapsed = now - this._last_animation_time
// skip if fps is set and elapsed time is less than fps
if (this.fps > 0 && elapsed < 1000 / this.fps) return
// calc current animation progress
const delta = elapsed / POS_INTERVAL_MS
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this._last_animation_time = now
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2021-11-12 11:50:35 +13:00
// skip very first delta to prevent jumping
if (isNaN(delta)) return
// set the animation position
this._percent += delta
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// draw points for current frame
canvasDrawPoints(percent: number = 1) {
// clear canvas
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2021-11-12 11:50:35 +13:00
// draw current position
for (const p of this._points) {
const { x, y } = getMovementXYatPercent(p.cursors, percent)
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this.canvasDrawCursor(x, y,
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2021-11-12 12:04:32 +13:00
2021-11-12 11:50:35 +13:00
2021-11-12 12:04:32 +13:00
canvasUpdateCursors() {
let new_last_points = {} as Record<string, Cursor>
// track unchanged cursors
let unchanged = 0
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// create points for animation
this._points = []
2021-11-12 12:04:32 +13:00
for (const { id, cursors } of this.cursors) {
if (
// if there are no positions
cursors.length == 0 ||
// ignore own cursor
id == this.sessionId ||
// ignore host's cursor
id == this.hostId
) {
// get last point
const new_last_point = cursors[cursors.length - 1]
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// add last cursor position to cursors (if available)
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let pos = { id } as SessionCursors
if (id in this._last_points) {
const last_point = this._last_points[id]
// if cursor did not move considerably
if (
Math.abs(last_point.x - new_last_point.x) < POS_THRESHOLD_PX &&
Math.abs(last_point.y - new_last_point.y) < POS_THRESHOLD_PX
) {
// we knew that this cursor did not change, but other
// might, so we keep only one point to be drawn
pos.cursors = [new_last_point]
// and increase unchanged counter
} else {
// if cursor moved, we want to include last point
// in the animation, so that movement can be seamless
pos.cursors = [last_point, ...cursors]
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} else {
// if cursor does not have last point, it is not
// displayed in canvas and it should be now
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pos.cursors = [...cursors]
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2021-11-12 12:04:32 +13:00
new_last_points[id] = new_last_point
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// apply new last points
this._last_points = new_last_points
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// no cursors to animate
if (this._points.length == 0) {
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2021-11-12 11:54:11 +13:00
// if all cursors are unchanged
if (unchanged == this.cursors.length) {
// draw only last known position without animation
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// start animation if not running
const percent = this._percent
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this._percent = 0
if (percent > 1 || !percent) {
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2021-11-12 11:50:35 +13:00
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2021-11-12 12:04:32 +13:00
canvasDrawCursor(x: number, y: number, id: string) {
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// get intrinsic dimensions
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const { width, height } = this.canvasSize
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x = Math.round((x / this.screenSize.width) * width)
y = Math.round((y / this.screenSize.height) * height)
// reset transformation, X and Y will be 0 again
this._ctx.setTransform(this.canvasScale, 0, 0, this.canvasScale, 0, 0)
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// use custom draw function, if available
if (this.cursorDraw) {
this.cursorDraw(this._ctx, x, y, id)
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2021-11-12 11:50:35 +13:00
// get cursor tag
const cursorTag = this.sessions[id]? || ''
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// draw inactive cursor tag
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this._ctx.font = '14px Arial, sans-serif'
this._ctx.textBaseline = 'top'
this._ctx.shadowColor = 'black'
this._ctx.shadowBlur = 2
this._ctx.lineWidth = 2
this._ctx.fillStyle = 'black'
this._ctx.strokeText(cursorTag, x, y)
this._ctx.shadowBlur = 0
this._ctx.fillStyle = 'white'
this._ctx.fillText(cursorTag, x, y)
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canvasClear() {
// reset transformation, X and Y will be 0 again
this._ctx.setTransform(this.canvasScale, 0, 0, this.canvasScale, 0, 0)
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const { width, height } = this.canvasSize
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this._ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height)