# Redlib configuration # See the Configuration section of the README for a more detailed explanation of these settings. # Instance-specific settings # Enable SFW-only mode for the instance REDLIB_SFW_ONLY=off # Set a banner message for the instance REDLIB_BANNER= # Disable search engine indexing REDLIB_ROBOTS_DISABLE_INDEXING=off # Set the Pushshift frontend for "removed" links REDLIB_PUSHSHIFT_FRONTEND=undelete.pullpush.io # Default user settings # Set the default theme (options: system, light, dark, black, dracula, nord, laserwave, violet, gold, rosebox, gruvboxdark, gruvboxlight) REDLIB_DEFAULT_THEME=system # Set the default mascot REDLIB_DEFAULT_MASCOT=none # Enable showing redsunlib colorway by default REDLIB_DEFAULT_REDSUNLIB_COLORWAY=off # Set the default front page (options: default, popular, all) REDLIB_DEFAULT_FRONT_PAGE=default # Set the default layout (options: card, clean, compact) REDLIB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT=card # Enable wide mode by default REDLIB_DEFAULT_WIDE=off # Set the default post sort method (options: hot, new, top, rising, controversial) REDLIB_DEFAULT_POST_SORT=hot # Set the default comment sort method (options: confidence, top, new, controversial, old) REDLIB_DEFAULT_COMMENT_SORT=confidence # Enable blurring Spoiler content by default REDLIB_DEFAULT_BLUR_SPOILER=off # Enable showing NSFW content by default REDLIB_DEFAULT_SHOW_NSFW=off # Enable blurring NSFW content by default REDLIB_DEFAULT_BLUR_NSFW=off # Enable HLS video format by default REDLIB_DEFAULT_USE_HLS=off # Enable audio+video downloads with ffmpeg.wasm REDLIB_DEFAULT_FFMPEG_VIDEO_DOWNLOADS=off # Hide HLS notification by default REDLIB_DEFAULT_HIDE_HLS_NOTIFICATION=off # Disable autoplay videos by default REDLIB_DEFAULT_AUTOPLAY_VIDEOS=off # Define a default list of subreddit subscriptions (format: sub1+sub2+sub3) REDLIB_DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTIONS= # Define a default list of subreddit filters (format: sub1+sub2+sub3) REDLIB_DEFAULT_FILTERS= # Hide awards by default REDLIB_DEFAULT_HIDE_AWARDS=off # Hide sidebar and summary REDLIB_DEFAULT_HIDE_SIDEBAR_AND_SUMMARY=off # Disable the confirmation before visiting Reddit REDLIB_DEFAULT_DISABLE_VISIT_REDDIT_CONFIRMATION=off # Hide score by default REDLIB_DEFAULT_HIDE_SCORE=off # Enable fixed navbar by default REDLIB_DEFAULT_FIXED_NAVBAR=on