encodation in certain cases (and no pessimizations found so far),
props lyngklip (BWIPP);
fix extended char latching when exactly 3 extended chars at end;
count code set C (not digits) in loop deciding when to
shift/latch to extended for better estimate
AZTEC: return warning if ECC < 5% (due to bit-stuffing when version
given); return error if > 22 layers (Zint 26) for Reader
Initialisation symbol requested for better error message
AZTEC/HANXIN/QRCODE: consolidate different ECC data size tables
into one indexed by ECC
DBAR_EXP: check for reduced length <= 77 up front for better error
HANXIN: use `malloc()` rather than `z_alloca()` for large binary
QRCODE: `ecc_level` now 0-based (not 1-based)
MICROQR: consolidate different version end routines into one
`microqr_end()` and use new `microqr_data` table to simplify code
MICROPDF417: use table for max codewords per column
library: centralize all error messages using new `errtxt()`,
`errtxtf()`, `errtxt_adj()` funcs that protect `symbol->errtxt`
from overflow, & try to make error messages more consistent
thru-out, adding more feedback info to many, & use positional
args "%n$" in prep for l10n (maybe);
`is_sane/is_sane_lookup()` -> `not_sane/not_sane_lookup()`,
returning 1-based position (zero on failure) instead of bool;
`long` ints -> plain `int` (except those dealing with `ftell()`,
`fread()` etc) as depend on int being 32-bits already
GUI: in "grpDATF.ui" use "PlainText" rather than "RichText" for
tracker ratio examples as height of text messing up sometimes
manual: clarify Codablock-F length maximum & add examples
docs: README: pandoc 3.5, Ubuntu 24.04
CMake: use "-Wpedantic" for Clang only as GNU complains about
`errtxtf()` positional args "%n$"
from ZXing (props Alex Geller) - about 25-60% slower depending on
data & stack heavy but does improve some outcomes when FNC1s
present (GS1_MODE or manual) although not much else it appears
(the previous algorithm was very good), but has a logical clarity
the other lacked - funcs `c128_dxsmooth()` etc shared with
CODE16K now moved there and renamed as `c16k_`;
also fix extended char latching when exactly 4 extended chars
at end
also manual code set switching now honoured exactly even if
immediate shift required;
manual: make explicit that AI "(00)" and "(01)" prefixes added by
Zint are HRT-only
general: add `extern "C"` wrappers to a few header files
`gs1_verify()` by checking length before `to_int()`, ticket
#300 (#11), props Andre Maute
CODEONE: fix out-of-bounds crash for Version T by upping buffer
size to same as for A to H, ticket #300 (#12), props Andre Maute
GS1_128_CC: fix divide-by-zero crash in `calc_padding_ccc()` by
allowing for min linear width 68 in `cc_width` calc, ticket #300
(#13), props Andre Maute
BWIPP: update `bwipp_dump.ps` to latest version, update
`gen_gs1_lint.php` to accommodate `req` "+"
PDF417: change `liste[]` int -> short to lessen stack usage
Some variable name and code fiddlings
in `cc_binary_string()`, ticket #300 (#5 & #6), props Andre Maute;
add other checks for length on processing encoding mode
PDF417: fix out-of-bounds crash on overrunning string and codeword
buffers by tripling size (convert to `short` instead of `int` to
guard against too much stack), ticket #300 (#7 & #10), props Andre
Maute; (TODO: add some checks instead to bail out earlier?)
CODEONE: fix looping on latch crash in `c1_encode()`, ticket #300 (#8),
props Andre Maute
CODABLOCKF: fix crash on negative overflow of `columns` (`option_2`),
ticket #300 (#9), props Andre Maute
library: add `debug_print_escape()` helper for ZINT_DEBUG_PRINT
(`ZINT_CAP_EXTENDABLE` marked as legacy)
CODE128: increase no. symbol chars max 60 -> 99
GS1_128: warn if data > 48 (GS1 General Specifications max)
common: `is_extendable()` -> `is_ucpean()`
raster: add `ZFONT_HALIGN_CENTRE/LEFT/RIGHT` flags and process
in `draw_string()` (for drawing EAN/UPC outside digits), and
for `ZFONT_HALIGN_CENTRE` round when calculating centre
(shifts some texts 1 pixel left)
raster/vector: use offsets into `symbol->text` for EAN/UPC
instead of `out_upcean_split_text()` (removed)
BMP/EMF/GIF/PCX/PNG/PS/SVG/TIF: use new `out_colour_get_rgb()`
routine (replaces `colour_to_XXX()`)
general: simplify/fix some `error_number` handling/returning
frontend: truncate overlong `--primary` instead of ignoring;
negative floating pt option (for `--textgap`)
man page: list size detail for matrix symbols (`--vers`)
manual: further fiddling with scaling text; some typos
`EANUPC_GUARD_WHITESPACE`, CLI `--guardwhitespace`) (ticket #287)
EAN-2/EAN-5: HRT now at top instead of at bottom for standalones,
following BWIPP
CLI: batch mode: don't close input if stdin
EAN/UPC: fix excess 1X to right of add-ons
Composites: fix excess whitespace; fix quiet zone calcs to allow
for linear shifting
CLI: use own (Wine) version of `CommandLineToArgvW()` to avoid
loading "shell32.dll"
Move "font.h" -> "raster_font.h"
EPS/SVG: use new `out_putsf()` func to output floats, avoiding
trailing zeroes & locale dependency
EPS: simplify "TR" formula
SVG: change font from "Helvetica, sans serif" to "OCR-B, monospace";
use single "<path>" instead of multiple "<rect>"s to draw boxes
(reduces file size)
Add `EMBED_VECTOR_FONT` to `output_options` (CLI `--embedfont`) to
enable embedding of font in vector output - currently only for
SVG output of EAN/UPC
GUI: use "OCR-B" font for EAN/UPC and "Arimo" for all others (was
"Helvetica" for both); paint background of screen preview light
grey so as contrasts with whitespace and quiet zones
EMF: prefix funcs with `emf_`; simplify string `halign` handling
large: rename `large_int` -> `large_uint`
CODE128/common: move `c128_hrt_cpy_iso8859_1()` to
`hrt_cpy_iso8859_1()` and add `ZINT_WARN_HRT_TRUNCATED` warning
(for future use)
Various symbologies: replace `printf()` with `fputs()`
QRCODE: better assert(), removing a NOLINT (2 left)
CLI: add some more barcode synonyms for DBAR
common: various fiddlings
CMake: don't include png.c unless ZINT_USE_PNG (avoids clang
RMQR: fix ECI encoding (wrong bit length for indicator)
MICROQR: check versions M1 and M2 for allowed characters so as to give
better error messages
DOTCODE: some small optimizations
common.c: add is_chr(), segs_length(), segs_cpy()
namespace prefixes to static funcs/data
includes: use Z_ prefix, unuse double underscore prefixes (guard defines)
manual.txt: compress some tables using double/treble column sets