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2015-08-19 00:23:28 +12:00
package require Tk
package require zint
wm title . "ZINT Demo"
wm minsize . 480 320
if {[info command sdltk] eq "sdltk"} {
wm attributes . -fullscreen 1
set padx 30
set pady 20
} else {
wm geometry . 480x320
set padx 5
set pady 5
2015-08-19 00:23:28 +12:00
image create photo ::zintimg
pack [::ttk::combobox .c -values [lsort [zint symbologies]] -state readonly] \
-side top -fill x -padx $padx -pady $pady
2015-08-19 00:23:28 +12:00
.c set Datamatrix
pack [::ttk::entry .e] -side top -fill x -padx $padx -pady $pady
2015-08-19 00:23:28 +12:00
.e insert end 12345
bind .e <Return> Generate
2020-04-07 04:37:39 +12:00
pack [::ttk::entry .o] -side top -fill x -padx $padx -pady $pady
.o insert end "-bold 1"
bind .o <Return> Generate
pack [::ttk::button .b -text Generate -command Generate] -fill x -side top \
-padx $padx -pady $pady
2015-08-19 00:23:28 +12:00
proc Generate {} {
::zintimg blank
::zintimg configure -width 1 -height 1
::zintimg blank
::zintimg configure -width 0 -height 0
2020-04-07 04:37:39 +12:00
if {[catch {zint encode [.e get] ::zintimg -barcode [.c get] {*}[.o get]} e]} {
2015-08-19 00:23:28 +12:00
tk_messageBox -message $e -title "Zint error"
} else {
- API: add new zint_symbol `dpmm` field for output resolution (BMP/ EMF/PCX/PNG/TIF only, i.e. excluding EPS, GIF & SVG) - Add support for specifying scale by X-dimension and resolution with new option `--scalexdimdp` for CLI/Tcl & new API function `ZBarcode_Scale_From_XdimDp()` (+ `ZBarcode_XdimDp_From_Scale()` & `ZBarcode_Default_Xdim()`) and new GUI popup; manual: document - BMP/EMF/PCX/PNG/TIF: use new `dpmm` resolution field (for EMF following Inkscape) - backend_qt: add `dpmm()`, `vectorWidth()`, `vectorHeight()`, `noPng()`, `getVersion()`, `takesGS1AIData()`, & `XdimDp` stuff incl. new `QZintXdimDp` struct for passing around scale vars & use in `getAsCLI()`; add comments - Raise `scale` limit to 200 (from 100) to allow for large dpmm - output: create directories & subdirectories as necessary for output path using new function `out_fopen()` and use in BMP/EMF/ EPS/GIF/PCX/PNG/SVG/TIF - DPLEIT/DPIDENT: format HRT according to (incomplete) documentation, and set default height to 72X (from 50X) - CODE128B renamed to CODE128AB as can use subsets A and/or B - CODABAR: fix minimum height calc - EMF: fix indexing of handles (zero-based not 1-based) - GUI: fix symbology zap (previous technique of clearing and re-loading settings without doing a sync no longer works); fix UPCEAN guard descent enable - MAILMARK: better error message if input < 14 characters - GUI: add "Default" button for DAFT tracker ratio & enable/disable various default buttons; use new `takesGS1AIData()` to enable/disable GS1-specific checkboxes - CLI: use new `validate_float()` to parse float options (7 significant digits allowed only, no scientific notation) - DATAMATRIX/GRIDMATRIX/PDF417/QR/ULTRA: micro-optimize structapp ID parse - library/CLI: fiddle with static asserts (make CHAR_BIT sensitive, supposedly) - win32/README: update building libpng (assembly removed) - README.linux: document incompatibility of Qt6 >= 6.3 - manual: expand Barcode Studio waffle - test suite: change range separator to hyphen and allow multiple excludes
2022-12-03 10:39:01 +13:00
set w [image width ::zintimg]
set h [image height ::zintimg]
set lw [winfo width .l]
set lh [winfo height .l]
set sx [expr {int(1.0 * $lw / $w)}]
set sy [expr {int(1.0 * $lh / $h)}]
if {$sy < $sx} {
set sx $sy
if {$sx <= 0} {
set sx [expr {1.1 * $lw / $w}]
set sy [expr {1.1 * $lh / $h}]
if {$sy < $sx} {
set sx $sy
::zintimg blank
::zintimg configure -width 1 -height 1
::zintimg blank
::zintimg configure -width 0 -height 0
catch {
zint encode [.e get] ::zintimg -barcode [.c get] -scale $sx {*}[.o get]
2015-08-19 00:23:28 +12:00
pack [label .l -image ::zintimg -bg white] -side top -fill both -expand 1 \
-padx $padx -pady $pady
bind .e <Configure> {
after cancel Generate
after idle Generate
bind .c <<ComboboxSelected>> {
after cancel Generate
after idle Generate
bind all <Break> exit
bind all <Control-q> exit
bind all <Alt-q> exit