Harald Oehlmann 2017-01-18 (does not run jet, NO_PNG mandatory as png/zlib not in 64 bit) How to build qzint.exe using: - QT 5.7 installed in C:\qt\Qt5.7.1 32 bit (use the offline installer and the 32 bit package) - MS Visual Studio 2015 (VC12) Folder structure: - zint source files in $ZH -> this file is in $ZH\frontend_qt - png1620.zip unzipped in $ZH\..\lpng -> $ZH\..\lpng\png.h exists - zlib128.zip unzipped in folder $ZH\..\zlib -> $ZH\..\zlib\zlib.h exists Build libpng: Open $ZH\..\lpng\projects\vstudio with VS2015 gui and convert the project Copy the zlib source as required by the make file (in my case: zlib-1.2.8) Build targets "Release Library" for zlib and libpng. Build zint - Start in the start menu: "VS2015 x64 Native Tools-Eingabeaufforderung" - set PATH=C:\Qt\Qt5.7.1\5.7\msvc2015\bin;%PATH% - cd $ZH - cd backend_qt - qmake backend_qt.pro - nmake clean - nmake release - cd ..\frontend_qt - qmake frontend_qt.pro - nmake clean - nmake release -> qzint.exe is in the release folder For me, it only runs, if I add the following files in the folder (from the QT bin folder): Qt5Core.dll Qt5Gui.dll Qt5Widgets.dll InnoSetup Studio may be used to build the setup file.