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/* zint.h - definitions for libzint */
2008-07-13 21:15:55 +00:00
libzint - the open source barcode library
Copyright (C) 2009-2022 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
2008-07-13 21:15:55 +00:00
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
2017-10-23 21:37:52 +02:00
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
2017-10-23 21:37:52 +02:00
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
2017-10-23 21:37:52 +02:00
without specific prior written permission.
2017-10-23 21:37:52 +02:00
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */
* For version, see "zintconfig.h"
* For documentation, see "../docs/manual.txt"
2008-09-02 19:57:47 +00:00
2008-07-18 14:47:03 +00:00
#ifndef ZINT_H
#define ZINT_H
2008-07-13 21:15:55 +00:00
2008-07-18 14:47:03 +00:00
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
2008-07-13 21:15:55 +00:00
struct zint_vector_rect {
float x, y, height, width;
int colour; /* -1 for foreground, 1-8 for Cyan, Blue, Magenta, Red, Yellow, Green, Black, White */
struct zint_vector_rect *next; /* Pointer to next rectangle */
struct zint_vector_hexagon {
float x, y, diameter;
int rotation; /* 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees */
struct zint_vector_hexagon *next; /* Pointer to next hexagon */
struct zint_vector_string {
float x, y; /* x, y position relative to halign */
float fsize; /* Font size */
float width; /* Suggested string width, may be 0 if none recommended */
int length; /* Number of characters */
int rotation; /* 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees */
int halign; /* Horizontal alignment: 0 for centre, 1 for left, 2 for right (end) */
unsigned char *text;
struct zint_vector_string *next; /* Pointer to next string */
struct zint_vector_circle {
float x, y;
float diameter; /* Circle diameter. Does not include width (if any) */
float width; /* Width of circle perimeter (circumference). 0 for fill (disc) */
int colour; /* Non-zero for draw with background colour (else draw with foreground colour) */
struct zint_vector_circle *next; /* Pointer to next circle */
/* Vector header */
struct zint_vector {
float width, height; /* Width, height of barcode image (including text, whitespace) */
struct zint_vector_rect *rectangles; /* Pointer to first rectangle */
struct zint_vector_hexagon *hexagons; /* Pointer to first hexagon */
struct zint_vector_string *strings; /* Pointer to first string */
struct zint_vector_circle *circles; /* Pointer to first circle */
/* Structured Append info - ignored unless `zint_structapp.count` is set to non-zero value */
struct zint_structapp {
int index; /* Position in Structured Append sequence, 1-based. Must be <= `count` */
int count; /* Number of symbols in Structured Append sequence. Set >= 2 to add SA Info */
char id[32]; /* Optional ID to distinguish sequence, ASCII, NUL-terminated unless max 32 long */
/* Main symbol structure */
struct zint_symbol {
int symbology; /* Symbol to use (see BARCODE_XXX below) */
float height; /* Barcode height in X-dimensions (ignored for fixed-width barcodes) */
float scale; /* Scale factor when printing barcode, i.e. adjusts X-dimension. Default 1 */
int whitespace_width; /* Width in X-dimensions of whitespace to left & right of barcode */
int whitespace_height; /* Height in X-dimensions of whitespace above & below the barcode */
int border_width; /* Size of border in X-dimensions */
int output_options; /* Various output parameters (bind, box etc, see below) */
char fgcolour[10]; /* Foreground as RGB/RGBA hexadecimal string, 6 or 8 characters, NUL-terminated */
char bgcolour[10]; /* Background as RGB/RGBA hexadecimal string, 6 or 8 characters, NUL-terminated */
char *fgcolor; /* Pointer to fgcolour (alternate spelling) */
char *bgcolor; /* Pointer to bgcolour (alternate spelling) */
char outfile[256]; /* Name of file to output to, NUL-terminated. Default "out.png" ("out.gif" if no PNG) */
char primary[128]; /* Primary message data (MaxiCode, Composite), NUL-terminated */
int option_1; /* Symbol-specific options (see "../docs/manual.txt") */
int option_2; /* Symbol-specific options */
int option_3; /* Symbol-specific options */
