mirror of https://github.com/zint/zint synced 2024-11-16 20:57:25 +13:00

407 lines
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# This script takes the output from pandoc and converts it into the format needed by
# the website at Zint.org.uk
# Warning: This code is ugly... but it saves days of manual effort updating the website.
# Copyright (C) 2022 <rstuart114@gmail.com>
# Works out which tags should influence indentation and puts them on their own line
def isolate_tag(tag):
global stage
indentable_tag = True
for keyword in indent_skip:
if keyword in tag:
indentable_tag = False
if '</' in tag:
# Close tag
if (indentable_tag):
stage += "\n"
stage += tag
stage += "\n"
stage += tag
# Open tag
if (indentable_tag):
stage += "\n"
stage += tag
stage += "\n"
stage += tag
# Add the right amount of indendation (indentation X 4 spaces)
def add_indent():
global indentation
retval = ""
for i in range(0,indentation):
retval += " "
return retval
# Apply indentation to text
def with_indent(text):
global indentation
retval = ""
d = ''
for c in text:
if d == '\n':
retval += d
retval += add_indent()
retval += d
d = c
retval += d
return retval
# Read file and pull some tags onto their own lines for later processing
manual = ""
tag = False
tag_buffer = ""
text_buffer = ""
stage = ""
indent_skip = ['img', 'code', 'pre', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'span', '<a', '</a', 'sup', '<col', '</col', '<hr', 'div']
print("Reading... manual.html")
with open('manual.html') as f:
manual = f.read()
for c in manual:
if c == '<':
stage += text_buffer
tag = True
tag_buffer = ""
if (tag):
tag_buffer += c
text_buffer += c
if c == '>':
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace("\n", " ")
tag = False
text_buffer = ""
manual = stage
stage = ""
print("Adjusting HTML")
# Change the guts of the HTML tags
in_dd = False
to_remove = False
remove_next = False
span_literal = False
for c in manual:
if c == '<':
# Remove "{#tbl:" table identifiers
if '{#tbl:' in text_buffer:
text_buffer = text_buffer[text_buffer.index('tag=') + 7:-3]
text_buffer = text_buffer.replace('\n', ' ')
text_buffer = '\n' + text_buffer + '\n'
# Remove "{@tabl:" table references
if 'tbl:' in text_buffer:
text_buffer = ''
stage += text_buffer
tag = True
tag_buffer = ""
to_remove = False
if (tag):
tag_buffer += c
text_buffer += c
if c == '>':
# Remove some tags which aren't needed on website
if 'span' in tag_buffer:
to_remove = True
if 'div' in tag_buffer:
to_remove = True
if '<col' in tag_buffer:
to_remove = True
if '</col' in tag_buffer:
to_remove = True
if (remove_next):
to_remove = True
remove_next = False
if ('a href' in tag_buffer) and ('aria-hidden="true"' in tag_buffer):
to_remove = True
remove_next = True
if '<a href="#' in tag_buffer:
to_remove = True
remove_next = True
# Don't allow <p> and </p> between <dd> and </dd>
if (tag_buffer == "<dd>"):
in_dd = True
if (tag_buffer == "</dd>"):
in_dd = False
if (in_dd and tag_buffer == '<p>'):
to_remove = True
if (in_dd and tag_buffer == '</p>'):
to_remove = True
# Remove attributes for some tags
if '<pre' in tag_buffer:
tag_buffer = '<pre>'
if '<table' in tag_buffer:
tag_buffer = '<table>'
if '<tr' in tag_buffer:
tag_buffer = '<tr>'
if '<td' in tag_buffer:
tag_buffer = '<td>'
if '<th ' in tag_buffer:
tag_buffer = '<th>'
# Bump all headers up one level
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace('<h6', '<h7')
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace('</h6', '</h7')
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace('<h5', '<h6')
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace('</h5', '</h6')
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace('<h4', '<h5')
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace('</h4', '</h5')
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace('<h3', '<h4')
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace('</h3', '</h4')
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace('<h2', '<h3')
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace('</h2', '</h3')
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace('<h1', '<h2')
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace('</h1', '</h2')
# Change class names for code snippets
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace('class="sourceCode bash"', 'class="language-bash"')
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace('class="sourceCode c"', 'class="language-cpp"')
