import EventEmitter from 'eventemitter3' export interface ReconnecterAbstractEvents { connect: () => void disconnect: (error?: Error) => void } export abstract class ReconnecterAbstract extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super() if (this.constructor == ReconnecterAbstract) { throw new Error("Abstract classes can't be instantiated."); } } public async connect() { throw new Error("Method 'connect()' must be implemented."); } public async disconnect() { throw new Error("Method 'disconnect()' must be implemented."); } } export interface ReconnecterEvents { open: () => void connect: () => void disconnect: () => void close: (error?: Error) => void } export interface ReconnecterConfig { max_reconnects: number timeout_ms: number backoff_ms: number } export class Reconnecter extends EventEmitter { private _conn: ReconnecterAbstract private _config: ReconnecterConfig private _timeout: number | undefined private _open = false private _connected = false private _total_reconnects = 0 private _last_connected: Date | undefined constructor(conn: ReconnecterAbstract, config?: ReconnecterConfig) { super() this._conn = conn this._config = { max_reconnects: 10, timeout_ms: 1500, backoff_ms: 750, ...config, } this._conn.on('connect', () => { if (this._timeout) { window.clearTimeout(this._timeout) this._timeout = undefined } this._connected = true if (this._open) { this._last_connected = new Date() this.emit('connect') } else { this._conn.disconnect() } }) this._conn.on('disconnect', () => { if (this._timeout) { window.clearTimeout(this._timeout) this._timeout = undefined } this._connected = false if (this._open) { this.emit('disconnect') this.reconnect() } }) } public get isOpen(): boolean { return this._open } public get isConnected(): boolean { return this._connected } public get totalReconnects(): number { return this._total_reconnects } public get lastConnected(): Date | undefined { return this._last_connected } public open(): void { if (this._open) { throw new Error('connection is already open') } this._open = true this.emit('open') this._conn.connect() this._timeout = window.setTimeout(() => { this._conn.disconnect() this.reconnect() }, this._config.timeout_ms) } public close(error?: Error): void { if (!this._open) { throw new Error('connection is already closed') } this._open = false this._last_connected = undefined this.emit('close', error) if (this._connected) { this._conn.disconnect() } } public reconnect(): void { if (this._connected) { throw new Error('connection is already connected') } this._total_reconnects++ if (this._config.max_reconnects < this._total_reconnects || this._total_reconnects < 0) { setTimeout(this._conn.connect, this._config.backoff_ms) } else { this.close(new Error('reconnection failed')) } } }