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libzint - the open source barcode library
Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission.
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */
#include "testcommon.h"
static void test_large(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
int debug = p_ctx->debug;
struct item {
int symbology;
int option_2;
char *pattern;
int length;
int ret;
int expected_rows;
int expected_width;
/* s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/\*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<")): */
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, -1, "1", 121, 0, 1, 999 }, /* 8 (Start) + 121*8 + 2*8 (Checks) + 7 (Stop) == 999 */
/* 1*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, -1, "1", 122, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 2*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "1", 85, 0, 1, 1130 }, /* 13 (Start) + 85*13 + 12 (Stop) == 1130 */
/* 3*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "1", 86, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 4*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "1", 85, 0, 1, 1130 },
/* 5*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "1", 86, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 6*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "a", 42, 0, 1, 1117 }, /* Takes 2 encoding chars per char */
/* 7*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "a", 43, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 8*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "a", 85, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 9*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, -1, "1", 30, 0, 1, 511 }, /* 16 (Start) + 30*16 + 15 (Stop) == 511 */
/* 10*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, -1, "1", 31, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 11*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "1", 107, 0, 1, 1000 }, /* 9 (Start) + 107*9 + 2*9 (Checks) + 10 (Stop) == 1000 */
/* 12*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "1", 108, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 13*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "a", 53, 0, 1, 991 }, /* Takes 2 encoding chars per char */
/* 14*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "a", 54, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 15*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "a", 107, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 16*/ { BARCODE_PZN, -1, "1", 7, 0, 1, 142 }, /* Takes 8 with correct check digit */
/* 17*/ { BARCODE_PZN, -1, "1", 9, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 18*/ { BARCODE_PZN, 1, "1", 6, 0, 1, 129 }, /* PZN7 takes 7 with correct check digit */
/* 19*/ { BARCODE_PZN, 1, "1", 8, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 20*/ { BARCODE_VIN, -1, "1", 17, 0, 1, 246 },
/* 21*/ { BARCODE_VIN, -1, "1", 18, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 22*/ { BARCODE_VIN, -1, "1", 16, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 23*/ { BARCODE_VIN, 1, "1", 17, 0, 1, 259 },
/* 24*/ { BARCODE_HIBC_39, -1, "1", 67, 0, 1, 1135 }, /* 69 - 2 ('+' and check digit) */
/* 25*/ { BARCODE_HIBC_39, -1, "1", 68, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
char data_buf[4096];
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
testUtilStrCpyRepeat(data_buf, data[i].pattern, data[i].length);
assert_equal(data[i].length, (int) strlen(data_buf), "i:%d length %d != strlen(data_buf) %d\n", i, data[i].length, (int) strlen(data_buf));
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, data[i].option_2, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data_buf, data[i].length, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data_buf, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
if (ret < ZINT_ERROR) {
assert_equal(symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, "i:%d symbol->rows %d != %d\n", i, symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows);
assert_equal(symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, "i:%d symbol->width %d != %d\n", i, symbol->width, data[i].expected_width);
static void test_hrt(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
int debug = p_ctx->debug;
struct item {
int symbology;
int option_2;
char *data;
int length;
char *expected;
/* s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/\*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<")): */
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, -1, "123-45", -1, "123-4552" }, /* 2 checksums */
/* 1*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, 1, "123-45", -1, "123-455" }, /* 1 check digit */
/* 2*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, 2, "123-45", -1, "123-45" }, /* No checksums */
/* 3*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, -1, "123456789012", -1, "123456789012-8" }, /* First check digit 10 (A) goes to hyphen */
/* 4*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "ABC1234", -1, "*ABC1234*" },
/* 5*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 1, "ABC1234", -1, "*ABC12340*" }, /* With visible check digit */
