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2008-07-18 14:48:31 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2008 by BogDan Vatra *
* bogdan@licentia.eu *
2016-08-14 09:58:38 +01:00
* Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Robin Stuart *
2008-07-18 14:48:31 +00:00
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
#include "qzint.h"
2009-04-28 15:34:02 +00:00
#include <stdio.h>
2008-07-18 14:48:31 +00:00
2016-08-14 09:58:38 +01:00
namespace Zint {
static const qreal maxi_diagonal = 11;
static const qreal maxi_width = 1.73205807568877 * maxi_diagonal / 2;
static const char* fontstyle = "Arial";
static const int fontPixelSizeSmall = 6;
static const int fontPixelSizeLarge = 8;
QZint::QZint() {
m_symbol = BARCODE_CODE128;
m_height = 50;
m_border = NO_BORDER;
m_borderWidth = 1;
m_securityLevel = -1;
m_pdf417CodeWords = 928;
m_fgColor = Qt::black;
m_bgColor = Qt::white;
m_zintSymbol = 0;
m_error = 0;
m_input_mode = UNICODE_MODE;
m_scale = 1.0;
m_option_3 = 0;
m_hidetext = FALSE;
QZint::~QZint() {
if (m_zintSymbol)
void QZint::encode() {
if (m_zintSymbol)
m_zintSymbol = ZBarcode_Create();
m_zintSymbol->output_options = m_border;
m_zintSymbol->symbology = m_symbol;
m_zintSymbol->height = m_height;
m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width = m_whitespace;
m_zintSymbol->border_width = m_borderWidth;
m_zintSymbol->option_1 = m_securityLevel;
m_zintSymbol->input_mode = m_input_mode;
m_zintSymbol->option_2 = m_width;
if (m_hidetext) {
m_zintSymbol->show_hrt = 0;
} else {
m_zintSymbol->show_hrt = 1;
if (m_symbol == BARCODE_PDF417) {
m_zintSymbol->option_3 = m_pdf417CodeWords;
} else {
m_zintSymbol->option_3 = m_option_3;
QByteArray bstr = m_text.toUtf8();
QByteArray pstr = m_primaryMessage.left(99).toAscii();
strcpy(m_zintSymbol->primary, pstr.data());
int error = ZBarcode_Encode(m_zintSymbol, (unsigned char*) bstr.data(), bstr.length());
m_lastError = m_zintSymbol->errtxt;
if (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_MAXICODE)
m_zintSymbol->height = 33;
switch (m_zintSymbol->output_options) {
case 0: m_border = NO_BORDER;
case 2: m_border = BIND;
case 4: m_border = BOX;
m_borderWidth = (BorderType) m_zintSymbol->border_width;
m_whitespace = m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width;
int QZint::symbol() {
return m_symbol;
void QZint::setSymbol(int symbol) {
m_symbol = symbol;
void QZint::setInputMode(int input_mode) {
m_input_mode = input_mode;
QString QZint::text() {
return m_text;
void QZint::setText(const QString & text) {
m_text = text;
QString QZint::primaryMessage() {
return m_primaryMessage;
void QZint::setPrimaryMessage(const QString & primaryMessage) {
m_primaryMessage = primaryMessage;
int QZint::height() {
return (m_zintSymbol->height + (m_border != NO_BORDER) ? m_borderWidth * 2 : 0)*(m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_MAXICODE ? (maxi_width + 1) : 1);
void QZint::setHeight(int height) {
m_height = height;
void QZint::setWidth(int width) {
m_width = width;
void QZint::setOption3(int option) {
m_option_3 = option;
int QZint::width() {
return (m_zintSymbol->width + (m_border == BOX) ? m_borderWidth * 2 : 0)*(m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_MAXICODE ? (maxi_width + 1) : 1);
float QZint::scale() {
return m_scale;
void QZint::setScale(float scale) {
m_scale = scale;
QColor QZint::fgColor() {
return m_fgColor;
void QZint::setFgColor(const QColor & fgColor) {
m_fgColor = fgColor;
QColor QZint::bgColor() {
return m_bgColor;
void QZint::setBgColor(const QColor & bgColor) {
m_bgColor = bgColor;
QZint::BorderType QZint::borderType() {
return m_border;
void QZint::setBorderType(BorderType border) {
m_border = border;
int QZint::borderWidth() {
return m_borderWidth;
void QZint::setBorderWidth(int boderWidth) {
if (boderWidth < 1 || boderWidth > 16)
boderWidth = 1;
m_borderWidth = boderWidth;
void QZint::setWhitespace(int whitespace) {
m_whitespace = whitespace;
int QZint::pdf417CodeWords() {
return m_pdf417CodeWords;
void QZint::setPdf417CodeWords(int pdf417CodeWords) {
m_pdf417CodeWords = pdf417CodeWords;
int QZint::securityLevel() {
return m_securityLevel;
void QZint::setSecurityLevel(int securityLevel) {
m_securityLevel = securityLevel;
QString QZint::error_message() {
return m_lastError;
int QZint::mode() {
return m_securityLevel;
void QZint::setMode(int securityLevel) {
m_securityLevel = securityLevel;
void QZint::setHideText(bool hide) {
m_hidetext = hide;
bool QZint::save_to_file(QString filename) {
if (m_zintSymbol)
QString fg_colour_hash = m_fgColor.name();
QString bg_colour_hash = m_bgColor.name();
m_zintSymbol = ZBarcode_Create();
m_zintSymbol->output_options = m_border;
m_zintSymbol->symbology = m_symbol;
m_zintSymbol->height = m_height;
m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width = m_whitespace;
m_zintSymbol->border_width = m_borderWidth;
m_zintSymbol->option_1 = m_securityLevel;
m_zintSymbol->input_mode = m_input_mode;
m_zintSymbol->option_2 = m_width;
if (m_hidetext) {
