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/* vector.c - Creates vector image objects */
libzint - the open source barcode library
Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission.
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */
#include "common.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "zfiletypes.h"
INTERNAL int ps_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol);
INTERNAL int svg_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol);
INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle);
static struct zint_vector_rect *vector_plot_create_rect(struct zint_symbol *symbol,
const float x, const float y, const float width, const float height) {
struct zint_vector_rect *rect;
rect = (struct zint_vector_rect *) malloc(sizeof(struct zint_vector_rect));
if (!rect) {
strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "691: Insufficient memory for vector rectangle");
return NULL;
rect->next = NULL;
rect->x = x;
rect->y = y;
rect->width = width;
rect->height = height;
rect->colour = -1; /* Default colour */
return rect;
static void vector_plot_add_rect(struct zint_symbol *symbol, struct zint_vector_rect *rect,
struct zint_vector_rect **last_rect) {
if (*last_rect)
(*last_rect)->next = rect;
symbol->vector->rectangles = rect; /* first rectangle */
*last_rect = rect;
static struct zint_vector_hexagon *vector_plot_create_hexagon(struct zint_symbol *symbol,
const float x, const float y, const float diameter) {
struct zint_vector_hexagon *hexagon;
hexagon = (struct zint_vector_hexagon *) malloc(sizeof(struct zint_vector_hexagon));
if (!hexagon) {
strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "692: Insufficient memory for vector hexagon");
return NULL;
hexagon->next = NULL;
hexagon->x = x;
hexagon->y = y;
hexagon->diameter = diameter;
hexagon->rotation = 0;
return hexagon;
static void vector_plot_add_hexagon(struct zint_symbol *symbol, struct zint_vector_hexagon *hexagon,
struct zint_vector_hexagon **last_hexagon) {
if (*last_hexagon)
(*last_hexagon)->next = hexagon;
symbol->vector->hexagons = hexagon; /* first hexagon */
*last_hexagon = hexagon;
static struct zint_vector_circle *vector_plot_create_circle(struct zint_symbol *symbol,
const float x, const float y, const float diameter, const float width,
const int colour) {
struct zint_vector_circle *circle;
circle = (struct zint_vector_circle *) malloc(sizeof(struct zint_vector_circle));
if (!circle) {
strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "693: Insufficient memory for vector circle");
return NULL;
circle->next = NULL;
circle->x = x;
circle->y = y;
circle->diameter = diameter;
circle->width = width;
circle->colour = colour;
return circle;
static void vector_plot_add_circle(struct zint_symbol *symbol, struct zint_vector_circle *circle,
struct zint_vector_circle **last_circle) {
if (*last_circle)
(*last_circle)->next = circle;
symbol->vector->circles = circle; /* first circle */
*last_circle = circle;
static int vector_plot_add_string(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const unsigned char *text,
const float x, const float y, const float fsize, const float width, const int halign,
struct zint_vector_string **last_string) {
struct zint_vector_string *string;
string = (struct zint_vector_string *) malloc(sizeof(struct zint_vector_string));
if (!string) {
strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "694: Insufficient memory for vector string");
return 0;
string->next = NULL;
string->x = x;
string->y = y;
string->width = width;
string->fsize = fsize;
string->length = (int) ustrlen(text);
string->rotation = 0;
string->halign = halign;
string->text = (unsigned char *) malloc(string->length + 1);
if (!string->text) {
strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "695: Insufficient memory for vector string text");
return 0;
ustrcpy(string->text, text);
if (*last_string)
(*last_string)->next = string;
symbol->vector->strings = string; /* First text portion */
*last_string = string;
return 1;
INTERNAL void vector_free(struct zint_symbol *symbol) {
if (symbol->vector != NULL) {
struct zint_vector_rect *rect;
struct zint_vector_hexagon *hex;
struct zint_vector_circle *circle;
