{% extends "base.html" %} {% import "utils.html" as utils %} {% block title %}Redlib Settings{% endblock %} {% block search %} {% call utils::search("".to_owned(), "") %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if prefs.layout == "old" %}ⓘ Wide UI is always enabled with this layout{% endif %}
{% if !crate::utils::sfw_only() %}
{% endif %}
Reddit videos require JavaScript (via HLS.js) to be enabled to be played with audio. Therefore, this toggle lets you either use Redlib JS-free or utilize this feature.
Downloading videos with audio requires ffmpeg (via ffmpeg.wasm) to be enabled to combine video and audio tracks. Therefore, this toggle lets you either use Redlib WebAssembly-free or utilize this feature. (videos will still play with audio)
{% if prefs.subscriptions.len() > 0 %}
Subscribed Feeds {% for sub in prefs.subscriptions %}
{% let feed -%} {% if sub.starts_with("u_") -%}{% let feed = format!("u/{}", &sub[2..]) -%}{% else -%}{% let feed = format!("r/{}", sub) -%}{% endif -%} {{ feed }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if !prefs.filters.is_empty() %}
Filtered Feeds {% for sub in prefs.filters %}
{% let feed -%} {% if sub.starts_with("u_") -%}{% let feed = format!("u/{}", &sub[2..]) -%}{% else -%}{% let feed = format!("r/{}", sub) -%}{% endif -%} {{ feed }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

Note: settings and subscriptions are saved in browser cookies. Clearing your cookies will reset them.

You can restore your current settings and subscriptions after clearing your cookies using this link.

{% endblock %}