m_zintSymbol->show_hrt = 0;
} else {
m_zintSymbol->show_hrt = 1;
if (m_symbol == BARCODE_PDF417) {
m_zintSymbol->option_3 = m_pdf417CodeWords;
} else {
m_zintSymbol->option_3 = m_option_3;
m_zintSymbol->scale = m_scale;
QByteArray bstr = m_text.toUtf8();
QByteArray pstr = m_primaryMessage.left(99).toAscii();
QByteArray fstr = filename.left(255).toAscii();
strcpy(m_zintSymbol->primary, pstr.data());
strcpy(m_zintSymbol->outfile, fstr.data());
QByteArray fgcol = fg_colour_hash.right(6).toAscii();
QByteArray bgcol = bg_colour_hash.right(6).toAscii();
strcpy(m_zintSymbol->fgcolour, fgcol.data());
strcpy(m_zintSymbol->bgcolour, bgcol.data());
int error = ZBarcode_Encode(m_zintSymbol, (unsigned char*) bstr.data(), bstr.length());
m_lastError = m_zintSymbol->errtxt;
error = ZBarcode_Print(m_zintSymbol, 0);
m_lastError = m_zintSymbol->errtxt;
if (error == 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
int QZint::module_set(int y_coord, int x_coord) {
int x_char, x_sub, result;
x_char = x_coord / 7;
x_sub = x_coord % 7;
result = 0;
if (m_zintSymbol->encoded_data[y_coord][x_char] & (0x01 << x_sub)) {
result = 1;
return result;
void QZint::render(QPainter & painter, const QRectF & paintRect, AspectRatioMode mode) {
bool textdone;
int comp_offset = 0, xoffset = m_whitespace, j, main_width = 0, addon_text_height = 0;
int yoffset = 0;
QString caption = QString::fromUtf8((const char *) m_zintSymbol->text, -1);
QFont fontSmall(fontstyle);
QFont fontLarge(fontstyle);
if (m_lastError.length()) {
painter.drawText(paintRect, Qt::AlignCenter, m_lastError);
painter.setClipRect(paintRect, Qt::IntersectClip);
qreal xtr = paintRect.x();
qreal ytr = paintRect.y();
int zrow_height = m_zintSymbol->height;
int zrows = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_zintSymbol->rows; i++) {
zrow_height -= m_zintSymbol->row_height[i];
if (!m_zintSymbol->row_height[i])
if (zrows) {
zrow_height /= zrows;
for (int i = 0; i < m_zintSymbol->rows; i++)
if (!m_zintSymbol->row_height[i])
m_zintSymbol->row_height[i] = zrow_height;
} else
m_zintSymbol->height -= zrow_height;
qreal gwidth = m_zintSymbol->width;
qreal gheight = m_zintSymbol->height;
if (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_MAXICODE) {
gheight *= (maxi_width);
gwidth *= (maxi_width + 1);
if (m_zintSymbol->output_options &= BARCODE_DOTTY_MODE) {
gwidth += 2.0;
gheight += 2.0;
qreal xsf = 1;
qreal ysf = 1;
qreal textoffset = 0;
gwidth += ((m_border == BOX) ? m_borderWidth * 2 : 0);
gheight += ((m_border != NO_BORDER) ? m_borderWidth * 2 : 0);
if (QString((const char*) m_zintSymbol->text).isEmpty() == false) {
textoffset = 9;
gheight += textoffset;
} else {
textoffset = 0;
gwidth += m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width * 2;
switch (mode) {
case IgnoreAspectRatio:
xsf = (qreal) paintRect.width() / gwidth;
ysf = (qreal) paintRect.height() / gheight;
case KeepAspectRatio:
if (paintRect.width() / gwidth < paintRect.height() / gheight) {
ysf = xsf = (qreal) paintRect.width() / gwidth;
ytr += (qreal) (paintRect.height() - gheight * ysf) / 2;
} else {
ysf = xsf = (qreal) paintRect.height() / gheight;
xtr += (qreal) (paintRect.width() - gwidth * xsf) / 2;
case CenterBarCode:
xtr += ((qreal) paintRect.width() - gwidth * xsf) / 2;
ytr += ((qreal) paintRect.height() - gheight * ysf) / 2;
painter.fillRect(paintRect, QBrush(m_bgColor));
painter.translate(xtr, ytr);
painter.scale(xsf, ysf);
QPen p;
QPainterPath pt;
if (m_zintSymbol->symbology != BARCODE_MAXICODE) {
/* Draw boundary bars or boxes around the symbol */
switch (m_border) {
case BOX:
painter.fillRect(0, m_borderWidth, m_borderWidth, m_zintSymbol->height, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(m_zintSymbol->width + xoffset + xoffset + m_borderWidth, m_borderWidth, m_borderWidth, m_zintSymbol->height, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(0, 0, m_zintSymbol->width + xoffset + xoffset + m_borderWidth + m_borderWidth, m_borderWidth, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(0, m_zintSymbol->height + m_borderWidth, m_zintSymbol->width + xoffset + xoffset + m_borderWidth + m_borderWidth, m_borderWidth, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.translate(m_borderWidth + m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width, m_borderWidth);
yoffset = m_borderWidth;
case BIND:
painter.fillRect(0, 0, m_zintSymbol->width + xoffset + xoffset, m_borderWidth, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(0, m_zintSymbol->height + m_borderWidth, m_zintSymbol->width + xoffset + xoffset, m_borderWidth, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.translate(m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width, m_borderWidth);
yoffset = m_borderWidth;
painter.translate(m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width, 0);
while (!(module_set(m_zintSymbol->rows - 1, comp_offset))) {
xoffset = comp_offset;
/* Set up some values for displaying EAN and UPC symbols correctly */
main_width = m_zintSymbol->width;