struct zint_vector_string *string;
/* Free Rectangles */
rect = symbol->vector->rectangles;
while (rect) {
struct zint_vector_rect *r = rect;
rect = rect->next;
/* Free Hexagons */
hex = symbol->vector->hexagons;
while (hex) {
struct zint_vector_hexagon *h = hex;
hex = hex->next;
/* Free Circles */
circle = symbol->vector->circles;
while (circle) {
struct zint_vector_circle *c = circle;
circle = circle->next;
/* Free Strings */
string = symbol->vector->strings;
while (string) {
struct zint_vector_string *s = string;
string = string->next;
/* Free vector */
symbol->vector = NULL;
static void vector_scale(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const int file_type) {
struct zint_vector_rect *rect;
struct zint_vector_hexagon *hex;
struct zint_vector_circle *circle;
struct zint_vector_string *string;
float scale = symbol->scale * 2.0f;
if (scale < 0.2f) { /* Minimum vector scale 0.1 */
scale = 0.2f;
if ((file_type == OUT_EMF_FILE) && (symbol->symbology == BARCODE_MAXICODE)) {
/* Increase size to overcome limitations in EMF file format */
scale *= 20;
symbol->vector->width = stripf(symbol->vector->width * scale);
symbol->vector->height = stripf(symbol->vector->height * scale);
rect = symbol->vector->rectangles;
while (rect) {
rect->x = stripf(rect->x * scale);
rect->y = stripf(rect->y * scale);
rect->height = stripf(rect->height * scale);
rect->width = stripf(rect->width * scale);
rect = rect->next;
hex = symbol->vector->hexagons;
while (hex) {
hex->x = stripf(hex->x * scale);
hex->y = stripf(hex->y * scale);
hex->diameter = stripf(hex->diameter * scale);
hex = hex->next;
circle = symbol->vector->circles;
while (circle) {
circle->x = stripf(circle->x * scale);
circle->y = stripf(circle->y * scale);
circle->diameter = stripf(circle->diameter * scale);
circle->width = stripf(circle->width * scale);
circle = circle->next;
string = symbol->vector->strings;
while (string) {
string->x = stripf(string->x * scale);
string->y = stripf(string->y * scale);
string->width = stripf(string->width * scale);
string->fsize = stripf(string->fsize * scale);
string = string->next;
static void vector_rotate(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const int rotate_angle) {
/* Rotates the image */
struct zint_vector_rect *rect;
struct zint_vector_hexagon *hex;
struct zint_vector_circle *circle;
struct zint_vector_string *string;
float temp;
if (rotate_angle == 0) {
/* No rotation needed */
rect = symbol->vector->rectangles;
while (rect) {
if (rotate_angle == 90) {
temp = rect->x;
rect->x = stripf(symbol->vector->height - (rect->y + rect->height));
rect->y = temp;
temp = rect->width;
rect->width = rect->height;
rect->height = temp;
} else if (rotate_angle == 180) {
rect->x = stripf(symbol->vector->width - (rect->x + rect->width));
rect->y = stripf(symbol->vector->height - (rect->y + rect->height));
} else if (rotate_angle == 270) {
temp = rect->x;
rect->x = rect->y;
rect->y = stripf(symbol->vector->width - (temp + rect->width));
temp = rect->width;
rect->width = rect->height;
rect->height = temp;
rect = rect->next;
hex = symbol->vector->hexagons;
while (hex) {
if (rotate_angle == 90) {
temp = hex->x;
hex->x = stripf(symbol->vector->height - hex->y);
hex->y = temp;
hex->rotation = 90;
} else if (rotate_angle == 180) {
hex->x = stripf(symbol->vector->width - hex->x);
hex->y = stripf(symbol->vector->height - hex->y);
hex->rotation = 180;
} else if (rotate_angle == 270) {
temp = hex->x;
hex->x = hex->y;
hex->y = stripf(symbol->vector->width - temp);
hex->rotation = 270;
hex = hex->next;
circle = symbol->vector->circles;
while (circle) {
if (rotate_angle == 90) {
temp = circle->x;
circle->x = stripf(symbol->vector->height - circle->y);
circle->y = temp;
} else if (rotate_angle == 180) {
circle->x = stripf(symbol->vector->width - circle->x);
circle->y = stripf(symbol->vector->height - circle->y);
} else if (rotate_angle == 270) {
temp = circle->x;
circle->x = circle->y;
circle->y = stripf(symbol->vector->width - temp);
circle = circle->next;
string = symbol->vector->strings;
while (string) {
if (rotate_angle == 90) {
temp = string->x;
string->x = stripf(symbol->vector->height - string->y);
string->y = temp;
