Zint backend test suite ----------------------- To make, first make libzint with ZINT_TEST defined: cd <project-dir> mkdir build cd build cmake -DZINT_TEST:BOOL:1 .. make Then make the tests: cd <project-dir> cd backend/tests mkdir build cd build cmake -DZINT_TEST:BOOL:1 .. make (ZINT_TEST is needed to export INTERNAL functions for use and testing.) To run all tests: make test To run individual tests, eg: ./test_common ./test_vector To make with gcc sanitize, first set for libzint and make: cd <project-dir> cd build cmake -DZINT_SANITIZE:BOOL=1 .. make && sudo make install Then set for tests and make: cd <project-dir> cd backend/tests/build cmake -DZINT_SANITIZE:BOOL=1 .. make Similarly to make with gcc debug: cd <project-dir> cd build cmake -DZINT_DEBUG:BOOL=1 .. make && sudo make install cd <project-dir> cd backend/tests/build cmake -DZINT_DEBUG:BOOL=1 .. make To undo sanitize/debug, remake each after setting: cmake -DZINT_SANITIZE:BOOL=0 .. cmake -DZINT_DEBUG:BOOL=0 .. To get a clean libzint, set the above and also: cmake -DZINT_TEST:BOOL=0 .. (The tests will now fail to link.)