{% extends "base.html" %} {% import "utils.html" as utils %} {% block title %}Redlib: search results - {{ params.q }}{% endblock %} {% block subscriptions %} {% call utils::sub_list("") %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if sub != "" %}
{% endif %} {% if params.typed == "sr_user" %}{% endif %} {% if params.sort != "new" %} {% endif %}
{% if !is_filtered %} {% if subreddits.len() > 0 || params.typed == "sr_user" %}
{% if params.typed == "sr_user" %} ← Back to post/comment results {% endif %} {% for subreddit in subreddits %}
{% if subreddit.icon != "" %}r/{{ subreddit.name }} icon{% endif %}

r/{{ subreddit.name }} {{ subreddit.subscribers.0 }} Members

{{ subreddit.description }}

{% endfor %} {% if params.typed != "sr_user" %} More subreddit results → {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if all_posts_hidden_nsfw %} All posts are hidden because they are NSFW. Enable "Show NSFW posts" in settings to view. {% endif %} {% if no_posts %}
No posts were found.
{% endif %} {% if all_posts_filtered %} (All content on this page has been filtered) {% else if is_filtered %} (Content from r/{{ sub }} has been filtered) {% else if params.typed != "sr_user" %} {% for post in posts %} {% if post.flags.nsfw && prefs.show_nsfw != "on" %} {% else if !post.title.is_empty() %} {% call utils::post_in_list(post) %} {% else %}

{% if prefs.hide_score != "on" %} {{ post.score.0 }} {% else %} • {% endif %}

COMMENT {{ post.rel_time }}

{{ post.body }}

{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if prefs.ffmpeg_video_downloads == "on" %} {% endif %} {% if prefs.use_hls == "on" || prefs.ffmpeg_video_downloads == "on" %} {% endif %} {% if params.typed != "sr_user" %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}