`size_t` as appropriate)
- BMP: lessen heap memory usage by only `malloc()`ing a row, not
whole file
- GIF: lessen heap memory usage by paging (also simplifies some
function returns); use standard colour char map
- raster: add `raster_malloc()` to fail > 1GB (avoids very large
output files that most systems can't handle; also lessens to
some degree chances of being victim of OOM killer on Linux)
- GUI: printing scale dialog: set maxima on X-dim and resolution
to keep scale <= 200
(`ZINT_CAP_EXTENDABLE` marked as legacy)
CODE128: increase no. symbol chars max 60 -> 99
GS1_128: warn if data > 48 (GS1 General Specifications max)
common: `is_extendable()` -> `is_ucpean()`
raster: add `ZFONT_HALIGN_CENTRE/LEFT/RIGHT` flags and process
in `draw_string()` (for drawing EAN/UPC outside digits), and
for `ZFONT_HALIGN_CENTRE` round when calculating centre
(shifts some texts 1 pixel left)
raster/vector: use offsets into `symbol->text` for EAN/UPC
instead of `out_upcean_split_text()` (removed)
BMP/EMF/GIF/PCX/PNG/PS/SVG/TIF: use new `out_colour_get_rgb()`
routine (replaces `colour_to_XXX()`)
general: simplify/fix some `error_number` handling/returning
frontend: truncate overlong `--primary` instead of ignoring;
negative floating pt option (for `--textgap`)
man page: list size detail for matrix symbols (`--vers`)
manual: further fiddling with scaling text; some typos
also avoid distributive multiplication with floats to lessen chances of
platform variation (#204 ARM-Cortex crash)
- raster.c: Don't allow for text if scale < 1.0
- raster.c: Cast some indexes to (size_t) to allow for large scale
- vector.c: Check malloc()s and return ZINT_ERROR_MEMORY on fail
- raster/vector.c: various var name changes & other code fiddling
- library.c: Check that scale/height/whitespace/border are reasonable values:
scale (0.01-100), height (0-500), whitespace_width/height (0-100),
border_width (0-100)
- CLI: allow both e.g. '-height' and '--height' (getopt_long_only())
- GUI: allow whitespace/scale to 100