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2023-01-12 09:46:56 +01:00
{% import "utils.html" as utils %}
2020-11-22 16:29:05 -08:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" class="{% if prefs.fixed_navbar == "on" %}fixed_navbar{% endif %}">
2020-11-22 16:29:05 -08:00
{% block head %}
2023-12-26 18:25:52 -05:00
<title>{% block title %}Redlib{% endblock %}</title>
2020-12-21 08:38:24 -08:00
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
2023-12-26 18:25:52 -05:00
<meta name="description" content="View on Redlib, an alternative private front-end to Reddit.">
2020-12-05 20:54:43 -08:00
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{% if crate::utils::disable_indexing() %}
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2021-02-01 16:26:35 -08:00
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2023-12-26 18:25:52 -05:00
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2021-11-23 22:23:29 -08:00
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2021-03-17 17:28:05 -07:00
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2021-04-06 01:23:14 +02:00
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2023-12-26 18:25:52 -05:00
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Search Redlib" href="/opensearch.xml">
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2021-03-17 17:28:05 -07:00
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2020-11-22 16:29:05 -08:00
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2020-12-31 15:54:13 -08:00
2021-01-10 18:15:34 -08:00
<body class="
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2024-07-07 18:35:53 +12:00
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{% if prefs.theme != "system" %} {{ prefs.theme }}{% endif %}
{% if prefs.fixed_navbar == "on" %} fixed_navbar{% endif %}">
2021-01-03 19:44:44 -08:00
<nav class="
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2021-01-31 09:52:18 +11:00
<div id="logo">
2025-01-06 07:15:24 +13:00
<a id="redlib" href="/">
2025-01-06 08:04:41 +13:00
<span id="lib" {% if prefs.redsunlib_colorway == "on" %}style="color: #ff8585;"{% endif %}">red</span><span id="reddit" {% if prefs.redsunlib_colorway == "on" %}style="color: #ffbfbf;"{% endif %}>sun</span><span id="lib" {% if prefs.redsunlib_colorway == "on" %}style="color: #ff8585;"{% endif %}>lib.</span>
2025-01-06 07:15:24 +13:00
2021-01-31 09:52:18 +11:00
{% block subscriptions %}{% endblock %}
2020-12-31 15:54:13 -08:00
{% block search %}{% endblock %}
2021-01-31 09:52:18 +11:00
<div id="links">
2023-02-09 22:25:42 -07:00
<a id="reddit_link" {% if prefs.disable_visit_reddit_confirmation != "on" %}href="#popup"{% else %}href="{{ url }}" rel="nofollow"{% endif %}>
2025-01-06 07:59:03 +13:00
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2025-01-06 07:59:03 +13:00
2023-01-12 09:46:56 +01:00
{% if prefs.disable_visit_reddit_confirmation != "on" %}
{% call utils::visit_reddit_confirmation(url) %}
{% endif %}
2021-03-17 17:28:05 -07:00
<a id="settings_link" href="/settings">
2025-01-06 07:59:03 +13:00
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2021-02-01 20:32:57 +01:00
2025-01-06 07:59:03 +13:00
2021-01-31 13:22:11 -08:00
2021-01-31 09:52:18 +11:00
2020-12-20 17:45:26 -08:00
2024-06-17 22:29:52 +12:00
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2021-01-30 19:33:38 +11:00
2021-01-03 19:44:44 -08:00
2020-12-08 09:58:36 -08:00
{% block body %}
2020-11-22 16:29:05 -08:00
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
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{% block footer %}
<p id="version">v{{ env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION") }}</p>
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2024-06-02 22:32:27 +12:00
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{% endblock %}
2020-11-22 16:29:05 -08:00