string->rotation = 90;
} else if (rotate_angle == 180) {
string->x = stripf(symbol->vector->width - string->x);
string->y = stripf(symbol->vector->height - string->y);
string->rotation = 180;
} else if (rotate_angle == 270) {
temp = string->x;
string->x = string->y;
string->y = stripf(symbol->vector->width - temp);
string->rotation = 270;
string = string->next;
if ((rotate_angle == 90) || (rotate_angle == 270)) {
temp = symbol->vector->height;
symbol->vector->height = symbol->vector->width;
symbol->vector->width = temp;
static void vector_reduce_rectangles(struct zint_symbol *symbol) {
/* Looks for vertically aligned rectangles and merges them together */
struct zint_vector_rect *rect, *target, *prev;
rect = symbol->vector->rectangles;
while (rect) {
prev = rect;
target = prev->next;
while (target) {
if ((rect->x == target->x) && (rect->width == target->width)
&& (stripf(rect->y + rect->height) == target->y) && (rect->colour == target->colour)) {
rect->height += target->height;
prev->next = target->next;
} else {
prev = target;
target = prev->next;
rect = rect->next;
INTERNAL int plot_vector(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle, int file_type) {
int error_number;
int main_width;
int comp_xoffset = 0;
unsigned char addon[6];
int addon_gap = 0;
float addon_text_yposn = 0.0f;
float xoffset, yoffset, roffset, boffset;
float textoffset;
int upceanflag = 0;
int addon_latch = 0;
unsigned char textpart1[5], textpart2[7], textpart3[7], textpart4[2];
int hide_text;
int i, r;
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
int block_width = 0;
int text_height; /* Font pixel size (so whole integers) */
float text_gap; /* Gap between barcode and text */
float guard_descent;
const int is_codablockf = symbol->symbology == BARCODE_CODABLOCKF || symbol->symbology == BARCODE_HIBC_BLOCKF;
float addon_row_height;
float large_bar_height;
int upcae_outside_text_height = 0; /* UPC-A/E outside digits font size */
float digit_ascent_factor = 0.25f; /* Assuming digit ascent roughly 25% less than font size */
float dot_overspill = 0.0f;
float dot_offset = 0.0f;
int rect_count = 0, last_row_start = 0; /* For UPC/EAN guard bars */
float yposn;
struct zint_vector *vector;
struct zint_vector_rect *rect, *last_rectangle = NULL;
struct zint_vector_hexagon *hexagon, *last_hexagon = NULL;
struct zint_vector_string *last_string = NULL;
struct zint_vector_circle *circle, *last_circle = NULL;
struct zint_vector_rect **first_row_rects = z_alloca(sizeof(struct zint_vector_rect *) * (symbol->rows + 1));
memset(first_row_rects, 0, sizeof(struct zint_vector_rect *) * (symbol->rows + 1));
/* Free any previous rendering structures */
/* Sanity check colours */
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
error_number = out_check_colour_options(symbol);
if (error_number != 0) {
return error_number;
/* Allocate memory */
vector = symbol->vector = (struct zint_vector *) malloc(sizeof(struct zint_vector));
if (!vector) {
strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "696: Insufficient memory for vector header");
vector->rectangles = NULL;
vector->hexagons = NULL;
vector->circles = NULL;
vector->strings = NULL;
large_bar_height = out_large_bar_height(symbol, 0 /*si (scale and round)*/, NULL /*row_heights_si*/,
NULL /*symbol_height_si*/);
main_width = symbol->width;
if (is_extendable(symbol->symbology)) {
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
upceanflag = out_process_upcean(symbol, &main_width, &comp_xoffset, addon, &addon_gap);
hide_text = ((!symbol->show_hrt) || (ustrlen(symbol->text) == 0));
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
out_set_whitespace_offsets(symbol, hide_text, &xoffset, &yoffset, &roffset, &boffset, 0 /*scaler*/,
/* Note font sizes scaled by 2 so really twice these values */
if (upceanflag) {
/* Note BOLD_TEXT ignored for UPCEAN by svg/emf/ps/qzint */
text_height = symbol->output_options & SMALL_TEXT ? 7 : 10;
upcae_outside_text_height = symbol->output_options & SMALL_TEXT ? 6 : 7;
/* Negative to move close to barcode (less digit ascent, then add 0.5X) */
text_gap = -text_height * digit_ascent_factor + 0.5f;
/* Guard bar height (none for EAN-2 and EAN-5) */