# Change location of images
tag_buffer = tag_buffer.replace('src="images/', 'src="/images/manual/')
# Change <code> without language to <span>
if tag_buffer == '<code>':
tag_buffer = '<span class="literal">'
span_literal = True
if tag_buffer == '</code>' and span_literal:
tag_buffer = '</span>'
span_literal = False
if not to_remove:
stage += tag_buffer
tag = False
text_buffer = ""
manual = stage
stage = ""
print("Removing empty lines")
# Remove blank lines unless in between <pre> and </pre>
last_char = ''
in_pre = False
for c in manual:
if c == '<':
tag = True
tag_buffer = ""
if (tag):
tag_buffer += c
text_buffer += c
if c == '>':
if ("<pre" in tag_buffer):
in_pre = True
if ("</pre" in tag_buffer):
in_pre = False
tag = False
text_buffer = ""
if c == '\n':
if (last_char != '\n') or (in_pre == True):
stage += c
stage += c
last_char = c
manual = stage
stage = ""
print("Applying indentation")
# Indent the code to make it easier to read
indentation = 1
in_pre = False
paragraph_block = False
document_start = True
chapter_six = False
last_char = ''
for c in manual:
if c == '<':
#Fix 'floating' full stops
text_buffer = text_buffer.replace(' . ', '. ')
# Apply indentation to text
if in_pre:
stage += text_buffer
stage += with_indent(text_buffer)
tag = True
tag_buffer = ""
if (tag):
tag_buffer += c
# Strip '{}' from already removed table references
if c == '}' and last_char == '{':
text_buffer = text_buffer[:-1]
text_buffer += c
last_char = c
if c == '>':
indentable_tag = True
for keyword in indent_skip:
if keyword in tag_buffer:
indentable_tag = False
# Protect the indentation in <pre> segments
if ('<pre' in tag_buffer):
in_pre = True
if ('</pre' in tag_buffer):
in_pre = False
# Chapter 6 requires special treatment - detect beginning and end
if ('id="types-of-symbology"' in tag_buffer):
chapter_six = True
if ('id="legal-and-version-information"' in tag_buffer):
chapter_six = False
if '</' in tag_buffer:
# Close tag
if (indentable_tag):
indentation -= 1
stage += add_indent()
stage += tag_buffer
if text_buffer.endswith('\n'):
stage += add_indent()
stage += tag_buffer
# Split into sections
if (indentation == 1) and ('<p' in tag_buffer):
if not paragraph_block:
if document_start:
document_start = False
stage += '</section>\n'
stage += '<section class="container">\n'
paragraph_block = True
# Handle headers but also decide where to split into multiple HTML files and mark with <page>
if (indentation == 1):
if ('<h2' in tag_buffer):
if document_start:
document_start = False
stage += '<section class="container">\n'
paragraph_block = True
stage += '</section>\n'
stage += '<page>\n'
stage += '<section class="container">\n'
paragraph_block = True
elif ('<h3' in tag_buffer) and chapter_six:
stage += '</section>\n'
stage += '<page>\n'
stage += '<section class="container">\n'
paragraph_block = True
elif ('<h' in tag_buffer):
if not paragraph_block:
stage += '</section>\n'
stage += '<section class="container">\n'
paragraph_block = True
# <dl> section has it's own class
if (indentation == 1) and ('<dl' in tag_buffer):
stage += '</section>\n'
stage += '<section class="definition-list container">\n'
paragraph_block = False
# <table> section has it's own class
if (indentation == 1) and ('<table' in tag_buffer):
stage += '</section>\n'
stage += '<section class="table">\n'
paragraph_block = False
# Open tag
if (indentable_tag):
stage += add_indent()
stage += tag_buffer
indentation += 1
if text_buffer.endswith('\n'):
stage += add_indent()
stage += tag_buffer
tag = False
text_buffer = ""
stage += '\n</section>\n'
manual = stage
stage = ""
# Remove <h2> data and split into output files
out_filenames = ['chapter1.html', 'chapter2.html', 'chapter3.html', 'chapter4.html', 'chapter5.html',
'chapter6.0.html', 'chapter6.1.html', 'chapter6.2.html', 'chapter6.3.html', 'chapter6.4.html',
'chapter6.5.html', 'chapter6.6.html', 'chapter6.7.html', 'chapter7.html', 'appendixa.html', 'appendixb.html']
page = 0
print("Writing... ", out_filenames[page])
f = open(out_filenames[page], "w")
h2_tag = False
for c in manual:
if c == '<':
if h2_tag == False:
stage += text_buffer
tag = True
tag_buffer = ""
if (tag):
tag_buffer += c
text_buffer += c
if c == '>':
if '<h2' in tag_buffer:
h2_tag = True
elif '</h2' in tag_buffer:
h2_tag = False
elif tag_buffer == '<page>':
stage = ""
page += 1
print("Writing... ", out_filenames[page])
f = open(out_filenames[page], "w")
stage += tag_buffer
tag = False
text_buffer = ""