/* 6*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "abc1234", -1, "*ABC1234*" }, /* Converts to upper */
/* 7*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 1, "abc1234", -1, "*ABC12340*" }, /* Converts to upper */
/* 8*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "123456789", -1, "*123456789*" },
/* 9*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 1, "123456789", -1, "*1234567892*" }, /* With visible check digit */
/* 10*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 2, "123456789", -1, "*123456789*" }, /* With hidden check digit */
/* 11*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "ABC1234", -1, "ABC1234" },
/* 12*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, 1, "ABC1234", -1, "ABC12340" }, /* With visible check digit */
/* 13*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "abc1234", -1, "abc1234" },
/* 14*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, 1, "abc1234", -1, "abc1234." }, /* With visible check digit (previously was hidden) */
/* 15*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, 2, "abc1234", -1, "abc1234" }, /* With hidden check digit */
/* 16*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "a%\000\001$\177z\033\037!+/\\@A~", 16, "a% $ z !+/\\@A~" }, /* NUL, ctrls and DEL replaced with spaces */
/* 17*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, 1, "a%\000\001$\177z\033\037!+/\\@A~", 16, "a% $ z !+/\\@A~L" }, /* With visible check digit */
/* 18*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, 2, "a%\000\001$\177z\033\037!+/\\@A~", 16, "a% $ z !+/\\@A~" }, /* With hidden check digit */
/* 19*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, -1, "ABC1234", -1, "ABC1234" },
/* 20*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, -1, "abc1234", -1, "ABC1234" }, /* Converts to upper */
/* 21*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, 1, "abc1234", -1, "ABC12340" }, /* With check digit */
/* 22*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, 1, "12345/ABCDE", -1, "12345/ABCDET" }, /* With visible check digit */
/* 23*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, 2, "12345/ABCDE", -1, "12345/ABCDE" }, /* With hidden check digit */
/* 24*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "ABC1234", -1, "ABC1234" }, /* No longer shows 2 check chars added (same as BWIPP and TEC-IT) */
/* 25*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, 1, "ABC1234", -1, "ABC1234S5" }, /* Unless requested */
/* 26*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "abc1234", -1, "abc1234" },
/* 27*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, 1, "abc1234", -1, "abc1234ZG" },
/* 28*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "A\001a\000b\177d\037e", 9, "A a b d e" }, /* NUL, ctrls and DEL replaced with spaces */
/* 29*/ { BARCODE_PZN, -1, "12345", -1, "PZN - 00123458" }, /* Pads with zeroes if length < 7 */
/* 30*/ { BARCODE_PZN, -1, "123456", -1, "PZN - 01234562" },
/* 31*/ { BARCODE_PZN, -1, "1234567", -1, "PZN - 12345678" },
/* 32*/ { BARCODE_PZN, -1, "12345678", -1, "PZN - 12345678" },
/* 33*/ { BARCODE_PZN, 1, "1234", -1, "PZN - 0012345" }, /* PZN7, pads with zeroes if length < 6 */
/* 34*/ { BARCODE_PZN, 1, "12345", -1, "PZN - 0123458" },
/* 35*/ { BARCODE_PZN, 1, "123456", -1, "PZN - 1234562" },
/* 36*/ { BARCODE_PZN, 1, "1234562", -1, "PZN - 1234562" },
/* 37*/ { BARCODE_VIN, -1, "1FTCR10UXTPA78180", -1, "1FTCR10UXTPA78180" },
/* 38*/ { BARCODE_VIN, 1, "2FTPX28L0XCA15511", -1, "2FTPX28L0XCA15511" }, /* Include Import char - no change */
/* 39*/ { BARCODE_HIBC_39, -1, "ABC1234", -1, "*+ABC1234+*" },
/* 40*/ { BARCODE_HIBC_39, -1, "abc1234", -1, "*+ABC1234+*" }, /* Converts to upper */
/* 41*/ { BARCODE_HIBC_39, -1, "123456789", -1, "*+1234567890*" },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, data[i].option_2, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, data[i].length, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != 0 %s\n", i, ret, symbol->errtxt);
assert_zero(strcmp((char *) symbol->text, data[i].expected), "i:%d strcmp(%s, %s) != 0\n", i, symbol->text, data[i].expected);
static void test_input(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
int debug = p_ctx->debug;
struct item {
int symbology;
int option_2;
char *data;
int length;
int ret;
int expected_rows;
int expected_width;
/* s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/\*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<")): */
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, -1, "-", -1, 0, 1, 37 },
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
/* 1*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, -1, "0123456789-", -1, 0, 1, 115 },
/* 2*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, -1, "A", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 3*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, -1, "12+", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 4*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, -1, "1.2", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 5*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, -1, "12!", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 6*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, -1, " ", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 7*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, 3, "1", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION, -1, -1 },