guard_descent = upceanflag != 2 && upceanflag != 5 ? symbol->guard_descent : 0.0f;
} else {
text_height = symbol->output_options & SMALL_TEXT ? 6 : 7;
text_gap = text_height * 0.1f;
guard_descent = 0.0f;
if (hide_text) {
textoffset = guard_descent;
} else {
if (upceanflag) {
/* Add fudge for anti-aliasing of digits */
if (text_height + 0.2f + text_gap > guard_descent) {
textoffset = text_height + 0.2f + text_gap;
} else {
textoffset = guard_descent;
} else {
textoffset = text_height * 1.25f + text_gap; /* Allow +25% for characters descending below baseline */
if ((symbol->symbology != BARCODE_MAXICODE) && (symbol->output_options & BARCODE_DOTTY_MODE)) {
if (symbol->dot_size < 1.0f) {
dot_overspill = 0.0f;
/* Offset (1 - dot_size) / 2 + dot_radius == (1 - dot_size + dot_size) / 2 == 1 / 2 */
dot_offset = 0.5f;
} else { /* Allow for exceeding 1X */
dot_overspill = symbol->dot_size - 1.0f + 0.1f; /* Fudge for anti-aliasing */
dot_offset = symbol->dot_size / 2.0f + 0.05f; /* Fudge for anti-aliasing */
vector->width = symbol->width + dot_overspill + (xoffset + roffset);
vector->height = symbol->height + textoffset + dot_overspill + (yoffset + boffset);
/* Plot Maxicode symbols */
if (symbol->symbology == BARCODE_MAXICODE) {
float bull_x, bull_y, bull_d_incr, bull_width;
const float two_div_sqrt3 = 1.1547f; /* 2 / √3 */
const float sqrt3_div_two = 0.866f; /* √3 / 2 == 1.5 / √3 */
/* `hex_diameter` is short diameter, X in ISO/IEC 16023:2000 Figure 8 (same as W) */
const float hex_diameter = 1.0f;
const float hex_radius = hex_diameter / 2.0f;
const float hex_ydiameter = two_div_sqrt3 * hex_diameter; /* Long diameter, V in Figure 8 */
const float hex_yradius = hex_ydiameter / 2.0f;
const float yposn_offset = sqrt3_div_two * hex_diameter; /* Vertical distance between rows, Y in Figure 8 */
vector->width = 30 * hex_diameter + (xoffset + roffset);
/* 32 rows drawn yposn_offset apart + final hexagon */
vector->height = 32 * yposn_offset + hex_ydiameter + (yoffset + boffset);
/* Bullseye (ISO/IEC 16023:2000 and 4.11.4) */
bull_x = 14.5f * hex_diameter + xoffset; /* 14W right from leftmost centre = 14.5X */
bull_y = vector->height / 2.0f; /* 16Y above bottom-most centre = halfway */
/* Total finder diameter is 9X, so diametric increment for 5 diameters d2 to d6 is (9X - d1) / 5 */
bull_d_incr = (hex_diameter * 9 - hex_ydiameter) / 5.0f;
bull_width = bull_d_incr / 2.0f;
circle = vector_plot_create_circle(symbol, bull_x, bull_y,
hex_ydiameter + bull_d_incr * 5 - bull_width, bull_width, 0);
if (!circle) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
vector_plot_add_circle(symbol, circle, &last_circle);
circle = vector_plot_create_circle(symbol, bull_x, bull_y,
hex_ydiameter + bull_d_incr * 3 - bull_width, bull_width, 0);
if (!circle) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
vector_plot_add_circle(symbol, circle, &last_circle);
circle = vector_plot_create_circle(symbol, bull_x, bull_y,
hex_ydiameter + bull_d_incr - bull_width, bull_width, 0);
if (!circle) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
vector_plot_add_circle(symbol, circle, &last_circle);
/* Hexagons */
for (r = 0; r < symbol->rows; r++) {
const int odd_row = r & 1; /* Odd (reduced) row, even (full) row */
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
const float hex_yposn = r * yposn_offset + hex_yradius + yoffset;
const float xposn_offset = (odd_row ? hex_diameter : hex_radius) + xoffset;
for (i = 0; i < symbol->width - odd_row; i++) {
if (module_is_set(symbol, r, i)) {
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
const float hex_xposn = i * hex_diameter + xposn_offset;
hexagon = vector_plot_create_hexagon(symbol, hex_xposn, hex_yposn, hex_diameter);
if (!hexagon) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
vector_plot_add_hexagon(symbol, hexagon, &last_hexagon);
/* Dotty mode */
} else if (symbol->output_options & BARCODE_DOTTY_MODE) {
for (r = 0; r < symbol->rows; r++) {
for (i = 0; i < symbol->width; i++) {
if (module_is_set(symbol, r, i)) {
circle = vector_plot_create_circle(symbol, i + dot_offset + xoffset, r + dot_offset + yoffset,
symbol->dot_size, 0, 0);
if (!circle) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
