%% For pandoc --include-in-header
%% Start sections on new pages

%% Place figures "here" (i.e. immediately, don't move them around)

%% For glossary definition list
%% https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/wiki/Pandoc-Tricks#definition-list-terms-on-their-own-line-in-latex

%% Text and background color for inline code
%% Unfortunately this messes up wrapping TODO: fix
%% Background color for inline code https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/507116
%\definecolor{icbg}{HTML}{fafafa} % Same as modified pygments.theme

%% Make level-4 headings standalone (not run-in) - for some reason "-V block-headings" doesn't seem to work, so do
%% what it does manually here

%% https://github.com/tomduck/pandoc-tablenos
%% As using --include-in-header (this file), need to manually include the following (displayed by setting
%% "-M tablenos-warning-level=2"):

%% PDF metadata - the values are set in "docs/inc_before_body.tex" (otherwise may get overridden)

%% pandoc-tablenos: required package

%% pandoc-tablenos: environment to disable table caption prefixes

%% pandoc-tablenos: environment for tagged tables