/* 8*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "a", -1, 0, 1, 38 }, /* Converts to upper */
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
/* 9*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%", -1, 0, 1, 584 },
/* 10*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "AB!", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 11*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "A\"B", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 12*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "#AB", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 13*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "&", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 14*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "'", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 15*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "(", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 16*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, ")", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 17*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "*", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 18*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, ",", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 19*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, ":", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 20*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "@", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 21*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "[", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 22*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "`", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 23*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "{", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 24*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "\000", 1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 25*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "\300", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 26*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 0, "1", -1, 0, 1, 38 },
/* 27*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 1, "1", -1, 0, 1, 51 }, /* Check digit */
/* 28*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 2, "1", -1, 0, 1, 51 }, /* Hidden check digit */
/* 29*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 3, "1", -1, 0, 1, 38 }, /* option_2 > 2 ignored */
/* 30*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "A", -1, 0, 1, 38 },
/* 31*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, 3, "A", -1, 0, 1, 38 }, /* option_2 > 2 ignored */
/* 32*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "a", -1, 0, 1, 51 },
/* 33*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, ",", -1, 0, 1, 51 },
/* 34*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "\000", 1, 0, 1, 51 },
/* 35*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "\300", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 36*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "é", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1, },
/* 37*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, -1, "A", -1, 0, 1, 47 },
/* 38*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, -1, "a", -1, 0, 1, 47 },
/* 39*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, -1, ",", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1, },
/* 40*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, -1, "\000", 1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1, },
/* 41*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, -1, "\300", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1, },
/* 42*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, 3, "A", -1, 0, 1, 47 }, /* option_2 > 2 ignored */
/* 43*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "A", -1, 0, 1, 46 },
/* 44*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "a", -1, 0, 1, 55 },
/* 45*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, ",", -1, 0, 1, 55 },
/* 46*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "\000", 1, 0, 1, 55 },
/* 47*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "\300", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 48*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "é", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 49*/ { BARCODE_PZN, -1, "1", -1, 0, 1, 142 },
/* 50*/ { BARCODE_PZN, -1, "A", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 51*/ { BARCODE_PZN, -1, "1000006", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 }, /* Check digit == 10 so can't be used */
/* 52*/ { BARCODE_PZN, -1, "00000011", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, -1 },
/* 53*/ { BARCODE_PZN, 1, "100009", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 }, /* Check digit == 10 so can't be used */
/* 54*/ { BARCODE_PZN, 1, "0000011", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, -1 },
/* 55*/ { BARCODE_VIN, -1, "5GZCZ43D13S812715", -1, 0, 1, 246 },
