{% extends "base.html" %} {% import "utils.html" as utils %} {% block title %} {% if sub.title != "" %}{{ sub.title }} {% else if sub.name != "" %}{{ sub.name }} {% else %}Redlib{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block search %} {% call utils::search(["/r/", sub.name.as_str()].concat(), "") %} {% endblock %} {% block subscriptions %} {% call utils::sub_list(sub.name.as_str()) %} {% endblock %} {% block body %} <main> {% if !is_filtered %} <div id="column_one"> <form id="sort"> <div id="sort_options"> {% if sub.name.is_empty() %} {% call utils::sort("", ["hot", "new", "top", "rising", "controversial"], sort.0) %} {% else %} {% call utils::sort(["/r/", sub.name.as_str()].concat(), ["hot", "new", "top", "rising", "controversial"], sort.0) %} {% endif %} </div> {% if sort.0 == "top" || sort.0 == "controversial" %}<select id="timeframe" name="t" title="Timeframe"> {% call utils::options(sort.1, ["hour", "day", "week", "month", "year", "all"], "day") %} </select> <button id="sort_submit" class="submit"> <svg width="15" viewBox="0 0 110 100" fill="none" stroke-width="10" stroke-linecap="round"> <path d="M20 50 H100" /> <path d="M75 15 L100 50 L75 85" /> → </svg> </button> {% endif %} </form> {% if sub.name.contains("+") %} <form action="/r/{{ sub.name }}/subscribe?redirect={{ redirect_url }}" method="POST"> <button id="multisub" class="subscribe" title="Subscribe to each sub in this multireddit">Subscribe to Multireddit</button> </form> {% endif %} {% if all_posts_hidden_nsfw %} <center>All posts are hidden because they are NSFW. Enable "Show NSFW posts" in settings to view.</center> {% endif %} {% if no_posts %} <center>No posts were found.</center> {% endif %} {% if all_posts_filtered %} <center>(All content on this page has been filtered)</center> {% else %} <div id="posts"> {% for post in posts %} {% if !(post.flags.nsfw && prefs.show_nsfw != "on") %} <hr class="sep" /> {% call utils::post_in_list(post) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if prefs.use_hls == "on" %} <script src="/hls.min.js"></script> <script src="/playHLSVideo.js"></script> {% endif %} </div> {% endif %} <footer> {% if !ends.0.is_empty() %} <a href="?sort={{ sort.0 }}&t={{ sort.1 }}&before={{ ends.0 }}" accesskey="P">PREV</a> {% endif %} {% if !ends.1.is_empty() %} <a href="?sort={{ sort.0 }}&t={{ sort.1 }}&after={{ ends.1 }}" accesskey="N">NEXT</a> {% endif %} </footer> </div> {% endif %} {% if is_filtered || (!sub.name.is_empty() && sub.name != "all" && sub.name != "popular" && !sub.name.contains("+")) && prefs.hide_sidebar_and_summary != "on" %} <aside> {% if is_filtered %} <center>(Content from r/{{ sub.name }} has been filtered)</center> {% endif %} {% if !sub.name.is_empty() && sub.name != "all" && sub.name != "popular" && !sub.name.contains("+") %} <details class="panel" id="subreddit" open> <summary id="subreddit_label">Subreddit</summary> {% if sub.wiki %} <div id="top"> <div>Posts</div> <a href="/r/{{ sub.name }}/wiki/index">Wiki</a> </div> {% endif %} <div id="sub_meta"> <img loading="lazy" id="sub_icon" src="{{ sub.icon }}" alt="Icon for r/{{ sub.name }}"> <h1 id="sub_title">{{ sub.title }}</h1> <p id="sub_name">r/{{ sub.name }}</p> <p id="sub_description">{{ sub.description }}</p> <div id="sub_details"> <label>Members</label> <label>Active</label> <div title="{{ sub.members.1 }}">{{ sub.members.0 }}</div> <div title="{{ sub.active.1 }}">{{ sub.active.0 }}</div> </div> <div id="sub_actions"> <div id="sub_subscription"> {% if prefs.subscriptions.contains(sub.name) %} <form action="/r/{{ sub.name }}/unsubscribe?redirect={{ redirect_url }}" method="POST"> <button class="unsubscribe">Unsubscribe</button> </form> {% else %} <form action="/r/{{ sub.name }}/subscribe?redirect={{ redirect_url }}" method="POST"> <button class="subscribe">Subscribe</button> </form> {% endif %} </div> <div id="sub_filter"> {% if prefs.filters.contains(sub.name) %} <form action="/r/{{ sub.name }}/unfilter?redirect={{ redirect_url }}" method="POST"> <button class="unfilter">Unfilter</button> </form> {% else %} <form action="/r/{{ sub.name }}/filter?redirect={{ redirect_url }}" method="POST"> <button class="filter">Filter</button> </form> {% endif %} </div> </div> </div> </details> <details class="panel" id="sidebar"> <summary id="sidebar_label">Sidebar</summary> <div id="sidebar_contents"> {{ sub.info|safe }} {# <hr> <h2>Moderators</h2> <br> <ul> {% for moderator in sub.moderators %} <li><a style="color: var(--accent)" href="/u/{{ moderator }}">{{ moderator }}</a></li> {% endfor %} </ul> #} </div> </details> {% endif %} </aside> {% endif %} </main> {% endblock %}