2022-05-19 10:17:51 +01:00
# Makefile for generating "manual.txt" and "manual.pdf" from "manual.pmd" using pandoc
# Copyright (C) 2022 <rstuart114@gmail.com>
# Requires a recent version of pandoc, plus pandoc-tablenos, xelatex and various other packages - see "README"
# .svg images generated by "zint_images.sh"
SOURCE = manual.pmd
OUT_PDF = manual.pdf
OUT_TXT = manual.txt
HIGHLIGHT_THEME = pygments.theme
INC_HEADER_PDF = inc_header_pdf.tex
INC_BEFORE_BODY_PDF = inc_before_body_pdf.tex
INC_PDF = --include-in-header $(INC_HEADER_PDF) --include-before-body $(INC_BEFORE_BODY_PDF)
INCLUDES_TXT = inc_header_txt.tex
INC_TXT = --include-in-header $(INCLUDES_TXT)
images/zint.png \
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images/gui_segs.png \
images/gui_aztec.png \
images/gui_appearance.png \
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images/pzn.svg \
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images/eanx_cc_a.svg \
images/eanx_cc_b.svg \
images/gs1_128_cc_c.svg \
images/pharma_two.svg \
images/postnet.svg \
images/planet.svg \
images/auspost.svg \
images/ausroute.svg \
images/ausreply.svg \
images/ausredirect.svg \
images/kix.svg \
images/rm4scc.svg \
images/mailmark.svg \
images/usps_imail.svg \
images/japanpost.svg \
images/hibc_dm.svg \
images/qrcode.svg \
images/microqr.svg \
images/rmqr.svg \
images/upnqr.svg \
images/maxicode.svg \
images/aztec.svg \
images/azrune.svg \
images/codeone.svg \
images/gridmatrix.svg \
images/dotcode.svg \
images/hanxin.svg \
images/ultra.svg \
images/fim.svg \
images/flat.svg \
MAIN_FONT = mainfont="TeX Gyre Pagella"
MONO_FONT = monofont="Liberation Mono"
CJK_FONT = CJKmainfont="WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono"
PDF_OPTS = --pdf-engine=xelatex --filter pandoc-tablenos --highlight-style=$(HIGHLIGHT_THEME) -V block-headings \
-V colorlinks -V geometry:margin=20mm -V papersize=a4 --dpi=300 -M tablenos-warning-level=0
TXT_OPTS = --columns 80 --eol=lf -t plain
SOURCE_MAN = zint.1.pmd
OUT_MAN = zint.1
MAN_OPTS = -t man -s
all : $(OUT_PDF) $(OUT_TXT) $(OUT_MAN)
pandoc $(SOURCE) -f markdown $(INC_PDF) --toc --toc-depth=4 \
-o $(OUT_PDF)
pandoc $(SOURCE) -f markdown $(INC_TXT) --toc --toc-depth=4 \
-o $(OUT_TXT)
2022-05-19 19:39:03 +01:00
sed -i -e 's/ *$$//' $(OUT_TXT)
2022-05-19 10:17:51 +01:00
$(OUT_MAN) : $(SOURCE_MAN) Makefile
pandoc $(SOURCE_MAN) -f markdown \
-o $(OUT_MAN)
gzip -c -9 $(OUT_MAN) > $(OUT_MAN).gz