/* 56*/ { BARCODE_VIN, -1, "5GZCZ43D23S812715", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, -1 }, /* North American with invalid check character */
/* 57*/ { BARCODE_VIN, -1, "WP0ZZZ99ZTS392124", -1, 0, 1, 246 }, /* Not North American so no check */
/* 58*/ { BARCODE_VIN, -1, "WP0ZZZ99ZTS392I24", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 }, /* I not allowed */
/* 59*/ { BARCODE_VIN, -1, "WPOZZZ99ZTS392124", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 }, /* O not allowed */
/* 60*/ { BARCODE_VIN, -1, "WPQZZZ99ZTS392124", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 }, /* Q not allowed */
/* 61*/ { BARCODE_HIBC_39, -1, "a", -1, 0, 1, 79 }, /* Converts to upper */
/* 62*/ { BARCODE_HIBC_39, -1, ",", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 63*/ { BARCODE_HIBC_39, -1, "\000", 1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 64*/ { BARCODE_HIBC_39, -1, "\300", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, -1 },
/* 65*/ { BARCODE_HIBC_39, 1, "a", -1, 0, 1, 79 }, /* option_2 ignored */
/* 66*/ { BARCODE_HIBC_39, 2, "a", -1, 0, 1, 79 }, /* option_2 ignored */
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, data[i].option_2, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, data[i].length, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
if (ret < ZINT_ERROR) {
assert_equal(symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, "i:%d symbol->rows %d != %d\n", i, symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows);
assert_equal(symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, "i:%d symbol->width %d != %d\n", i, symbol->width, data[i].expected_width);
static void test_encode(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
int debug = p_ctx->debug;
struct item {
int symbology;
int option_2;
char *data;
int length;
int ret;
int expected_rows;
int expected_width;
char *comment;
char *expected;
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, -1, "123-45", -1, 0, 1, 78, "2 check digits (52); verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 1*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, -1, "93", -1, 0, 1, 44, "2 check digits (--); verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 2*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, 1, "123-455", -1, 0, 1, 78, "1 check digit (2); verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 3*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, 2, "123-4552", -1, 0, 1, 78, "0 check digits; verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 4*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, 1, "123-45", -1, 0, 1, 70, "1 check digit; verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 5*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, 2, "123-45", -1, 0, 1, 62, "0 check digits; verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 6*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "1A", -1, 0, 1, 51, "ISO/IEC 16388:2007 Figure 1",
/* 7*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 1, "1A", -1, 0, 1, 64, "With check digit (B)",
/* 8*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 1, "Z1", -1, 0, 1, 64, "Check digit '-'",
/* 9*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 1, "Z2", -1, 0, 1, 64, "Check digit '.'",
/* 10*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 1, "Z3", -1, 0, 1, 64, "Check digit space, displayed as underscore",
/* 11*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 1, "Z4", -1, 0, 1, 64, "Check digit '$'",
/* 12*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 1, "Z5", -1, 0, 1, 64, "Check digit '/'",
/* 13*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 1, "Z6", -1, 0, 1, 64, "Check digit '+'",
/* 14*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, 1, "Z7", -1, 0, 1, 64, "Check digit '%'",
/* 15*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "+A/E%U$A/D%T+Z", -1, 0, 1, 207, "Same as BARCODE_EXCODE39 'a%\000\001$\177z' below",
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
/* 16*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%", -1, 0, 1, 584, "Full CODE39 set",
/* 17*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "1A", -1, 0, 1, 51, "ISO/IEC 16388:2007 Figure 1",
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
/* 18*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, 1, "1A", -1, 0, 1, 64, "With check digit",
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
/* 19*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, 1, "Z4", -1, 0, 1, 64, "Check digit $",
/* 20*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "a%\000\001$\177z", 7, 0, 1, 207, "Verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 21*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "\033\037!+/\\@A~", -1, 0, 1, 246, "Verified manually against TEC-IT",
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
/* 22*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]", -1, 0, 1, 1130, "Visible ASCII 1st 85 symbol chars",
/* 23*/ { BARCODE_EXCODE39, -1, "^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~", -1, 0, 1, 883, "Visible ASCII last part",