if ((((m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_EANX) && (m_zintSymbol->rows == 1)) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_EANX_CC))
|| (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_ISBNX)) {
switch (caption.size()) {
case 13: /* EAN 13 */
case 16:
case 19:
if (m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width == 0) {
m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width = 10;
main_width = 96 + comp_offset;
main_width = 68 + comp_offset;
if (((m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCA) && (m_zintSymbol->rows == 1)) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCA_CC)) {
if (m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width == 0) {
m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width = 10;
main_width = 96 + comp_offset;
if (((m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCE) && (m_zintSymbol->rows == 1)) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCE_CC)) {
if (m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width == 0) {
m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width = 10;
main_width = 51 + comp_offset;
if (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_MAXICODE) {
/* Draw Maxicode with hexagons */
for (int r = 0; r < m_zintSymbol->rows; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < m_zintSymbol->width; c++) {
if (module_set(r, c)) {
qreal col = (qreal) c * (maxi_width + 1)+(r % 2)*((maxi_width + 1) / 2);
qreal row = (qreal) r * (maxi_width + 1)*0.868;
QPainterPath pt;
pt.moveTo(col + maxi_width / 2, row);
pt.lineTo(col + maxi_width, row + maxi_diagonal / 4);
pt.lineTo(col + maxi_width, row + (maxi_diagonal - maxi_diagonal / 4));
pt.lineTo(col + maxi_width / 2, row + maxi_diagonal);
pt.lineTo(col, row + (maxi_diagonal - maxi_diagonal / 4));
pt.lineTo(col, row + maxi_diagonal / 4);
pt.lineTo(col + maxi_width / 2, row);
painter.fillPath(pt, QBrush(m_fgColor));
const qreal w = maxi_width + 1;
painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(14.5 * w, 16.5 * w * 0.868), w, w);
painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(14.5 * w, 16.5 * w * 0.868), w + w * 1.5, w + w * 1.5);
painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(14.5 * w, 16.5 * w * 0.868), w + w * 3, w + w * 3);
} else if (m_zintSymbol->output_options &= BARCODE_DOTTY_MODE) {
/* Draw with dots (circles) */
for (int r = 0; r < m_zintSymbol->rows; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < m_zintSymbol->width; c++) {
if (module_set(r, c)) {
painter.drawEllipse(QPointF((r + 1.0), (c + 1.0)), 0.5, 0.5);
} else {
/* Draw all other symbols with rectangles */
int y = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < m_zintSymbol->rows; row++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_zintSymbol->width; i++) {
if (module_set(row, i)) {
int ed = module_set(row, i);
int linewidth = 0;
for (int j = i; j < m_zintSymbol->width; j++, linewidth++)
if (ed != module_set(row, j))
QColor color;
color = m_fgColor;
if (!((i > main_width) && (row == m_zintSymbol->rows - 1))) {
painter.fillRect(i, y, linewidth, m_zintSymbol->row_height[row], QBrush(color));
} else {
painter.fillRect(i, y + 8, linewidth, m_zintSymbol->row_height[row] - 3, QBrush(color));
addon_text_height = y;
/* Add row binding */
if (((m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_CODE16K) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_CODE49)) && (row != 0)) {
painter.fillRect(0, y - 1, m_zintSymbol->width, 2, QBrush(m_fgColor));
y += m_zintSymbol->row_height[row];
textdone = false;
if (m_hidetext == false) {
if (((m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_EANX) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_EANX_CC)) ||
(m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_ISBNX)) {
/* Add bridge and format text for EAN */
switch (caption.size()) {
case 8:
case 11:
case 14:
painter.fillRect(0 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(2 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(32 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(34 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(64 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(66 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.drawText(3 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 29, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(0, 4));
painter.drawText(35 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 29, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(4, 4));
if (caption.size() == 11) {
/* EAN-2 */ painter.drawText(76 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 20, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(9, 2));
if (caption.size() == 14) {
/* EAN-5 */ painter.drawText(76 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 47, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(9, 5));
textdone = true;
case 13:
case 16:
case 19:
painter.fillRect(0 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(2 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(46 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(48 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(92 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(94 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.drawText(xoffset - 7, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 7, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(0, 1));
painter.drawText(3 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 43, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(1, 6));
painter.drawText(49 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 43, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(7, 6));
if (caption.size() == 16) {
/* EAN-2 */ painter.drawText(104 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 20, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(14, 2));
if (caption.size() == 19) {
/* EAN-5 */ painter.drawText(104 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 47, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(14, 5));
textdone = true;
if (textdone == false) {
painter.drawText(0, m_zintSymbol->height, m_zintSymbol->width, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption);
textdone = true;
if ((m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCA) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCA_CC)) {
/* Add bridge and format text for UPC-A */
int block_width;
bool latch = true;
j = 0 + comp_offset;
do {
block_width = 0;
do {
} while (module_set(m_zintSymbol->rows - 1, j + block_width) == module_set(m_zintSymbol->rows - 1, j));
if (latch == true) {
/* a bar */
painter.fillRect(j + xoffset - comp_offset, m_zintSymbol->height, block_width, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
latch = false;
} else {
/* a space */
latch = true;
j += block_width;
} while (j < 11 + comp_offset);
painter.fillRect(46 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(48 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
latch = true;
j = 85 + comp_offset;
do {
block_width = 0;
do {
} while (module_set(m_zintSymbol->rows - 1, j + block_width) == module_set(m_zintSymbol->rows - 1, j));
if (latch == true) {
/* a bar */
painter.fillRect(j + xoffset - comp_offset, m_zintSymbol->height, block_width, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
latch = false;
} else {
/* a space */
latch = true;
j += block_width;
} while (j < 96 + comp_offset);
painter.drawText(xoffset - 7, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset + 2, 7, 7, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(0, 1));
painter.drawText(96 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset + 2, 7, 7, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(11, 1));
painter.drawText(11 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 35, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(1, 5));
painter.drawText(49 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 35, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(6, 5));
if (caption.size() == 15) {
/* EAN-2 */ painter.drawText(104 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 20, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(13, 2));
if (caption.size() == 18) {
/* EAN-5 */ painter.drawText(104 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 47, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(13, 5));
textdone = true;
if ((m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCE) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCE_CC)) {
/* Add bridge and format text for UPC-E */
painter.fillRect(0 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(2 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(46 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(48 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.fillRect(50 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height, 1, 5, QBrush(m_fgColor));
painter.drawText(xoffset - 7, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset + 2, 7, 7, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(0, 1));
painter.drawText(51 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset + 2, 7, 7, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(7, 1));
painter.drawText(3 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 43, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(1, 6));
if (caption.size() == 11) {
/* EAN-2 */ painter.drawText(60 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 20, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(9, 2));
if (caption.size() == 14) {
/* EAN-2 */ painter.drawText(60 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 47, 9, Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(9, 5));
textdone = true;
} /* if (m_hidetext == false) */
if ((m_hidetext == false) && (textdone == false)) {
/* Add text to any other symbol */
painter.drawText(0, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, m_zintSymbol->width, 7, Qt::AlignCenter, caption);
const QString & QZint::lastError() {
return m_lastError;
bool QZint::hasErrors() {
return m_lastError.length();