int show_hrt; /* Show (1) or hide (0) Human Readable Text (HRT). Default 1 */
int fontsize; /* Unused */
int input_mode; /* Encoding of input data (see DATA_MODE etc below). Default DATA_MODE */
int eci; /* Extended Channel Interpretation. Default 0 (none) */
- API: add new zint_symbol `dpmm` field for output resolution (BMP/ EMF/PCX/PNG/TIF only, i.e. excluding EPS, GIF & SVG) - Add support for specifying scale by X-dimension and resolution with new option `--scalexdimdp` for CLI/Tcl & new API function `ZBarcode_Scale_From_XdimDp()` (+ `ZBarcode_XdimDp_From_Scale()` & `ZBarcode_Default_Xdim()`) and new GUI popup; manual: document - BMP/EMF/PCX/PNG/TIF: use new `dpmm` resolution field (for EMF following Inkscape) - backend_qt: add `dpmm()`, `vectorWidth()`, `vectorHeight()`, `noPng()`, `getVersion()`, `takesGS1AIData()`, & `XdimDp` stuff incl. new `QZintXdimDp` struct for passing around scale vars & use in `getAsCLI()`; add comments - Raise `scale` limit to 200 (from 100) to allow for large dpmm - output: create directories & subdirectories as necessary for output path using new function `out_fopen()` and use in BMP/EMF/ EPS/GIF/PCX/PNG/SVG/TIF - DPLEIT/DPIDENT: format HRT according to (incomplete) documentation, and set default height to 72X (from 50X) - CODE128B renamed to CODE128AB as can use subsets A and/or B - CODABAR: fix minimum height calc - EMF: fix indexing of handles (zero-based not 1-based) - GUI: fix symbology zap (previous technique of clearing and re-loading settings without doing a sync no longer works); fix UPCEAN guard descent enable - MAILMARK: better error message if input < 14 characters - GUI: add "Default" button for DAFT tracker ratio & enable/disable various default buttons; use new `takesGS1AIData()` to enable/disable GS1-specific checkboxes - CLI: use new `validate_float()` to parse float options (7 significant digits allowed only, no scientific notation) - DATAMATRIX/GRIDMATRIX/PDF417/QR/ULTRA: micro-optimize structapp ID parse - library/CLI: fiddle with static asserts (make CHAR_BIT sensitive, supposedly) - win32/README: update building libpng (assembly removed) - README.linux: document incompatibility of Qt6 >= 6.3 - manual: expand Barcode Studio waffle - test suite: change range separator to hyphen and allow multiple excludes
2022-12-02 21:39:01 +00:00
float dpmm; /* Resolution of output in dots per mm (BMP/EMF/PCX/PNG/TIF only). Default 0 (none) */
float dot_size; /* Size of dots used in BARCODE_DOTTY_MODE. Default 0.8 */
float guard_descent; /* Height in X-dimensions that EAN/UPC guard bars descend. Default 5 */
struct zint_structapp structapp; /* Structured Append info. Default structapp.count 0 (none) */
int warn_level; /* Affects error/warning value returned by Zint API (see WARN_XXX below) */
int debug; /* Debugging flags */
unsigned char text[128]; /* Human Readable Text (HRT) (if any), UTF-8, NUL-terminated (output only) */
int rows; /* Number of rows used by the symbol (output only) */
int width; /* Width of the generated symbol (output only) */
unsigned char encoded_data[200][144]; /* Encoded data (output only). Allows for rows of 1152 modules */
float row_height[200]; /* Heights of rows (output only). Allows for 200 row DotCode */
char errtxt[100]; /* Error message if an error or warning occurs, NUL-terminated (output only) */
unsigned char *bitmap; /* Stored bitmap image (raster output only) */
int bitmap_width; /* Width of bitmap image (raster output only) */
int bitmap_height; /* Height of bitmap image (raster output only) */
unsigned char *alphamap; /* Array of alpha values used (raster output only) */
unsigned int bitmap_byte_length; /* Size of BMP bitmap data (raster output only) */
struct zint_vector *vector; /* Pointer to vector header (vector output only) */
/* Segment for use with `ZBarcode_Encode_Segs()` below */
struct zint_seg {
unsigned char *source; /* Data to encode */
int length; /* Length of `source`. If 0, `source` must be NUL-terminated */
int eci; /* Extended Channel Interpretation */
/* Symbologies (`symbol->symbology`) */
/* Tbarcode 7 codes */
#define BARCODE_CODE11 1 /* Code 11 */
#define BARCODE_C25STANDARD 2 /* 2 of 5 Standard (Matrix) */
