import Vue from 'vue' import EventEmitter from 'eventemitter3' import { Logger } from '../utils/logger' import * as EVENT from '../types/events' import { NekoWebSocket } from './websocket' import { NekoWebRTC, WebRTCStats } from './webrtc' import { Connection } from '../types/state' export interface NekoConnectionEvents { disconnect: (error?: Error) => void } export class NekoConnection extends EventEmitter { private _url: string private _token: string private _state: Connection private _log: Logger private _shouldReconnect = false public websocket = new NekoWebSocket() public webrtc = new NekoWebRTC() constructor(state: Connection) { super() this._url = '' this._token = '' this._log = new Logger('connection') this._state = state // initial state Vue.set(this._state, 'type', 'webrtc') // websocket this.websocket.on('connecting', () => { if (this._state.status !== 'connecting') { Vue.set(this._state, 'status', 'connecting') } }) this.websocket.on('connected', () => { if (this.websocket.connected && this.webrtc.connected) { Vue.set(this._state, 'status', 'connected') } }) this.websocket.on('disconnected', () => { if (this._state.status !== 'disconnected') { Vue.set(this._state, 'status', 'disconnected') } this._websocketReconnect() }) // webrtc this.webrtc.on('connecting', () => { if (this._state.status !== 'connecting') { Vue.set(this._state, 'status', 'connecting') } }) this.webrtc.on('connected', () => { if (this.websocket.connected && this.webrtc.connected) { Vue.set(this._state, 'status', 'connected') } }) this.webrtc.on('disconnected', () => { if (this._state.status !== 'disconnected') { Vue.set(this._state, 'status', 'disconnected') } this._webrtcReconnect() }) let webrtcCongestion: number = 0 this.webrtc.on('stats', (stats: WebRTCStats) => { Vue.set(this._state.webrtc, 'stats', stats) // if automatic quality adjusting is turned off if (! return // if there are no or just one quality, no switching can be done if (this._state.webrtc.videos.length <= 1) return // current quality is not known if ( == null) return // check if video is not playing if (stats.fps) { webrtcCongestion = 0 return } // try to downgrade quality if it happend many times if (++webrtcCongestion >= 3) { const index = this._state.webrtc.videos.indexOf( // edge case: current quality is not in qualities list if (index === -1) return // current quality is the lowest one if (index + 1 == this._state.webrtc.videos.length) return // downgrade video quality this.setVideo(this._state.webrtc.videos[index + 1]) webrtcCongestion = 0 } }) } public setUrl(url: string) { this._url = url.replace(/^http/, 'ws').replace(/\/+$/, '') + '/api/ws' } public setToken(token: string) { this._token = token } public setVideo(video: string) { if (!this._state.webrtc.videos.includes(video)) { throw new Error('video id not found') } this.websocket.send(EVENT.SIGNAL_VIDEO, { video: video }) } public async connect(video?: string): Promise { this._shouldReconnect = true await this._websocketConnect() if (video && !this._state.webrtc.videos.includes(video)) { throw new Error('video id not found') } this._webrtcConnect(video) } public disconnect() { this._shouldReconnect = false this.webrtc.disconnect() this.websocket.disconnect() Vue.set(this._state, 'status', 'disconnected') this.emit('disconnect') } async _websocketConnect() { let url = this._url if (this._token) { url += '?token=' + encodeURIComponent(this._token) } await this.websocket.connect(url) } _websocketIsReconnecting = false _websocketReconnect() { if (this._websocketIsReconnecting) { return } setTimeout(async () => { while (this._shouldReconnect) { try { await this._websocketConnect() this._webrtcReconnect() break } catch (e) { this._log.debug(`websocket reconnection`, e) } } this._websocketIsReconnecting = false }, 0) } _webrtcConnect(video?: string) { if (video && !this._state.webrtc.videos.includes(video)) { throw new Error('video id not found') } this.websocket.send(EVENT.SIGNAL_REQUEST, { video: video }) } _webrtcReconnTimer?: number _webrtcReconnect() { if (this._webrtcReconnTimer) { return } const lastVideo = ?? undefined const reconnFunc = async () => { if (!this._shouldReconnect || !this.websocket.connected || this.webrtc.connected) { clearInterval(this._webrtcReconnTimer) this._webrtcReconnTimer = undefined return } try { this._webrtcConnect(lastVideo) } catch (e) {} } this._webrtcReconnTimer = window.setInterval(reconnFunc, 1000) reconnFunc() } }