// // CRATES // use actix_web::{cookie::Cookie, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Result}; use askama::Template; use base64::encode; use regex::Regex; use serde_json::from_str; use std::collections::HashMap; use time::{OffsetDateTime, Duration}; use url::Url; // // STRUCTS // // Post flair with text, background color and foreground color pub struct Flair(pub String, pub String, pub String); // Post flags with nsfw and stickied pub struct Flags { pub nsfw: bool, pub stickied: bool, } // Post containing content, metadata and media pub struct Post { pub id: String, pub title: String, pub community: String, pub body: String, pub author: String, pub author_flair: Flair, pub permalink: String, pub score: String, pub upvote_ratio: i64, pub post_type: String, pub flair: Flair, pub flags: Flags, pub thumbnail: String, pub media: String, pub domain: String, pub time: String, } // Comment with content, post, score and data/time that it was posted pub struct Comment { pub id: String, pub body: String, pub author: String, pub flair: Flair, pub score: String, pub time: String, pub replies: Vec, } #[derive(Default)] // User struct containing metadata about user pub struct User { pub name: String, pub title: String, pub icon: String, pub karma: i64, pub created: String, pub banner: String, pub description: String, } #[derive(Default)] // Subreddit struct containing metadata about community pub struct Subreddit { pub name: String, pub title: String, pub description: String, pub info: String, pub icon: String, pub members: String, pub active: String, pub wiki: bool, } // Parser for query params, used in sorting (eg. /r/rust/?sort=hot) #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] pub struct Params { pub t: Option, pub q: Option, pub sort: Option, pub after: Option, pub before: Option, } // Error template #[derive(Template)] #[template(path = "error.html", escape = "none")] pub struct ErrorTemplate { pub message: String, pub prefs: Preferences, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct Preferences { pub theme: String, pub front_page: String, pub layout: String, pub wide: String, pub hide_nsfw: String, pub comment_sort: String, } // // FORMATTING // // Build preferences from cookies pub fn prefs(req: HttpRequest) -> Preferences { Preferences { theme: cookie(&req, "theme"), front_page: cookie(&req, "front_page"), layout: cookie(&req, "layout"), wide: cookie(&req, "wide"), hide_nsfw: cookie(&req, "hide_nsfw"), comment_sort: cookie(&req, "comment_sort"), } } // Grab a query param from a url pub fn param(path: &str, value: &str) -> String { let url = Url::parse(format!("https://libredd.it/{}", path).as_str()).unwrap(); let pairs: HashMap<_, _> = url.query_pairs().into_owned().collect(); pairs.get(value).unwrap_or(&String::new()).to_owned() } // Parse Cookie value from request pub fn cookie(req: &HttpRequest, name: &str) -> String { actix_web::HttpMessage::cookie(req, name).unwrap_or_else(|| Cookie::new(name, "")).value().to_string() } // Direct urls to proxy if proxy is enabled pub fn format_url(url: &str) -> String { if url.is_empty() || url == "self" || url == "default" || url == "nsfw" || url == "spoiler" { String::new() } else { format!("/proxy/{}", encode(url).as_str()) } } // Rewrite Reddit links to Libreddit in body of text pub fn rewrite_url(text: &str) -> String { let re = Regex::new(r#"href="(https://|http://|)(www.|)(reddit).(com)/"#).unwrap(); re.replace_all(text, r#"href="/"#).to_string() } // Append `m` and `k` for millions and thousands respectively pub fn format_num(num: i64) -> String { if num > 1_000_000 { format!("{}m", num / 1_000_000) } else if num > 1000 { format!