#define BARCODE_C25MATRIX 2 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_C25INTER 3 /* 2 of 5 Interleaved */
#define BARCODE_C25IATA 4 /* 2 of 5 IATA */
#define BARCODE_C25LOGIC 6 /* 2 of 5 Data Logic */
#define BARCODE_C25IND 7 /* 2 of 5 Industrial */
#define BARCODE_CODE39 8 /* Code 39 */
#define BARCODE_EXCODE39 9 /* Extended Code 39 */
#define BARCODE_EANX 13 /* EAN (European Article Number) */
#define BARCODE_EANX_CHK 14 /* EAN + Check Digit */
#define BARCODE_GS1_128 16 /* GS1-128 */
#define BARCODE_EAN128 16 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_CODABAR 18 /* Codabar */
#define BARCODE_CODE128 20 /* Code 128 */
#define BARCODE_DPLEIT 21 /* Deutsche Post Leitcode */
#define BARCODE_DPIDENT 22 /* Deutsche Post Identcode */
#define BARCODE_CODE16K 23 /* Code 16k */
#define BARCODE_CODE49 24 /* Code 49 */
#define BARCODE_CODE93 25 /* Code 93 */
#define BARCODE_FLAT 28 /* Flattermarken */
#define BARCODE_DBAR_OMN 29 /* GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional */
#define BARCODE_RSS14 29 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_DBAR_LTD 30 /* GS1 DataBar Limited */
#define BARCODE_RSS_LTD 30 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_DBAR_EXP 31 /* GS1 DataBar Expanded */
#define BARCODE_RSS_EXP 31 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_TELEPEN 32 /* Telepen Alpha */
#define BARCODE_UPCA 34 /* UPC-A */
#define BARCODE_UPCA_CHK 35 /* UPC-A + Check Digit */
#define BARCODE_UPCE 37 /* UPC-E */
#define BARCODE_UPCE_CHK 38 /* UPC-E + Check Digit */
#define BARCODE_POSTNET 40 /* USPS (U.S. Postal Service) POSTNET */
#define BARCODE_MSI_PLESSEY 47 /* MSI Plessey */
#define BARCODE_FIM 49 /* Facing Identification Mark */
#define BARCODE_PHARMA 51 /* Pharmacode One-Track */
#define BARCODE_PZN 52 /* Pharmazentralnummer */
#define BARCODE_PHARMA_TWO 53 /* Pharmacode Two-Track */
#define BARCODE_CEPNET 54 /* Brazilian CEPNet Postal Code */
#define BARCODE_PDF417 55 /* PDF417 */
#define BARCODE_PDF417COMP 56 /* Compact PDF417 (Truncated PDF417) */
#define BARCODE_PDF417TRUNC 56 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_MAXICODE 57 /* MaxiCode */
#define BARCODE_QRCODE 58 /* QR Code */
- API: add new zint_symbol `dpmm` field for output resolution (BMP/ EMF/PCX/PNG/TIF only, i.e. excluding EPS, GIF & SVG) - Add support for specifying scale by X-dimension and resolution with new option `--scalexdimdp` for CLI/Tcl & new API function `ZBarcode_Scale_From_XdimDp()` (+ `ZBarcode_XdimDp_From_Scale()` & `ZBarcode_Default_Xdim()`) and new GUI popup; manual: document - BMP/EMF/PCX/PNG/TIF: use new `dpmm` resolution field (for EMF following Inkscape) - backend_qt: add `dpmm()`, `vectorWidth()`, `vectorHeight()`, `noPng()`, `getVersion()`, `takesGS1AIData()`, & `XdimDp` stuff incl. new `QZintXdimDp` struct for passing around scale vars & use in `getAsCLI()`; add comments - Raise `scale` limit to 200 (from 100) to allow for large dpmm - output: create directories & subdirectories as necessary for output path using new function `out_fopen()` and use in BMP/EMF/ EPS/GIF/PCX/PNG/SVG/TIF - DPLEIT/DPIDENT: format HRT according to (incomplete) documentation, and set default height to 72X (from 50X) - CODE128B renamed to CODE128AB as can use subsets A and/or B - CODABAR: fix minimum height calc - EMF: fix indexing of handles (zero-based not 1-based) - GUI: fix symbology zap (previous technique of clearing and re-loading settings without doing a sync no longer works); fix UPCEAN guard descent enable - MAILMARK: better error message if input < 14 characters - GUI: add "Default" button for DAFT tracker ratio & enable/disable various default buttons; use new `takesGS1AIData()` to enable/disable GS1-specific checkboxes - CLI: use new `validate_float()` to parse float options (7 significant digits allowed only, no scientific notation) - DATAMATRIX/GRIDMATRIX/PDF417/QR/ULTRA: micro-optimize structapp ID parse - library/CLI: fiddle with static asserts (make CHAR_BIT sensitive, supposedly) - win32/README: update building libpng (assembly removed) - README.linux: document incompatibility of Qt6 >= 6.3 - manual: expand Barcode Studio waffle - test suite: change range separator to hyphen and allow multiple excludes