/* 24*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, -1, "1A", -1, 0, 1, 63, "Verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 25*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, 1, "1A", -1, 0, 1, 79, "With check digit; verified manually against TEC-IT",
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
/* 26*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, -1, "ABC", -1, 0, 1, 79, "MIL-STD-1189 Rev. B Figure 1",
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
/* 27*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, -1, "SAMPLE 1", -1, 0, 1, 159, "MIL-STD-1189 Rev. B Figure 2 top",
/* 28*/ { BARCODE_LOGMARS, 1, "12345/ABCDE", -1, 0, 1, 223, "MIL-STD-1189 Rev. B Section 6.2.1 check character example; verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 29*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "C93", -1, 0, 1, 64, "ANSI/AIM BC5-1995 Figure 1; verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 30*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "CODE\01593", -1, 0, 1, 109, "ANSI/AIM BC5-1995 Figure B1; verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 31*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "1A", -1, 0, 1, 55, "Verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 32*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "TEST93", -1, 0, 1, 91, "Verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 33*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "\000a\177", 3, 0, 1, 91, "Verified manually against TEC-IT",
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
/* 34*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghij", -1, 0, 1, 1000, "Visible ASCII 1st 107 symbol chars",
/* 35*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "klmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~", -1, 0, 1, 397, "Visible ASCII last part",
/* 36*/ { BARCODE_PZN, -1, "1234567", -1, 0, 1, 142, "Example from IFA Info Code 39 EN V2.1; verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 37*/ { BARCODE_PZN, -1, "2758089", -1, 0, 1, 142, "Example from IFA Info Check Digit Calculations EN 15 July 2019; verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 38*/ { BARCODE_PZN, 1, "123456", -1, 0, 1, 129, "Example from BWIPP; verified manually against TEC-IT",
/* 39*/ { BARCODE_VIN, -1, "1FTCR10UXTPA78180", -1, 0, 1, 246, "https://www.vinquery.com/img/vinbarcode/vinbarcode4.jpg",
/* 40*/ { BARCODE_VIN, 1, "2FTPX28L0XCA15511", -1, 0, 1, 259, "With Import 'I' prefix; https://www.vinquery.com/img/vinbarcode/vinbarcode1.jpg",
/* 41*/ { BARCODE_HIBC_39, -1, "A123BJC5D6E71", -1, 0, 1, 271, "ANSI/HIBC 2.6 - 2016 Figure 2, same",
/* 42*/ { BARCODE_HIBC_39, -1, "$$52001510X3G", -1, 0, 1, 271, "ANSI/HIBC 2.6 - 2016 Figure 6, same",
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
char escaped[1024];
char cmp_buf[8192];
char cmp_msg[1024];
int do_bwipp = (debug & ZINT_DEBUG_TEST_BWIPP) && testUtilHaveGhostscript(); /* Only do BWIPP test if asked, too slow otherwise */
int do_zxingcpp = (debug & ZINT_DEBUG_TEST_ZXINGCPP) && testUtilHaveZXingCPPDecoder(); /* Only do ZXing-C++ test if asked, too slow otherwise */
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, data[i].option_2, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, data[i].length, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
if (p_ctx->generate) {
printf(" /*%3d*/ { %s, %d, \"%s\", %d, %s, %d, %d, \"%s\",\n",
i, testUtilBarcodeName(data[i].symbology), data[i].option_2, testUtilEscape(data[i].data, length, escaped, sizeof(escaped)), data[i].length,
testUtilErrorName(data[i].ret), symbol->rows, symbol->width, data[i].comment);
testUtilModulesPrint(symbol, " ", "\n");
printf(" },\n");
} else {
if (ret < ZINT_ERROR) {
int width, row;
assert_equal(symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, "i:%d symbol->rows %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, data[i].data);
assert_equal(symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, "i:%d symbol->width %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, data[i].data);
ret = testUtilModulesCmp(symbol, data[i].expected, &width, &row);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d testUtilModulesCmp ret %d != 0 width %d row %d (%s)\n", i, ret, width, row, data[i].data);
if (do_bwipp && testUtilCanBwipp(i, symbol, -1, data[i].option_2, -1, debug)) {
ret = testUtilBwipp(i, symbol, -1, data[i].option_2, -1, data[i].data, length, NULL, cmp_buf, sizeof(cmp_buf), NULL);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d %s testUtilBwipp ret %d != 0\n", i, testUtilBarcodeName(symbol->symbology), ret);
ret = testUtilBwippCmp(symbol, cmp_msg, cmp_buf, data[i].expected);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d %s testUtilBwippCmp %d != 0 %s\n actual: %s\nexpected: %s\n",
i, testUtilBarcodeName(symbol->symbology), ret, cmp_msg, cmp_buf, data[i].expected);
if (do_zxingcpp && testUtilCanZXingCPP(i, symbol, data[i].data, length, debug)) {
int cmp_len, ret_len;
char modules_dump[8192 + 1];
assert_notequal(testUtilModulesDump(symbol, modules_dump, sizeof(modules_dump)), -1, "i:%d testUtilModulesDump == -1\n", i);
ret = testUtilZXingCPP(i, symbol, data[i].data, length, modules_dump, cmp_buf, sizeof(cmp_buf), &cmp_len);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d %s testUtilZXingCPP ret %d != 0\n", i, testUtilBarcodeName(symbol->symbology), ret);