vector_plot_add_circle(symbol, circle, &last_circle);
/* Plot rectangles - most symbols created here */
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
} else if (symbol->symbology == BARCODE_ULTRA) {
yposn = yoffset;
for (r = 0; r < symbol->rows; r++) {
const float row_height = symbol->row_height[r];
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
for (i = 0; i < symbol->width; i += block_width) {
const int fill = module_colour_is_set(symbol, r, i);
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
for (block_width = 1; (i + block_width < symbol->width)
&& module_colour_is_set(symbol, r, i + block_width) == fill; block_width++);
if (fill) {
/* a colour block */
rect = vector_plot_create_rect(symbol, i + xoffset, yposn, block_width, row_height);
if (!rect) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
rect->colour = module_colour_is_set(symbol, r, i);
vector_plot_add_rect(symbol, rect, &last_rectangle);
yposn += row_height;
} else if (upceanflag >= 6) { /* UPC-E, EAN-8, UPC-A, EAN-13 */
yposn = yoffset;
for (r = 0; r < symbol->rows; r++) {
const float row_height = symbol->row_height[r] ? symbol->row_height[r] : large_bar_height;
last_row_start = rect_count;
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
for (i = 0; i < symbol->width; i += block_width) {
const int fill = module_is_set(symbol, r, i);
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
for (block_width = 1; (i + block_width < symbol->width)
&& module_is_set(symbol, r, i + block_width) == fill; block_width++);
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
if ((r == (symbol->rows - 1)) && (i > main_width) && (addon_latch == 0)) {
addon_text_yposn = yposn + text_height - text_height * digit_ascent_factor;
if (addon_text_yposn < 0.0f) {
addon_text_yposn = 0.0f;
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
addon_row_height = row_height - (addon_text_yposn - yposn) + text_gap;
if (upceanflag != 12 && upceanflag != 6) { /* UPC-A/E add-ons don't descend */
addon_row_height += guard_descent;
if (addon_row_height < 0.5f) {
addon_row_height = 0.5f;
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
addon_latch = 1;
if (fill) {
/* a bar */
if (addon_latch) {
rect = vector_plot_create_rect(symbol, i + xoffset, addon_text_yposn - text_gap,
block_width, addon_row_height);
} else {
rect = vector_plot_create_rect(symbol, i + xoffset, yposn, block_width, row_height);
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
if (!rect) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
vector_plot_add_rect(symbol, rect, &last_rectangle);
yposn += row_height;
} else {
yposn = yoffset;
for (r = 0; r < symbol->rows; r++) {
const float row_height = symbol->row_height[r] ? symbol->row_height[r] : large_bar_height;
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
for (i = 0; i < symbol->width; i += block_width) {
const int fill = module_is_set(symbol, r, i);
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
for (block_width = 1; (i + block_width < symbol->width)
&& module_is_set(symbol, r, i + block_width) == fill; block_width++);
if (fill) {
/* a bar */
rect = vector_plot_create_rect(symbol, i + xoffset, yposn, block_width, row_height);
if (!rect) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
vector_plot_add_rect(symbol, rect, &last_rectangle);
if (i == 0) {
first_row_rects[r] = rect;
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
yposn += row_height;
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
if (guard_descent && upceanflag >= 6) { /* UPC-E, EAN-8, UPC-A, EAN-13 */
/* Guard bar extension */
if (upceanflag == 6) { /* UPC-E */
i = 0;
for (rect = symbol->vector->rectangles; rect != NULL; rect = rect->next) {
switch (i - last_row_start) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 14:
case 15:
case 16:
rect->height += guard_descent;
} else if (upceanflag == 8) { /* EAN-8 */
i = 0;
for (rect = symbol->vector->rectangles; rect != NULL; rect = rect->next) {
switch (i - last_row_start) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 10:
case 11:
case 20:
case 21:
rect->height += guard_descent;
} else if (upceanflag == 12) { /* UPC-A */
i = 0;
for (rect = symbol->vector->rectangles; rect != NULL; rect = rect->next) {