2022-12-02 21:39:01 +00:00
#define BARCODE_CODE128AB 60 /* Code 128 (Suppress subset C) */
#define BARCODE_CODE128B 60 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_AUSPOST 63 /* Australia Post Standard Customer */
#define BARCODE_AUSREPLY 66 /* Australia Post Reply Paid */
#define BARCODE_AUSROUTE 67 /* Australia Post Routing */
#define BARCODE_AUSREDIRECT 68 /* Australia Post Redirection */
#define BARCODE_ISBNX 69 /* ISBN */
#define BARCODE_RM4SCC 70 /* Royal Mail 4-State Customer Code */
#define BARCODE_DATAMATRIX 71 /* Data Matrix (ECC200) */
#define BARCODE_EAN14 72 /* EAN-14 */
#define BARCODE_VIN 73 /* Vehicle Identification Number */
#define BARCODE_CODABLOCKF 74 /* Codablock-F */
#define BARCODE_NVE18 75 /* NVE-18 (SSCC-18) */
#define BARCODE_JAPANPOST 76 /* Japanese Postal Code */
#define BARCODE_KOREAPOST 77 /* Korea Post */
#define BARCODE_DBAR_STK 79 /* GS1 DataBar Stacked */
#define BARCODE_RSS14STACK 79 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_DBAR_OMNSTK 80 /* GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional */
#define BARCODE_RSS14STACK_OMNI 80 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_DBAR_EXPSTK 81 /* GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked */
#define BARCODE_RSS_EXPSTACK 81 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_MICROPDF417 84 /* MicroPDF417 */
#define BARCODE_USPS_IMAIL 85 /* USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) */
#define BARCODE_ONECODE 85 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_PLESSEY 86 /* UK Plessey */
/* Tbarcode 8 codes */
#define BARCODE_TELEPEN_NUM 87 /* Telepen Numeric */
#define BARCODE_ITF14 89 /* ITF-14 */
#define BARCODE_KIX 90 /* Dutch Post KIX Code */
#define BARCODE_AZTEC 92 /* Aztec Code */
#define BARCODE_DAFT 93 /* DAFT Code */
#define BARCODE_DPD 96 /* DPD Code */
#define BARCODE_MICROQR 97 /* Micro QR Code */
/* Tbarcode 9 codes */
#define BARCODE_HIBC_128 98 /* HIBC (Health Industry Barcode) Code 128 */
#define BARCODE_HIBC_39 99 /* HIBC Code 39 */
#define BARCODE_HIBC_DM 102 /* HIBC Data Matrix */
#define BARCODE_HIBC_QR 104 /* HIBC QR Code */
#define BARCODE_HIBC_PDF 106 /* HIBC PDF417 */
#define BARCODE_HIBC_MICPDF 108 /* HIBC MicroPDF417 */
#define BARCODE_HIBC_BLOCKF 110 /* HIBC Codablock-F */
#define BARCODE_HIBC_AZTEC 112 /* HIBC Aztec Code */
2017-10-23 21:37:52 +02:00
2016-04-07 17:13:43 +01:00
/* Tbarcode 10 codes */
#define BARCODE_DOTCODE 115 /* DotCode */
#define BARCODE_HANXIN 116 /* Han Xin (Chinese Sensible) Code */
/* Tbarcode 11 codes */
#define BARCODE_MAILMARK_2D 119 /* Royal Mail 2D Mailmark (CMDM) (Data Matrix) */
#define BARCODE_UPU_S10 120 /* Universal Postal Union S10 */
#define BARCODE_MAILMARK_4S 121 /* Royal Mail 4-State Mailmark */
#define BARCODE_MAILMARK 121 /* Legacy */
2009-01-31 22:03:46 +00:00
/* Zint specific */
#define BARCODE_AZRUNE 128 /* Aztec Runes */
#define BARCODE_CODE32 129 /* Code 32 */
#define BARCODE_EANX_CC 130 /* EAN Composite */
#define BARCODE_GS1_128_CC 131 /* GS1-128 Composite */
#define BARCODE_EAN128_CC 131 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_DBAR_OMN_CC 132 /* GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Composite */
#define BARCODE_RSS14_CC 132 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_DBAR_LTD_CC 133 /* GS1 DataBar Limited Composite */
#define BARCODE_RSS_LTD_CC 133 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_DBAR_EXP_CC 134 /* GS1 DataBar Expanded Composite */
#define BARCODE_RSS_EXP_CC 134 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_UPCA_CC 135 /* UPC-A Composite */
#define BARCODE_UPCE_CC 136 /* UPC-E Composite */
#define BARCODE_DBAR_STK_CC 137 /* GS1 DataBar Stacked Composite */
#define BARCODE_RSS14STACK_CC 137 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_DBAR_OMNSTK_CC 138 /* GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional Composite */
#define BARCODE_RSS14_OMNI_CC 138 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_DBAR_EXPSTK_CC 139 /* GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked Composite */
#define BARCODE_RSS_EXPSTACK_CC 139 /* Legacy */
