# **n**.eko This app uses Web RTC to stream a desktop inside of a docker container, I made this because [rabb.it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabb.it) went under and my internet can't handle streaming and discord keeps crashing when my friend attempts to. I just want to watch anime with my friends ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) so I started digging throughout the internet and found a few *kinda* clones, but none of them had the virtual browser, then I found [Turtus](https://github.com/Khauri/Turtus) and I was able to figure out the rest. This is by no means a fully featured clone of rabbit, it hs only *one* room. It's stateless, so no saved user names or passwords. ### Why **n**.eko? I like cats 🐱 (`Neko` is the Japanese word for cat), I'm a weeb/nerd ***But why the cat butt?*** Because cats are *assholes*, but you love them anyways. ### Super easy mode setup 1. Deploy a server or VPS *Recommended Specs:* | Resolution | Cores | Ram | Recommendation | |------------|-------|-------|------------------| | **576p** | 2 | 2gb | Not Recommended | | **720p** | 4 | 4gb | Good Performance | | **720p** | 6 | 4-6gb | Recommended | | **720p+** | 8 | 8gb+ | Best Performance | ***Why are the specs so high?*** : If you think about it, you have to run a full desktop, a browser (a resource hog on its own) *and* encode/transmit the desktop, there's a lot going on and so it demands some power. 2. [Login via SSH](https://www.digitalocean.com/docs/droplets/how-to/connect-with-ssh/) 3. Install Docker ``` curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | CHANNEL=stable bash ``` 4. Run these commands: ``` ufw allow 80/tcp wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nurdism/neko/master/docker-compose.yaml docker-compose up -d ``` 5. Visit the IP address of the droplet in your browser and login, the default password is `neko` > 💡 **Protip**: Run `nano docker-compose.yaml` to edit the settings, then press *ctrl+x* to exit and save the file. ### Running the container: ``` sudo docker run -p 8080:8080 -e NEKO_PASSWORD='secret' -e NEKO_ADMIN='secret' --shm-size=1gb nurdism/neko:latest ``` *Note:* `--shm-size=1gb` is required, firefox tabs will crash, not sure what it does to be honest 😅 ### Docker Basic Configuration ``` SCREEN_WIDTH=1280 // Display width SCREEN_HEIGHT=720 // Display height SCREEN_DEPTH=24 // Display bit depth DISPLAY=:99.0 // Display number NEKO_PASSWORD=neko // Password NEKO_ADMIN=neko // Admin Password NEKO_BIND= // Bind NEKO_KEY= // (SSL)Key, needed for clipboard sync NEKO_CERT= // (SSL)Cert, needed for clipboard sync ``` for full documentation on configuring the server [go here](./server/README.md) ### Development *Highly* recommend you use a [dev container](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers) for [vscode](https://code.visualstudio.com/), I've included the `.devcontainer` I've used to develop this app. To build **n**.eko docker container run: ``` cd .docker && ./build ``` the `.docker` folder also contains `./test` bash script which will launch a desktop with a browser for testing out any changes with the server. To run the client with hot loading (for development of new client features) ``` cd ./client && npm run serve ``` ### Non Goals * Turning n.eko into a service that serves multiple rooms and browsers/desktops. * Supporting multiple platforms * Voice chat, use [Discord](https://discordapp.com/)