switch (i - last_row_start) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 14:
case 15:
case 26:
case 27:
case 28:
case 29:
rect->height += guard_descent;
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
} else { /* EAN-13 */
i = 0;
for (rect = symbol->vector->rectangles; rect != NULL; rect = rect->next) {
switch (i - last_row_start) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 14:
case 15:
case 28:
case 29:
rect->height += guard_descent;
/* Add the text */
if (!hide_text) {
float text_xposn;
float text_yposn;
xoffset += comp_xoffset;
text_yposn = yoffset + symbol->height + text_height + text_gap; /* Calculated to bottom of text */
if (symbol->border_width > 0 && (symbol->output_options & (BARCODE_BOX | BARCODE_BIND))) {
text_yposn += symbol->border_width;
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
if (upceanflag >= 6) { /* UPC-E, EAN-8, UPC-A, EAN-13 */
float textwidth;
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
out_upcean_split_text(upceanflag, symbol->text, textpart1, textpart2, textpart3, textpart4);
if (upceanflag == 6) { /* UPC-E */
text_xposn = -5.0f + xoffset;
textwidth = 6.2f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, textpart1, text_xposn, text_yposn, upcae_outside_text_height,
textwidth, 2 /*right align*/, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
text_xposn = 24.0f + xoffset;
textwidth = 6.0f * 8.5f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, textpart2, text_xposn, text_yposn, text_height,
textwidth, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
text_xposn = 51.0f + 3.0f + xoffset;
textwidth = 6.2f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, textpart3, text_xposn, text_yposn, upcae_outside_text_height,
textwidth, 1 /*left align*/, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
switch (ustrlen(addon)) {
case 2:
text_xposn = 61.0f + xoffset + addon_gap;
textwidth = 2.0f * 8.5f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, addon, text_xposn, addon_text_yposn,
text_height, textwidth, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
case 5:
text_xposn = 75.0f + xoffset + addon_gap;
textwidth = 5.0f * 8.5f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, addon, text_xposn, addon_text_yposn,
text_height, textwidth, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
} else if (upceanflag == 8) { /* EAN-8 */
text_xposn = 17.0f + xoffset;
textwidth = 4.0f * 8.5f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, textpart1, text_xposn, text_yposn,
text_height, textwidth, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
text_xposn = 50.0f + xoffset;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, textpart2, text_xposn, text_yposn,
text_height, textwidth, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
switch (ustrlen(addon)) {
case 2:
text_xposn = 77.0f + xoffset + addon_gap;
textwidth = 2.0f * 8.5f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, addon, text_xposn, addon_text_yposn,
text_height, textwidth, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
case 5:
text_xposn = 91.0f + xoffset + addon_gap;
textwidth = 5.0f * 8.5f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, addon, text_xposn, addon_text_yposn,
text_height, textwidth, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
} else if (upceanflag == 12) { /* UPC-A */
text_xposn = -5.0f + xoffset;
textwidth = 6.2f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, textpart1, text_xposn, text_yposn, upcae_outside_text_height,
textwidth, 2 /*right align*/, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
text_xposn = 27.0f + xoffset;
textwidth = 5.0f * 8.5f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, textpart2, text_xposn, text_yposn, text_height,
textwidth, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
text_xposn = 67.0f + xoffset;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, textpart3, text_xposn, text_yposn, text_height,
textwidth, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
text_xposn = 95.0f + 5.0f + xoffset;
textwidth = 6.2f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, textpart4, text_xposn, text_yposn, upcae_outside_text_height,