#define BARCODE_CHANNEL 140 /* Channel Code */
#define BARCODE_CODEONE 141 /* Code One */
#define BARCODE_GRIDMATRIX 142 /* Grid Matrix */
#define BARCODE_UPNQR 143 /* UPNQR (Univerzalnega Plačilnega Naloga QR) */
#define BARCODE_ULTRA 144 /* Ultracode */
#define BARCODE_RMQR 145 /* Rectangular Micro QR Code (rMQR) */
#define BARCODE_BC412 146 /* IBM BC412 (SEMI T1-95) */
2022-07-03 15:47:56 +01:00
#define BARCODE_LAST 146 /* Max barcode number marker, not barcode */
/* Output options (`symbol->output_options`) */
#define BARCODE_BIND_TOP 0x0001 /* Boundary bar above the symbol only (not below), does not affect stacking */
/* Note: value was once used by the legacy (never-used) BARCODE_NO_ASCII */
#define BARCODE_BIND 0x0002 /* Boundary bars above & below the symbol and between stacked symbols */
#define BARCODE_BOX 0x0004 /* Box around symbol */
#define BARCODE_STDOUT 0x0008 /* Output to stdout */
#define READER_INIT 0x0010 /* Reader Initialisation (Programming) */
#define SMALL_TEXT 0x0020 /* Use smaller font */
#define BOLD_TEXT 0x0040 /* Use bold font */
#define CMYK_COLOUR 0x0080 /* CMYK colour space (Encapsulated PostScript and TIF) */
#define BARCODE_DOTTY_MODE 0x0100 /* Plot a matrix symbol using dots rather than squares */
#define GS1_GS_SEPARATOR 0x0200 /* Use GS instead of FNC1 as GS1 separator (Data Matrix) */
#define OUT_BUFFER_INTERMEDIATE 0x0400 /* Return ASCII values in bitmap buffer (OUT_BUFFER only) */
#define BARCODE_QUIET_ZONES 0x0800 /* Add compliant quiet zones (additional to any specified whitespace) */
/* Note: CODE16K, CODE49, CODABLOCKF, ITF14, EAN/UPC have default quiet zones
#define BARCODE_NO_QUIET_ZONES 0x1000 /* Disable quiet zones, notably those with defaults as listed above */
#define COMPLIANT_HEIGHT 0x2000 /* Warn if height not compliant and use standard height (if any) as default */
/* Input data types (`symbol->input_mode`) */
#define DATA_MODE 0 /* Binary */
#define UNICODE_MODE 1 /* UTF-8 */
#define GS1_MODE 2 /* GS1 */
/* The following may be OR-ed with above */
#define ESCAPE_MODE 0x0008 /* Process escape sequences */
#define GS1PARENS_MODE 0x0010 /* Process parentheses as GS1 AI delimiters (instead of square brackets) */
#define GS1NOCHECK_MODE 0x0020 /* Do not check validity of GS1 data (except that printable ASCII only) */
#define HEIGHTPERROW_MODE 0x0040 /* Interpret `height` as per-row rather than as overall height */
#define FAST_MODE 0x0080 /* Use faster if less optimal encodation or other shortcuts if available */
/* Note: affects DATAMATRIX, MICROPDF417, PDF417, QRCODE & UPNQR only */
/* Data Matrix specific options (`symbol->option_3`) */
#define DM_SQUARE 100 /* Only consider square versions on automatic symbol size selection */
#define DM_DMRE 101 /* Consider DMRE versions on automatic symbol size selection */
/* QR, Han Xin, Grid Matrix specific options (`symbol->option_3`) */
#define ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE 200 /* Enable Kanji/Hanzi compression for Latin-1 & binary data */
/* Ultracode specific option (`symbol->option_3`) */
#define ULTRA_COMPRESSION 128 /* Enable Ultracode compression (experimental) */
/* Warning and error conditions (API return values) */
#define ZINT_WARN_INVALID_OPTION 2 /* Invalid option given but overridden by Zint */
#define ZINT_WARN_USES_ECI 3 /* Automatic ECI inserted by Zint */
#define ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT 4 /* Symbol created not compliant with standards */
#define ZINT_ERROR 5 /* Warn/error marker, not returned */
#define ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG 5 /* Input data wrong length */
#define ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA 6 /* Input data incorrect */
#define ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK 7 /* Input check digit incorrect */
#define ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION 8 /* Incorrect option given */
#define ZINT_ERROR_ENCODING_PROBLEM 9 /* Internal error (should not happen) */
#define ZINT_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS 10 /* Error opening output file */
#define ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY 11 /* Memory allocation (malloc) failure */
