/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2021-2023 by Robin Stuart * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * ***************************************************************************/ /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ #include #include "../qzint.h" /* Don't use in case it's been changed */ #ifndef ARRAY_SIZE #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) ((int) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))) #endif class TestQZint : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: TestQZint() : m_skipIfFontUsed(false) { // Qt5 will trigger "detected memory leaks" if font used (libfontconfig) so skip if ASAN enabled #if QT_VERSION < 0x60000 # if !defined(__has_feature) # define __has_feature(x) 0 # endif # if defined(__SANITIZE_ADDRESS__) || __has_feature(address_sanitizer) m_skipIfFontUsed = true; # endif #endif } virtual ~TestQZint() {} // Seems to be needed to generate vtable private: bool m_skipIfFontUsed; // Hack to get around Qt5 ASAN leaks private slots: void setGetTest() { Zint::QZint bc; int symbology = BARCODE_CODE11; bc.setSymbol(symbology); QCOMPARE(bc.symbol(), symbology); int inputMode = UNICODE_MODE; bc.setInputMode(inputMode); QCOMPARE(bc.inputMode(), inputMode); QString text("text"); bc.setText(text); QCOMPARE(bc.text(), text); QCOMPARE(bc.segs().empty(), true); std::vector segTexts; std::vector segECIs; segTexts.push_back(QString("Τεχτ")); segECIs.push_back(9); segTexts.push_back(QString("貫やぐ禁")); segECIs.push_back(20); segTexts.push_back(QString("กขฯ")); segECIs.push_back(13); std::vector segs; for (int i = 0; i < (int) segTexts.size(); i++) { segs.push_back(Zint::QZintSeg(segTexts[i])); segs.back().m_eci = segECIs[i]; } bc.setSegs(segs); QCOMPARE(bc.segs().size(), segs.size()); for (int i = 0; i < (int) segs.size(); i++) { QCOMPARE(bc.segs()[i].m_text, segTexts[i]); QCOMPARE(bc.segs()[i].m_eci, segECIs[i]); } QCOMPARE(bc.text().isEmpty(), true); QCOMPARE(bc.eci(), segECIs[0]); bc.setText(text); QCOMPARE(bc.text(), text); QCOMPARE(bc.segs().empty(), true); QString primaryMessage("primary message"); bc.setPrimaryMessage(primaryMessage); QCOMPARE(bc.primaryMessage(), primaryMessage); float height = 12.345f; bc.setHeight(height); QCOMPARE(bc.height(), height); int option1 = 1; bc.setOption1(option1); QCOMPARE(bc.option1(), option1); int option2 = 2; bc.setOption2(option2); QCOMPARE(bc.option2(), option2); int option3 = 3; bc.setOption3(option3); QCOMPARE(bc.option3(), option3); float scale = 0.678f; bc.setScale(scale); QCOMPARE(bc.scale(), scale); float dpmm = 11.811f; bc.setDPMM(dpmm); QCOMPARE(bc.dpmm(), dpmm); bool dotty = true; bc.setDotty(dotty); QCOMPARE(bc.dotty(), dotty); float dotSize = 1.234f; bc.setDotSize(dotSize); QCOMPARE(bc.dotSize(), dotSize); float guardDescent = 0.678f; bc.setGuardDescent(guardDescent); QCOMPARE(bc.guardDescent(), guardDescent); struct zint_structapp structapp = { 2, 3, "ID" }; bc.setStructApp(structapp.count, structapp.index, structapp.id); QCOMPARE(bc.structAppCount(), structapp.count); QCOMPARE(bc.structAppIndex(), structapp.index); QCOMPARE(bc.structAppID(), QString(structapp.id)); QColor fgColor(0x12, 0x34, 0x45, 0x67); bc.setFgColor(fgColor); QCOMPARE(bc.fgColor(), fgColor); QColor bgColor(0x89, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF); bc.setBgColor(bgColor); QCOMPARE(bc.bgColor(), bgColor); bool cmyk = true; bc.setCMYK(cmyk); QCOMPARE(bc.cmyk(), cmyk); int borderTypes[] = { 0, BARCODE_BIND, BARCODE_BOX, BARCODE_BIND_TOP }; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(borderTypes); i++) { bc.setBorderType(i); QCOMPARE(bc.borderType(), borderTypes[i]); } int borderWidth = 4; bc.setBorderWidth(borderWidth); QCOMPARE(bc.borderWidth(), borderWidth); int whitespace = 5; bc.setWhitespace(whitespace); QCOMPARE(bc.whitespace(), whitespace); int vWhitespace = 6; bc.setVWhitespace(vWhitespace); QCOMPARE(bc.vWhitespace(), vWhitespace); int fontSettings[] = { 0, BOLD_TEXT, SMALL_TEXT, SMALL_TEXT | BOLD_TEXT }; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(fontSettings); i++) { bc.setFontSetting(i); QCOMPARE(bc.fontSetting(), fontSettings[i]); bc.setFontSettingValue(fontSettings[i]); QCOMPARE(bc.fontSetting(), fontSettings[i]); } bc.setFontSetting(ARRAY_SIZE(fontSettings)); QCOMPARE(bc.fontSetting(), 0); bc.setFontSetting(-1); QCOMPARE(bc.fontSetting(), 0); bc.setFontSettingValue(-1); QCOMPARE(bc.fontSetting(), 0); bc.setFontSettingValue(CMYK_COLOUR); QCOMPARE(bc.fontSetting(), 0); bool showText = false; bc.setShowText(showText); QCOMPARE(bc.showText(), showText); bool gsSep = true; bc.setGSSep(gsSep); QCOMPARE(bc.gsSep(), gsSep); bool quietZones = true; bc.setQuietZones(quietZones); QCOMPARE(bc.quietZones(), quietZones); bool noQuietZones = true; bc.setNoQuietZones(noQuietZones); QCOMPARE(bc.noQuietZones(), noQuietZones); bool compliantHeight = true; bc.setCompliantHeight(compliantHeight); QCOMPARE(bc.compliantHeight(), compliantHeight); int rotateAngles[] = { 0, 90, 180, 270 }; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(rotateAngles); i++) { bc.setRotateAngle(i); QCOMPARE(bc.rotateAngle(), rotateAngles[i]); bc.setRotateAngleValue(rotateAngles[i]); QCOMPARE(bc.rotateAngle(), rotateAngles[i]); } bc.setRotateAngle(ARRAY_SIZE(rotateAngles)); QCOMPARE(bc.rotateAngle(), 0); bc.setRotateAngle(-1); QCOMPARE(bc.rotateAngle(), 0); bc.setRotateAngleValue(-1); QCOMPARE(bc.rotateAngle(), 0); bc.setRotateAngleValue(45); QCOMPARE(bc.rotateAngle(), 0); int ecis[] = { 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 170, 899, }; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ecis); i++) { bc.setECI(i); QCOMPARE(bc.eci(), ecis[i]); bc.setECIValue(ecis[i]); QCOMPARE(bc.eci(), ecis[i]); } bc.setECI(ARRAY_SIZE(ecis)); QCOMPARE(bc.eci(), 0); bc.setECI(-1); QCOMPARE(bc.eci(), 0); // See also setGetECIValueTest() bool gs1Parens = true; bc.setGS1Parens(gs1Parens); QCOMPARE(bc.gs1Parens(), gs1Parens); bool gs1NoCheck = true; bc.setGS1NoCheck(gs1NoCheck); QCOMPARE(bc.gs1NoCheck(), gs1NoCheck); bool readerInit = true; bc.setReaderInit(readerInit); QCOMPARE(bc.readerInit(), readerInit); int warnLevel = WARN_FAIL_ALL; bc.setWarnLevel(warnLevel); QCOMPARE(bc.warnLevel(), warnLevel); bool debug = true; bc.setDebug(debug); QCOMPARE(bc.debug(), debug); QCOMPARE(bc.encodedWidth(), 0); // Read-only QCOMPARE(bc.encodedRows(), 0); // Read-only QCOMPARE(bc.encodedHeight(), 0.0f); // Read-only QCOMPARE(bc.vectorWidth(), 0.0f); // Read-only QCOMPARE(bc.vectorHeight(), 0.0f); // Read-only QCOMPARE(bc.takesGS1AIData(BARCODE_CODE128), false); QCOMPARE(bc.takesGS1AIData(BARCODE_GS1_128), true); } void setGetECIValueTest_data() { QTest::addColumn("value"); QTest::addColumn("eci"); QTest::newRow("-1") << -1 << 0; QTest::newRow("0") << 0 << 0; QTest::newRow("1") << 1 << 0; QTest::newRow("2") << 2 << 0; QTest::newRow("14") << 14 << 0; QTest::newRow("19") << 19 << 0; QTest::newRow("31") << 31 << 31; QTest::newRow("36") << 36 << 0; QTest::newRow("169") << 169 << 0; QTest::newRow("171") << 171 << 0; QTest::newRow("898") << 898 << 0; QTest::newRow("900") << 900 << 0; QTest::newRow("1000") << 1000 << 0; } void setGetECIValueTest() { Zint::QZint bc; QFETCH(int, value); QFETCH(int, eci); bc.setECIValue(value); QCOMPARE(bc.eci(), eci); } void legacyTest() { Zint::QZint bc; int width = 