textwidth, 1 /*left align*/, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
switch (ustrlen(addon)) {
case 2:
text_xposn = 105.0f + xoffset + addon_gap;
textwidth = 2.0f * 8.5f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, addon, text_xposn, addon_text_yposn,
text_height, textwidth, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
case 5:
text_xposn = 119.0f + xoffset + addon_gap;
textwidth = 5.0f * 8.5f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, addon, text_xposn, addon_text_yposn,
text_height, textwidth, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
} else { /* EAN-13 */
text_xposn = -5.0f + xoffset;
textwidth = 8.5f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, textpart1, text_xposn, text_yposn,
text_height, textwidth, 2 /*right align*/, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
text_xposn = 24.0f + xoffset;
textwidth = 6.0f * 8.5f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, textpart2, text_xposn, text_yposn,
text_height, textwidth, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
text_xposn = 71.0f + xoffset;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, textpart3, text_xposn, text_yposn,
text_height, textwidth, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
switch (ustrlen(addon)) {
case 2:
text_xposn = 105.0f + xoffset + addon_gap;
textwidth = 2.0f * 8.5f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, addon, text_xposn, addon_text_yposn,
text_height, textwidth, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
case 5:
text_xposn = 119.0f + xoffset + addon_gap;
textwidth = 5.0f * 8.5f;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, addon, text_xposn, addon_text_yposn,
text_height, textwidth, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
Performance improvements for linear encoding and raster output - use fixed-length string tables (mostly) instead of (char *) pointer ones (saves ~40K) - re-use C128Table for CODABLOCKF and CODE16K (required removal of Stop character and extra CODE16K-only entry) - use pointer to destination and copy (memcpy/strcpy(), bin_append_posn()) instead of concatenating (strcat()) (mostly) - replace last remaining bin_append()s with bin_append_posn(); bin_append() removed - add length arg to toupper() and expand() (avoids strlen()) - change is_sane() to use table-based flags (avoids an iteration) - rename lookup() to is_sane_lookup() and change to check and return posns and use in pointer to destination loops (avoids strcat()s) - remove special case PHARMA in expand() (dealt with in pharma()) - make #define SILVER/CALCIUM/TECHNETIUM/KRSET etc static strings - replace strchr() -> posn() - CODE128: populate destination once in checksum loop; re-use and export some more routines (c128_set_a/b/c(), c128_put_in_set()) for sharing; prefix defines (SHIFTA -> C128_SHIFTA etc) and existing exported routines - use factor XOR toggle trick in checksum calcs (avoids branch) - raster.c: fill out single 1-pixel row and copy using new draw_bar_line(), copy_bar_line() routines; similarly in buffer_plot compare previous line & copy if same (same technique as used to improve non-half-integer scaling, significant performance increase, (c) codemonkey82); also done for PNG (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF not done) - raster/vector/output.c: shorten "output_" prefix -> "out_"; sync vector to other raster changes to try to keep source files similar - 2of5.c: prefix "c25_" JAPANPOST: return error if input data truncated (backward incompatible) DAFT: max chars 50 -> 100 common.c: istwodigit() -> is_twodigit() common.c/emf.c/output.c: use some further stripf()s (MSVC6 float variations) library.c: new check_output_args() helper zint.h: add BARCODE_LAST marker and use in library.c QRCODE: remove a NOLINT (requires clang-tidy-13), one remaining CMake: separate no-optimize from ZINT_DEBUG into new ZINT_NOOPT option
2021-10-20 23:05:30 +01:00
} else {
/* Put normal human readable text at the bottom (and centered) */
/* calculate start xoffset to center text */
text_xposn = main_width / 2.0f + xoffset;
if (!vector_plot_add_string(symbol, symbol->text, text_xposn, text_yposn,