#define ZINT_ERROR_FILE_WRITE 12 /* Error writing to output file */
#define ZINT_ERROR_USES_ECI 13 /* Error counterpart of warning if WARN_FAIL_ALL set (see below) */
#define ZINT_ERROR_NONCOMPLIANT 14 /* Error counterpart of warning if WARN_FAIL_ALL set */
- API: add new zint_symbol `dpmm` field for output resolution (BMP/ EMF/PCX/PNG/TIF only, i.e. excluding EPS, GIF & SVG) - Add support for specifying scale by X-dimension and resolution with new option `--scalexdimdp` for CLI/Tcl & new API function `ZBarcode_Scale_From_XdimDp()` (+ `ZBarcode_XdimDp_From_Scale()` & `ZBarcode_Default_Xdim()`) and new GUI popup; manual: document - BMP/EMF/PCX/PNG/TIF: use new `dpmm` resolution field (for EMF following Inkscape) - backend_qt: add `dpmm()`, `vectorWidth()`, `vectorHeight()`, `noPng()`, `getVersion()`, `takesGS1AIData()`, & `XdimDp` stuff incl. new `QZintXdimDp` struct for passing around scale vars & use in `getAsCLI()`; add comments - Raise `scale` limit to 200 (from 100) to allow for large dpmm - output: create directories & subdirectories as necessary for output path using new function `out_fopen()` and use in BMP/EMF/ EPS/GIF/PCX/PNG/SVG/TIF - DPLEIT/DPIDENT: format HRT according to (incomplete) documentation, and set default height to 72X (from 50X) - CODE128B renamed to CODE128AB as can use subsets A and/or B - CODABAR: fix minimum height calc - EMF: fix indexing of handles (zero-based not 1-based) - GUI: fix symbology zap (previous technique of clearing and re-loading settings without doing a sync no longer works); fix UPCEAN guard descent enable - MAILMARK: better error message if input < 14 characters - GUI: add "Default" button for DAFT tracker ratio & enable/disable various default buttons; use new `takesGS1AIData()` to enable/disable GS1-specific checkboxes - CLI: use new `validate_float()` to parse float options (7 significant digits allowed only, no scientific notation) - DATAMATRIX/GRIDMATRIX/PDF417/QR/ULTRA: micro-optimize structapp ID parse - library/CLI: fiddle with static asserts (make CHAR_BIT sensitive, supposedly) - win32/README: update building libpng (assembly removed) - README.linux: document incompatibility of Qt6 >= 6.3 - manual: expand Barcode Studio waffle - test suite: change range separator to hyphen and allow multiple excludes
2022-12-02 21:39:01 +00:00
/* Warning level (`symbol->warn_level`) */
#define WARN_DEFAULT 0 /* Default behaviour */
#define WARN_FAIL_ALL 2 /* Treat warning as error */
/* Capability flags (ZBarcode_Cap() `cap_flag`) */
#define ZINT_CAP_HRT 0x0001 /* Prints Human Readable Text? */
#define ZINT_CAP_STACKABLE 0x0002 /* Is stackable? */
#define ZINT_CAP_EXTENDABLE 0x0004 /* Is extendable with add-on data? (Is EAN/UPC?) */
#define ZINT_CAP_COMPOSITE 0x0008 /* Can have composite data? */
#define ZINT_CAP_ECI 0x0010 /* Supports Extended Channel Interpretations? */
#define ZINT_CAP_GS1 0x0020 /* Supports GS1 data? */
#define ZINT_CAP_DOTTY 0x0040 /* Can be output as dots? */
#define ZINT_CAP_QUIET_ZONES 0x0080 /* Has default quiet zones? */
#define ZINT_CAP_FIXED_RATIO 0x0100 /* Has fixed width-to-height (aspect) ratio? */
#define ZINT_CAP_READER_INIT 0x0200 /* Supports Reader Initialisation? */
#define ZINT_CAP_FULL_MULTIBYTE 0x0400 /* Supports full-multibyte option? */
#define ZINT_CAP_MASK 0x0800 /* Is mask selectable? */
#define ZINT_CAP_STRUCTAPP 0x1000 /* Supports Structured Append? */
#define ZINT_CAP_COMPLIANT_HEIGHT 0x2000 /* Has compliant height? */
/* The largest amount of data that can be encoded is 4350 4-byte UTF-8 chars in Han Xin Code */
#define ZINT_MAX_DATA_LEN 17400
/* Maximum number of segments allowed for (`seg_count`) */
#define ZINT_MAX_SEG_COUNT 256
/* Debug flags (`symbol->debug`) */
#define ZINT_DEBUG_PRINT 0x0001 /* Print debug info (if any) to stdout */
#define ZINT_DEBUG_TEST 0x0002 /* For internal test use only */
#ifdef _WIN32
# if defined(DLL_EXPORT) || defined(PIC) || defined(_USRDLL)
# define ZINT_EXTERN __declspec(dllexport)
# elif defined(ZINT_DLL)
# define ZINT_EXTERN __declspec(dllimport)
# else
# define ZINT_EXTERN extern
# endif
# define ZINT_EXTERN extern
/* Create and initialize a symbol structure */
ZINT_EXTERN struct zint_symbol *ZBarcode_Create(void);