("{}k", num / 1_000) } else { num.to_string() } } pub async fn media(data: &serde_json::Value) -> (String, String) { let post_type: &str; let url = if !data["preview"]["reddit_video_preview"]["fallback_url"].is_null() { post_type = "video"; format_url(data["preview"]["reddit_video_preview"]["fallback_url"].as_str().unwrap_or_default()) } else if !data["secure_media"]["reddit_video"]["fallback_url"].is_null() { post_type = "video"; format_url(data["secure_media"]["reddit_video"]["fallback_url"].as_str().unwrap_or_default()) } else if data["post_hint"].as_str().unwrap_or("") == "image" { let preview = data["preview"]["images"][0].clone(); post_type = "image"; match preview["variants"]["mp4"].as_object() { Some(gif) => format_url(gif["source"]["url"].as_str().unwrap_or_default()), None => format_url(preview["source"]["url"].as_str().unwrap_or_default()), } } else if data["is_self"].as_bool().unwrap_or_default() { post_type = "self"; data["permalink"].as_str().unwrap_or_default().to_string() } else { post_type = "link"; data["url"].as_str().unwrap_or_default().to_string() }; (post_type.to_string(), url) } pub fn time(unix_time: i64) -> String { let time = OffsetDateTime::from_unix_timestamp(unix_time); let time_delta = OffsetDateTime::now_utc() - time; if time_delta > Duration::days(1) { time.format("%b %d '%y") // %b %e '%y } else if time_delta.whole_hours() > 0 { format!("{}h ago", time_delta.whole_hours()) } else { format!("{}m ago", time_delta.whole_minutes()) } } // // JSON PARSING // // val() function used to parse JSON from Reddit APIs pub fn val(j: &serde_json::Value, k: &str) -> String { String::from(j["data"][k].as_str().unwrap_or_default()) } // nested_val() function used to parse JSON from Reddit APIs pub fn nested_val(j: &serde_json::Value, n: &str, k: &str) -> String { String::from(j["data"][n][k].as_str().unwrap_or_default()) } // Fetch posts of a user or subreddit and return a vector of posts and the "after" value pub async fn fetch_posts(path: &str, fallback_title: String) -> Result<(Vec, String), &'static str> { let res; let post_list; // Send a request to the url match request(&path).await { // If success, receive JSON in response Ok(response) => { res = response; } // If the Reddit API returns an error, exit this function Err(msg) => return Err(msg), } // Fetch the list of posts from the JSON response match res["data"]["children"].as_array() { Some(list) => post_list = list, None => return Err("No posts found"), } let mut posts: Vec = Vec::new(); // For each post from posts list for post in post_list { let unix_time: i64 = post["data"]["created_utc"].as_f64().unwrap_or_default().round() as i64; let score = post["data"]["score"].as_i64().unwrap_or_default(); let ratio: f64 = post["data"]["upvote_ratio"].as_f64().unwrap_or(1.0) * 100.0; let title = val(post, "title"); // Determine the type of media along with the media URL let (post_type, media) = media(&post["data"]).await; posts.push(Post { id: val(post, "id"), title: if title.is_empty() { fallback_title.to_owned() } else { title }, community: val(post, "subreddit"), body: rewrite_url(&val(post, "body_html")), author: val(post, "author"), author_flair: Flair( val(post, "author_flair_text"), val(post, "author_flair_background_color"), val(post, "author_flair_text_color"), ), score: format_num(score), upvote_ratio: ratio as i64, post_type, thumbnail: format_url(val(post, "thumbnail").as_str()), media, domain: val(post, "domain"), flair: Flair( val(post, "link_flair_text"), val(post, "link_flair_background_color"), if val(post, "link_flair_text_color") == "dark" { "black".to_string() } else { "white".to_string() }, ), flags: Flags { nsfw: post["data"]["over_18"].as_bool().unwrap_or_default(), stickied: post["data"]["stickied"].as_bool().unwrap_or_default(), }, permalink: val(post, "permalink"), time: time(unix_time), }); } Ok((posts, res["data"]["after"].as_str().unwrap_or_default().to_string())) } // // NETWORKING // pub async fn error(msg: String) -> HttpResponse { let body = ErrorTemplate { message: msg, prefs: Preferences::default(), } .render() .unwrap_or_default(); HttpResponse::NotFound().content_type("text/html").body(body) } // Make a request to a Reddit API and parse the JSON response pub async fn request(path: &str) -> Result { let url = format!("https://www.reddit.com{}", path); // Send request using ureq match ureq::get(&url).call() { // If response is success Ok(response) => { // Parse the response from Reddit as JSON match from_str(&response.into_string().unwrap()) { Ok(json) => Ok(json), Err(_) => { #[cfg(debug_assertions)] dbg!(format!("{} - Failed to parse page JSON data", url)); Err("Failed to parse page JSON data") } } } // If response is error Err(ureq::Error::Status(_, _)) => { #[cfg(debug_assertions)] dbg!(format!("{} - Page not found", url)); Err("Page not found") } // If failed to send request Err(e) => { #[cfg(debug_assertions)] dbg!(e); Err("Couldn't send request to Reddit") } } }