text_height, symbol->width, 0, &last_string)) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
xoffset -= comp_xoffset; /* Restore xoffset */
/* Separator binding for stacked barcodes */
if ((symbol->output_options & BARCODE_BIND) && (symbol->rows > 1) && is_stackable(symbol->symbology)) {
float sep_xoffset = xoffset;
float sep_width = symbol->width;
float sep_height = 1.0f, sep_yoffset, sep_half_height;
if (symbol->option_3 > 0 && symbol->option_3 <= 4) {
sep_height = symbol->option_3;
sep_half_height = sep_height / 2.0f;
sep_yoffset = yoffset - sep_half_height;
if (is_codablockf) {
/* Avoid 11-module start and 13-module stop chars */
sep_xoffset += 11;
sep_width -= 11 + 13;
/* Adjust original rectangles so don't overlap with separator(s) (important for RGBA) */
for (r = 0; r < symbol->rows; r++) {
for (rect = first_row_rects[r], i = 0; rect && rect != first_row_rects[r + 1]; rect = rect->next, i++) {
if (is_codablockf) { /* Skip start and stop chars */
if (i < 3) {
if ((i / 3) * 11 + 13 >= symbol->width) { /* 3 bars and 11 modules per char */
if (r != 0) {
rect->y += sep_height - sep_half_height;
rect->height -= r + 1 == symbol->rows ? sep_half_height : sep_height;
} else {
rect->height -= sep_half_height;
if (rect->height < 0) {
rect->height = 0.0f;
/* TODO: warn? */
for (r = 1; r < symbol->rows; r++) {
const float row_height = symbol->row_height[r - 1] ? symbol->row_height[r - 1] : large_bar_height;
rect = vector_plot_create_rect(symbol, sep_xoffset, (r * row_height) + sep_yoffset,
sep_width, sep_height);
if (!rect) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
vector_plot_add_rect(symbol, rect, &last_rectangle);
/* Bind/box */
if (symbol->border_width > 0 && (symbol->output_options & (BARCODE_BOX | BARCODE_BIND))) {
const int horz_outside = is_fixed_ratio(symbol->symbology);
float ybind_top = yoffset - symbol->border_width;
/* Following equivalent to yoffset + symbol->height + dot_overspill except for BARCODE_MAXICODE */
float ybind_bot = vector->height - textoffset - boffset;
if (horz_outside) {
ybind_top = 0;
ybind_bot = vector->height - symbol->border_width;
/* Top */
rect = vector_plot_create_rect(symbol, 0.0f, ybind_top, vector->width, symbol->border_width);
if (!rect) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
if (!(symbol->output_options & BARCODE_BOX) && is_codablockf) {
/* CodaBlockF bind - does not extend over horizontal whitespace */
rect->x = xoffset;
rect->width -= xoffset + roffset;
vector_plot_add_rect(symbol, rect, &last_rectangle);
/* Bottom */
rect = vector_plot_create_rect(symbol, 0.0f, ybind_bot, vector->width, symbol->border_width);
if (!rect) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
if (!(symbol->output_options & BARCODE_BOX) && is_codablockf) {
/* CodaBlockF bind - does not extend over horizontal whitespace */
rect->x = xoffset;
rect->width -= xoffset + roffset;
vector_plot_add_rect(symbol, rect, &last_rectangle);
if (symbol->output_options & BARCODE_BOX) {
const float xbox_right = vector->width - symbol->border_width;
float box_top = yoffset;
/* Following equivalent to symbol->height except for BARCODE_MAXICODE */
float box_height = vector->height - textoffset - dot_overspill - yoffset - boffset;
if (horz_outside) {
box_top = symbol->border_width;
box_height = vector->height - symbol->border_width * 2;
/* Left */
rect = vector_plot_create_rect(symbol, 0.0f, box_top, symbol->border_width, box_height);
if (!rect) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
vector_plot_add_rect(symbol, rect, &last_rectangle);
/* Right */
rect = vector_plot_create_rect(symbol, xbox_right, box_top, symbol->border_width, box_height);
if (!rect) return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY;
vector_plot_add_rect(symbol, rect, &last_rectangle);
vector_scale(symbol, file_type);
if (file_type != OUT_EMF_FILE) {
/* EMF does its own rotation (with mixed results in various apps) */
vector_rotate(symbol, rotate_angle);
switch (file_type) {
error_number = ps_plot(symbol);
error_number = svg_plot(symbol);
error_number = emf_plot(symbol, rotate_angle);
/* case OUT_BUFFER: No more work needed */
return error_number;
/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et : */