/* Free any output buffers that may have been created and initialize output fields */
ZINT_EXTERN void ZBarcode_Clear(struct zint_symbol *symbol);
/* Free a symbol structure, including any output buffers */
ZINT_EXTERN void ZBarcode_Delete(struct zint_symbol *symbol);
/* Encode a barcode. If `length` is 0, `source` must be NUL-terminated */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Encode(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const unsigned char *source, int length);
/* Encode a barcode with multiple ECI segments */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Encode_Segs(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const struct zint_seg segs[],
const int seg_count);
/* Encode a barcode using input data from file `filename` */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Encode_File(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const char *filename);
/* Output a previously encoded symbol to file `symbol->outfile` */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Print(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle);
/* Encode and output a symbol to file `symbol->outfile` */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Encode_and_Print(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const unsigned char *source, int length,
int rotate_angle);
/* Encode a symbol with multiple ECI segments and output to file `symbol->outfile` */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Encode_Segs_and_Print(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const struct zint_seg segs[],
const int seg_count, int rotate_angle);
/* Encode a symbol using input data from file `filename` and output to file `symbol->outfile` */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Encode_File_and_Print(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const char *filename,
int rotate_angle);
/* Output a previously encoded symbol to memory as raster (`symbol->bitmap`) */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Buffer(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle);
/* Encode and output a symbol to memory as raster (`symbol->bitmap`) */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Encode_and_Buffer(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const unsigned char *source, int length,
int rotate_angle);
/* Encode a symbol with multiple ECI segments and output to memory as raster (`symbol->bitmap`) */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Encode_Segs_and_Buffer(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const struct zint_seg segs[],
const int seg_count, int rotate_angle);
/* Encode a symbol using input data from file `filename` and output to memory as raster (`symbol->bitmap`) */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Encode_File_and_Buffer(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const char *filename,
int rotate_angle);
/* Output a previously encoded symbol to memory as vector (`symbol->vector`) */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Buffer_Vector(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle);
/* Encode and output a symbol to memory as vector (`symbol->vector`) */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Encode_and_Buffer_Vector(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const unsigned char *source,
int length, int rotate_angle);
/* Encode a symbol with multiple ECI segments and output to memory as vector (`symbol->vector`) */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Encode_Segs_and_Buffer_Vector(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const struct zint_seg segs[],
const int seg_count, int rotate_angle);
/* Encode a symbol using input data from file `filename` and output to memory as vector (`symbol->vector`) */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Encode_File_and_Buffer_Vector(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const char *filename,
int rotate_angle);
2009-11-08 21:24:32 +00:00
/* Is `symbol_id` a recognized symbology? */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_ValidID(int symbol_id);
/* Copy BARCODE_XXX name of `symbol_id` into `name` buffer, NUL-terminated.