ret = testUtilZXingCPPCmp(symbol, cmp_msg, cmp_buf, cmp_len, data[i].data, length, NULL /*primary*/, escaped, &ret_len);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d %s testUtilZXingCPPCmp %d != 0 %s\n actual: %.*s\nexpected: %.*s\n",
i, testUtilBarcodeName(symbol->symbology), ret, cmp_msg, cmp_len, cmp_buf, ret_len, escaped);
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
#include <time.h>
#define TEST_PERF_TIME(arg) ((arg) * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
/* Not a real test, just performance indicator */
static void test_perf(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
int debug = p_ctx->debug;
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
struct item {
int symbology;
int option_2;
char *data;
int ret;
int expected_rows;
int expected_width;
char *comment;
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+", 0, 1, 1130, "CODE39 85" },
/* 1*/ { BARCODE_CODE39, -1, "123456ABCD", 0, 1, 155, "CODE39 10" },
/* 2*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1,
"\001\002\003\004\005\006\007\010\011\012\013\014\015\016\017\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027\030\031\032\033\034\035\036\037 !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJ",
0, 1, 1000, "CODE93 107 symbol chars" },
/* 3*/ { BARCODE_CODE93, -1, "123456ABCD", 0, 1, 127, "CODE93 10" },
/* 4*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, -1, "1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-", 0, 1, 966, "CODE11 121" },
/* 5*/ { BARCODE_CODE11, -1, "1234567890-", 0, 1, 116, "CODE11 5" },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
clock_t start;
clock_t total_create = 0, total_encode = 0, total_buffer = 0, total_buf_inter = 0, total_print = 0;
clock_t diff_create, diff_encode, diff_buffer, diff_buf_inter, diff_print;
int comment_max = 0;
if (!(debug & ZINT_DEBUG_TEST_PERFORMANCE)) { /* -d 256 */
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) if ((int) strlen(data[i].comment) > comment_max) comment_max = (int) strlen(data[i].comment);
printf("Iterations %d\n", TEST_PERF_ITERATIONS);
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
int j;
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
diff_create = diff_encode = diff_buffer = diff_buf_inter = diff_print = 0;
for (j = 0; j < TEST_PERF_ITERATIONS; j++) {
start = clock();
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
diff_create += clock() - start;
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, DATA_MODE, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, data[i].option_2, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
start = clock();
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
diff_encode += clock() - start;
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
assert_equal(symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, "i:%d symbol->rows %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, data[i].data);
assert_equal(symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, "i:%d symbol->width %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, data[i].data);
start = clock();
ret = ZBarcode_Buffer(symbol, 0 /*rotate_angle*/);
diff_buffer += clock() - start;
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Buffer ret %d != 0 (%s)\n", i, ret, symbol->errtxt);
symbol->output_options |= OUT_BUFFER_INTERMEDIATE;
start = clock();
ret = ZBarcode_Buffer(symbol, 0 /*rotate_angle*/);
diff_buf_inter += clock() - start;
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Buffer OUT_BUFFER_INTERMEDIATE ret %d != 0 (%s)\n", i, ret, symbol->errtxt);
symbol->output_options &= ~OUT_BUFFER_INTERMEDIATE; /* Undo */
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
start = clock();
ret = ZBarcode_Print(symbol, 0 /*rotate_angle*/);
diff_print += clock() - start;
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Print ret %d != 0 (%s)\n", i, ret, symbol->errtxt);
assert_zero(testUtilRemove(symbol->outfile), "i:%d testUtilRemove(%s) != 0\n", i, symbol->outfile);
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
printf("%*s: encode % 8gms, buffer % 8gms, buf_inter % 8gms, print % 8gms, create % 8gms\n", comment_max, data[i].comment,
TEST_PERF_TIME(diff_encode), TEST_PERF_TIME(diff_buffer), TEST_PERF_TIME(diff_buf_inter), TEST_PERF_TIME(diff_print), TEST_PERF_TIME(diff_create));
total_create += diff_create;
total_encode += diff_encode;
total_buffer += diff_buffer;
total_buf_inter += diff_buf_inter;
total_print += diff_print;
if (p_ctx->index == -1) {
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
printf("%*s: encode % 8gms, buffer % 8gms, buf_inter % 8gms, print % 8gms, create % 8gms\n", comment_max, "totals",
TEST_PERF_TIME(total_encode), TEST_PERF_TIME(total_buffer), TEST_PERF_TIME(total_buf_inter), TEST_PERF_TIME(total_print), TEST_PERF_TIME(total_create));
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
testFunction funcs[] = { /* name, func */
{ "test_large", test_large },
{ "test_hrt", test_hrt },
{ "test_input", test_input },
{ "test_encode", test_encode },
{ "test_perf", test_perf },
testRun(argc, argv, funcs, ARRAY_SIZE(funcs));
return 0;
/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et : */