use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::atomic::Ordering, time::Duration}; use crate::{ client::{CLIENT, OAUTH_CLIENT, OAUTH_IS_ROLLING_OVER, OAUTH_RATELIMIT_REMAINING}, oauth_resources::ANDROID_APP_VERSION_LIST, }; use base64::{engine::general_purpose, Engine as _}; use hyper::{client, Body, Method, Request}; use log::{error, info, trace}; use serde_json::json; use tokio::time::{error::Elapsed, timeout}; static REDDIT_ANDROID_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: &str = "ohXpoqrZYub1kg"; static AUTH_ENDPOINT: &str = ""; // Spoofed client for Android devices #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct Oauth { pub(crate) initial_headers: HashMap, pub(crate) headers_map: HashMap, pub(crate) token: String, expires_in: u64, device: Device, } impl Oauth { /// Create a new OAuth client pub(crate) async fn new() -> Self { // Call new_internal until it succeeds loop { let attempt = Self::new_with_timeout().await; match attempt { Ok(Some(oauth)) => { info!("[✅] Successfully created OAuth client"); return oauth; } Ok(None) => { error!("Failed to create OAuth client. Retrying in 5 seconds..."); continue; } Err(duration) => { error!("Failed to create OAuth client in {duration:?}. Retrying in 5 seconds..."); } } } } async fn new_with_timeout() -> Result, Elapsed> { let mut oauth = Self::default(); timeout(Duration::from_secs(5), oauth.login())|result||_| oauth)) } pub(crate) fn default() -> Self { // Generate a device to spoof let device = Device::new(); let headers_map = device.headers.clone(); let initial_headers = device.initial_headers.clone(); // For now, just insert headers - no token request Self { headers_map, initial_headers, token: String::new(), expires_in: 0, device, } } async fn login(&mut self) -> Option<()> { // Construct URL for OAuth token let url = format!("{AUTH_ENDPOINT}/auth/v2/oauth/access-token/loid"); let mut builder = Request::builder().method(Method::POST).uri(&url); // Add headers from spoofed client for (key, value) in &self.initial_headers { builder = builder.header(key, value); } // Set up HTTP Basic Auth - basically just the const OAuth ID's with no password, // Base64-encoded. // This could be constant, but I don't think it's worth it. OAuth ID's can change // over time and we want to be flexible. let auth = general_purpose::STANDARD.encode(format!("{}:", self.device.oauth_id)); builder = builder.header("Authorization", format!("Basic {auth}")); // Set JSON body. I couldn't tell you what this means. But that's what the client sends let json = json!({ "scopes": ["*","email"] }); let body = Body::from(json.to_string()); // Build request let request = builder.body(body).unwrap(); // Send request let client: client::Client<_, Body> = CLIENT.clone(); let resp = client.request(request).await.ok()?; // Parse headers - loid header _should_ be saved sent on subsequent token refreshes. // Technically it's not needed, but it's easy for Reddit API to check for this. // It's some kind of header that uniquely identifies the device. // Not worried about the privacy implications, since this is randomly changed // and really only as privacy-concerning as the OAuth token itself. if let Some(header) = resp.headers().get("x-reddit-loid") { self.headers_map.insert("x-reddit-loid".to_owned(), header.to_str().ok()?.to_string()); } // Same with x-reddit-session if let Some(header) = resp.headers().get("x-reddit-session") { self.headers_map.insert("x-reddit-session".to_owned(), header.to_str().ok()?.to_string()); } // Serialize response let body_bytes = hyper::body::to_bytes(resp.into_body()).await.ok()?; let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&body_bytes).ok()?; // Save token and expiry self.token = json.get("access_token")?.as_str()?.to_string(); self.expires_in = json.get("expires_in")?.as_u64()?; self.headers_map.insert("Authorization".to_owned(), format!("Bearer {}", self.token)); info!("[✅] Success - Retrieved token \"{}...\", expires in {}", &self.token[..32], self.expires_in); Some(()) } } pub async fn token_daemon() { // Monitor for refreshing token loop { // Get expiry time - be sure to not hold the read lock let expires_in = { OAUTH_CLIENT.load_full().expires_in }; // sleep for the expiry time minus 2 minutes let duration = Duration::from_secs(expires_in - 120); info!("[⏳] Waiting for {duration:?} seconds before refreshing OAuth token..."); tokio::time::sleep(duration).await; info!("[⌛] {duration:?} Elapsed! Refreshing OAuth token..."); // Refresh token - in its own scope { force_refresh_token().await; } } } pub async fn force_refresh_token() { if OAUTH_IS_ROLLING_OVER.compare_exchange(false, true, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst).is_err() { trace!("Skipping refresh token roll over, already in progress"); return; } trace!("Rolling over refresh token. Current rate limit: {}", OAUTH_RATELIMIT_REMAINING.load(Ordering::SeqCst)); let new_client = Oauth::new().await; OAUTH_CLIENT.swap(new_client.into());, Ordering::SeqCst);, Ordering::SeqCst); } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] struct Device { oauth_id: String, initial_headers: HashMap, headers: HashMap, } impl Device { fn android() -> Self { // Generate uuid let uuid = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string(); // Generate random user-agent let android_app_version = choose(ANDROID_APP_VERSION_LIST).to_string(); let android_version = fastrand::u8(9..=14); let android_user_agent = format!("Reddit/{android_app_version}/Android {android_version}"); // Android device headers let headers = HashMap::from([ ("Client-Vendor-Id".into(), uuid.clone()), ("X-Reddit-Device-Id".into(), uuid.clone()), ("User-Agent".into(), android_user_agent), ]); info!("[🔄] Spoofing Android client with headers: {headers:?}, uuid: \"{uuid}\", and OAuth ID \"{REDDIT_ANDROID_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID}\""); Self { oauth_id: REDDIT_ANDROID_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID.to_string(), headers: headers.clone(), initial_headers: headers, } } fn new() -> Self { // See Self::android() } } fn choose(list: &[T]) -> T { *fastrand::choose_multiple(list.iter(), 1)[0] } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn test_oauth_client() { assert!(!OAUTH_CLIENT.load_full().token.is_empty()); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn test_oauth_client_refresh() { force_refresh_token().await; } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn test_oauth_token_exists() { assert!(!OAUTH_CLIENT.load_full().token.is_empty()); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn test_oauth_headers_len() { assert!(OAUTH_CLIENT.load_full().headers_map.len() >= 3); } #[test] fn test_creating_device() { Device::new(); }