Returns 0 if valid, non-zero (1 or -1) if not valid */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_BarcodeName(int symbol_id, char name[32]);
/* Return the capability flags for symbology `symbol_id` that match `cap_flag` */
ZINT_EXTERN unsigned int ZBarcode_Cap(int symbol_id, unsigned int cap_flag);
- API: add new zint_symbol `dpmm` field for output resolution (BMP/ EMF/PCX/PNG/TIF only, i.e. excluding EPS, GIF & SVG) - Add support for specifying scale by X-dimension and resolution with new option `--scalexdimdp` for CLI/Tcl & new API function `ZBarcode_Scale_From_XdimDp()` (+ `ZBarcode_XdimDp_From_Scale()` & `ZBarcode_Default_Xdim()`) and new GUI popup; manual: document - BMP/EMF/PCX/PNG/TIF: use new `dpmm` resolution field (for EMF following Inkscape) - backend_qt: add `dpmm()`, `vectorWidth()`, `vectorHeight()`, `noPng()`, `getVersion()`, `takesGS1AIData()`, & `XdimDp` stuff incl. new `QZintXdimDp` struct for passing around scale vars & use in `getAsCLI()`; add comments - Raise `scale` limit to 200 (from 100) to allow for large dpmm - output: create directories & subdirectories as necessary for output path using new function `out_fopen()` and use in BMP/EMF/ EPS/GIF/PCX/PNG/SVG/TIF - DPLEIT/DPIDENT: format HRT according to (incomplete) documentation, and set default height to 72X (from 50X) - CODE128B renamed to CODE128AB as can use subsets A and/or B - CODABAR: fix minimum height calc - EMF: fix indexing of handles (zero-based not 1-based) - GUI: fix symbology zap (previous technique of clearing and re-loading settings without doing a sync no longer works); fix UPCEAN guard descent enable - MAILMARK: better error message if input < 14 characters - GUI: add "Default" button for DAFT tracker ratio & enable/disable various default buttons; use new `takesGS1AIData()` to enable/disable GS1-specific checkboxes - CLI: use new `validate_float()` to parse float options (7 significant digits allowed only, no scientific notation) - DATAMATRIX/GRIDMATRIX/PDF417/QR/ULTRA: micro-optimize structapp ID parse - library/CLI: fiddle with static asserts (make CHAR_BIT sensitive, supposedly) - win32/README: update building libpng (assembly removed) - README.linux: document incompatibility of Qt6 >= 6.3 - manual: expand Barcode Studio waffle - test suite: change range separator to hyphen and allow multiple excludes
2022-12-02 21:39:01 +00:00
/* Return default X-dimension in mm for symbology `symbol_id`. Returns 0 on error (invalid `symbol_id`) */
ZINT_EXTERN float ZBarcode_Default_Xdim(int symbol_id);
/* Return the scale to use for `symbol_id` for non-zero X-dimension `x_dim_mm` at `dpmm` dots per mm for
`filetype`. If `dpmm` zero defaults to 12. If `filetype` NULL/empty, defaults to "GIF". Returns 0 on error */
ZINT_EXTERN float ZBarcode_Scale_From_XdimDp(int symbol_id, float x_dim_mm, float dpmm, const char *filetype);
/* Reverse of `ZBarcode_Scale_From_XdimDp()` above to estimate the X-dimension or dpmm given non-zero `scale` and
non-zero `x_dim_mm_or_dpmm`. Return value bound to dpmm max not X-dimension max. Returns 0 on error */
ZINT_EXTERN float ZBarcode_XdimDp_From_Scale(int symbol_id, float scale, float x_dim_mm_or_dpmm,
const char *filetype);
/* Whether Zint built without PNG support */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_NoPng(void);
/* Return the version of Zint linked to */
ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Version(void);
2008-07-18 14:47:03 +00:00
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et : */
#endif /* ZINT_H */