12; bc.setWidth(width); QCOMPARE(bc.width(), width); QCOMPARE(bc.option1(), width); int securityLevel = 2; bc.setSecurityLevel(securityLevel); QCOMPARE(bc.securityLevel(), securityLevel); QCOMPARE(bc.option2(), securityLevel); int pdf417CodeWords = 123; bc.setPdf417CodeWords(pdf417CodeWords); QCOMPARE(bc.pdf417CodeWords(), 0); // No-op bool hideText = true; bc.setHideText(hideText); QCOMPARE(bc.showText(), !hideText); // No get for target size } void capTest_data() { QTest::addColumn("symbology"); QTest::addColumn("cap_flag"); QTest::newRow("BARCODE_CODE11") << BARCODE_CODE11 << (ZINT_CAP_HRT | ZINT_CAP_STACKABLE); QTest::newRow("BARCODE_CODE128") << BARCODE_CODE128 << (ZINT_CAP_HRT | ZINT_CAP_STACKABLE | ZINT_CAP_READER_INIT); QTest::newRow("BARCODE_EANX") << BARCODE_EANX << (ZINT_CAP_HRT | ZINT_CAP_STACKABLE | ZINT_CAP_EXTENDABLE | ZINT_CAP_QUIET_ZONES | ZINT_CAP_COMPLIANT_HEIGHT); QTest::newRow("BARCODE_EANX_CC") << BARCODE_EANX_CC << (ZINT_CAP_HRT | ZINT_CAP_EXTENDABLE | ZINT_CAP_COMPOSITE | ZINT_CAP_GS1 | ZINT_CAP_QUIET_ZONES | ZINT_CAP_COMPLIANT_HEIGHT); QTest::newRow("BARCODE_QRCODE") << BARCODE_QRCODE << (ZINT_CAP_ECI | ZINT_CAP_GS1 | ZINT_CAP_DOTTY | ZINT_CAP_FIXED_RATIO | ZINT_CAP_FULL_MULTIBYTE | ZINT_CAP_MASK | ZINT_CAP_STRUCTAPP); } void capTest() { Zint::QZint bc; QFETCH(int, symbology); QFETCH(int, cap_flag); bc.setSymbol(symbology); QCOMPARE(bc.hasHRT(), (cap_flag & ZINT_CAP_HRT) != 0); QCOMPARE(bc.isStackable(), (cap_flag & ZINT_CAP_STACKABLE) != 0); QCOMPARE(bc.isExtendable(), (cap_flag & ZINT_CAP_EXTENDABLE) != 0); QCOMPARE(bc.isComposite(), (cap_flag & ZINT_CAP_COMPOSITE) != 0); QCOMPARE(bc.supportsECI(), (cap_flag & ZINT_CAP_ECI) != 0); QCOMPARE(bc.supportsGS1(), (cap_flag & ZINT_CAP_GS1) != 0); QCOMPARE(bc.isDotty(), (cap_flag & ZINT_CAP_DOTTY) != 0); QCOMPARE(bc.hasDefaultQuietZones(), (cap_flag & ZINT_CAP_QUIET_ZONES) != 0); QCOMPARE(bc.isFixedRatio(), (cap_flag & ZINT_CAP_FIXED_RATIO) != 0); QCOMPARE(bc.supportsReaderInit(), (cap_flag & ZINT_CAP_READER_INIT) != 0); QCOMPARE(bc.supportsFullMultibyte(), (cap_flag & ZINT_CAP_FULL_MULTIBYTE) != 0); QCOMPARE(bc.hasMask(), (cap_flag & ZINT_CAP_MASK) != 0); QCOMPARE(bc.supportsStructApp(), (cap_flag & ZINT_CAP_STRUCTAPP) != 0); QCOMPARE(bc.hasCompliantHeight(), (cap_flag & ZINT_CAP_COMPLIANT_HEIGHT) != 0); } void renderTest_data() { QTest::addColumn("symbology"); QTest::addColumn("text"); QTest::addColumn("scale"); QTest::addColumn("getError"); QTest::addColumn("error_message"); QTest::addColumn("encodedWidth"); QTest::addColumn("encodedRows"); QTest::addColumn("encodedHeight"); QTest::addColumn("vectorWidth"); QTest::addColumn("vectorHeight"); QTest::newRow("BARCODE_CODE128") << BARCODE_CODE128 << "1234" << 0.0f << 0 << "" << 57 << 1 << 50.0f << 114.0f << 100.0f; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_CODE128") << BARCODE_CODE128 << "1234" << 2.0f << 0 << "" << 57 << 1 << 50.0f << 228.0f << 200.0f; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_QRCODE") << BARCODE_QRCODE << "1234" << 0.0f << 0 << "" << 21 << 21 << 21.0f << 42.0f << 42.0f; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_QRCODE") << BARCODE_QRCODE << "1234" << 1.5f << 0 << "" << 21 << 21 << 21.0f << 63.0f << 63.0f; if (!m_skipIfFontUsed) { QTest::newRow("BARCODE_QRCODE no text") << BARCODE_QRCODE << "" << 0.0f << ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA << "Error 778: No input data (segment 0 empty)" << 0 << 0 << 0.0f << 0.0f << 0.0f; } QTest::newRow("BARCODE_MAXICODE") << BARCODE_MAXICODE << "1234" << 0.0f << 0 << "" << 30 << 33 << 28.578f << 60.0f << 57.7334f; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_MAXICODE") << BARCODE_MAXICODE << "1234" << 2.0f << 0 << "" << 30 << 33 << 28.578f << 120.0f << 115.467f; } void renderTest() { Zint::QZint bc; bool bRet; QPainter painter; constexpr int width = 100, height = 100; QPixmap paintDevice(width, height); QRectF paintRect(0, 0, width, height); Zint::QZint::AspectRatioMode mode; QSignalSpy spyEncoded(&bc, SIGNAL(encoded())); QSignalSpy spyErrored(&bc, SIGNAL(errored())); mode = Zint::QZint::AspectRatioMode::KeepAspectRatio; // Legacy - ignored QFETCH(int, symbology); QFETCH(QString, text); QFETCH(float, scale); QFETCH(int, getError); QFETCH(QString, error_message); QFETCH(int, encodedWidth); QFETCH(int, encodedRows); QFETCH(float, encodedHeight); QFETCH(float, vectorWidth); QFETCH(float, vectorHeight); bc.setSymbol(symbology); bc.setText(text); bc.setShowText(false); if (scale) { bc.setScale(scale); } bRet = painter.begin(&paintDevice); QCOMPARE(bRet, true); bc.render(painter, paintRect, mode); bRet = painter.end(); QCOMPARE(bRet, true); QCOMPARE(bc.getError(), getError); QCOMPARE(bc.error_message(), error_message); QCOMPARE(bc.lastError(), error_message); QCOMPARE(bc.hasErrors(), getError != 0); QCOMPARE(bc.encodedWidth(), encodedWidth); QCOMPARE(bc.encodedRows(), encodedRows); QCOMPARE(bc.encodedHeight(), encodedHeight); QCOMPARE(bc.vectorWidth(), vectorWidth); QCOMPARE(bc.vectorHeight(), vectorHeight); if (getError) { QCOMPARE(spyEncoded.count(), 0); QCOMPARE(spyErrored.count(), 1); } else { QCOMPARE(spyEncoded.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(spyErrored.count(), 0); } } void saveToFileTest_data() { QTest::addColumn("symbology"); QTest::addColumn("text"); QTest::addColumn("fileName"); QTest::addColumn("expected_bRet"); QTest::newRow("BARCODE_DATAMATRIX gif") << BARCODE_DATAMATRIX << "1234" << "test_save_to_file.gif" << true; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_DATAMATRIX unknown format") << BARCODE_DATAMATRIX << "1234" << "test_save_to_file.ext" << false; } void saveToFileTest() { Zint::QZint bc; bool bRet; int ret; QFETCH(int, symbology); QFETCH(QString, text); QFETCH(QString, fileName); QFETCH(bool, expected_bRet); bc.setSymbol(symbology); bc.setText(text); bRet = bc.save_to_file(fileName); QCOMPARE(bRet, expected_bRet); if (bRet) { ret = remove(fileName.toLatin1()); QCOMPARE(ret, 0); } } void getAsCLITest_data() { QTest::addColumn("autoHeight"); QTest::addColumn("heightPerRow"); QTest::addColumn("outfile"); QTest::addColumn("symbology"); QTest::addColumn("inputMode"); QTest::addColumn("text"); QTest::addColumn("primary"); QTest::addColumn("height"); QTest::addColumn("option1"); QTest::addColumn("option2"); QTest::addColumn("option3"); QTest::addColumn("scale"); QTest::addColumn("dpmm"); QTest::addColumn("dotty"); QTest::addColumn("dotSize"); QTest::addColumn("guardDescent"); QTest::addColumn("structAppCount"); QTest::addColumn("structAppIndex"); QTest::addColumn("structAppID"); QTest::addColumn("fgColor"); QTest::addColumn("bgColor"); QTest::addColumn("cmyk"); QTest::addColumn("borderTypeIndex"); QTest::addColumn("borderWidth"); QTest::addColumn("whitespace"); QTest::addColumn("vWhitespace"); QTest::addColumn("fontSetting"); QTest::addColumn("showText"); QTest::addColumn("gsSep"); QTest::addColumn("quietZones"); QTest::addColumn("noQuietZones"); QTest::addColumn("compliantHeight"); QTest::addColumn("rotateAngle"); QTest::addColumn("eci"); QTest::addColumn("gs1Parens"); QTest::addColumn("gs1NoCheck"); QTest::addColumn("readerInit"); QTest::addColumn("warnLevel"); QTest::addColumn("debug"); QTest::addColumn("xdimdp_xdim"); QTest::addColumn("xdimdp_xdim_units"); QTest::addColumn("xdimdp_resolution"); QTest::addColumn("xdimdp_resolution_units"); QTest::addColumn("xdimdp_filetype"); QTest::addColumn("xdimdp_filetype_maxicode"); QTest::addColumn("expected_cmd"); QTest::addColumn("expected_win"); QTest::addColumn("expected_longOptOnly"); QTest::addColumn("expected_barcodeNames"); QTest::addColumn("expected_noexe"); QTest::addColumn("expected_xdimdp"); QTest::newRow("BARCODE_AUSPOST") << true << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_AUSPOST << DATA_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "12345678" << "" // text-primary << 30.0f << -1 << 0 << 0 << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 63 --binary --compliantheight -d '12345678'" << "zint.exe -b 63 --binary --compliantheight -d \"12345678\"" << "zint --barcode=63 --binary --compliantheight --data='12345678'" << "zint -b AUSPOST --binary --compliantheight -d '12345678'" << "zint -b 63 --binary --compliantheight -d \"12345678\"" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_AZTEC") << false << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_AZTEC << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "12345678Ж0%var%" << "" // text-primary << 0.0f << 1 << 0 << 0 << 4.0f << 0.0f << true << 0.9f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 2 << 1 << "as\"dfa'sdf" << QColor(Qt::blue) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << true << 0 << 0 << 2 << 3 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << false << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 7 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 92 --cmyk --eci=7 -d '12345678Ж0%var%' --dotsize=0.9 --dotty --fg=0000FF --scale=4" " --secure=1 --structapp='1,2,as\"dfa'\\''sdf' --vwhitesp=3 -w 2" << "zint.exe -b 92 --cmyk --eci=7 -d \"12345678Ж0%var%\" --dotsize=0.9 --dotty --fg=0000FF --scale=4" " --secure=1 --structapp=\"1,2,as\\\"dfa'sdf\" --vwhitesp=3 -w 2" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_C25INTER") << true << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_C25INTER << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "12345" << "" // text-primary << 0.0f << -1 << 2 << 0 << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << SMALL_TEXT // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 3 --compliantheight -d '12345' --small --vers=2" << "zint.exe -b 3 --compliantheight -d \"12345\" --small --vers=2" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_CHANNEL") << false << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_CHANNEL << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "453678" << "" // text-primary << 19.7f << -1 << 7 << 0 << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(255, 255, 255, 0) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 1 << 2 << 0 << 0 << BOLD_TEXT // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << true << false << false << 90 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << true // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 140 --bind --bold --border=2 -d '453678' --height=19.7 --nobackground --quietzones" " --rotate=90 --verbose --vers=7" << "zint.exe -b 140 --bind --bold --border=2 -d \"453678\" --height=19.7 --nobackground --quietzones" " --rotate=90 --verbose --vers=7" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_CODE128") << false << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_CODE128 << (UNICODE_MODE | EXTRA_ESCAPE_MODE) // symbology-inputMode << "1234\\^A56" << "" // text-primary << 0.0f << -1 << 0 << 0 << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << false << false << true << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 20 -d '1234\\^A56' --extraesc --notext --quietzones" << "zint.exe -b 20 -d \"1234\\^A56\" --extraesc --notext --quietzones" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_GS1_128_CC") << false << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_GS1_128_CC << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "[01]12345678901231[15]121212" << "[11]901222[99]ABCDE" // text-primary << 71.142f << 3 << 0 << 0 << 3.5f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << false << false << true << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 131 --compliantheight -d '[11]901222[99]ABCDE' --height=71.142 --mode=3 --notext" " --primary='[01]12345678901231[15]121212' --quietzones --scale=3.5" << "zint.exe -b 131 --compliantheight -d \"[11]901222[99]ABCDE\" --height=71.142 --mode=3 --notext" " --primary=\"[01]12345678901231[15]121212\" --quietzones --scale=3.5" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_CODE16K") << false << 11.7f << "" << BARCODE_CODE16K << (UNICODE_MODE | HEIGHTPERROW_MODE) // symbology-inputMode << "12345678901234567890123456789012" << "" // text-primary << 0.0f << 4 << 0 << 2 << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 1 << 1 << 0 << 0 << SMALL_TEXT // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << true << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 23 --compliantheight -d '12345678901234567890123456789012'" " --height=11.7 --heightperrow --noquietzones --rows=4 --separator=2 --small" << "zint.exe -b 23 --compliantheight -d \"12345678901234567890123456789012\"" " --height=11.7 --heightperrow --noquietzones --rows=4 --separator=2 --small" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_CODE49") << true << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_CODE49 << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "12345678901234567890" << "" // text-primary << 30.0f << -1 << 0 << 0 << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 24 --compliantheight -d '12345678901234567890'" << "zint.exe -b 24 --compliantheight -d \"12345678901234567890\"" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_CODABLOCKF") << true << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_CODABLOCKF << (DATA_MODE | ESCAPE_MODE) // symbology-inputMode << "T\\n\\xA0t\\\"" << "" // text-primary << 0.0f << 2 << 5 << 3 << 3.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 2 << 4 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << true << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 74 --binary --border=4 --box --cols=5 --compliantheight -d 'T\\n\\xA0t\\\"' --esc --init" " --rows=2 --scale=3 --separator=3" << "zint.exe -b 74 --binary --border=4 --box --cols=5 --compliantheight -d \"T\\n\\xA0t\\\\\"\" --esc --init" " --rows=2 --scale=3 --separator=3" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_DAFT") << false << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_DAFT << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "daft" << "" // text-primary << 9.2f << -1 << 251 << 0 << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.7f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33) << QColor(0xBF, 0xBE, 0xBD, 0xBC) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 93 --bg=BFBEBDBC -d 'daft' --fg=30313233 --height=9.2 --vers=251" << "zint.exe -b 93 --bg=BFBEBDBC -d \"daft\" --fg=30313233 --height=9.2 --vers=251" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_DATAMATRIX") << true << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_DATAMATRIX << GS1_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "[20]12" << "" // text-primary << 0.0f << -1 << 0 << DM_SQUARE << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.7f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << true << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 71 -d '[20]12' --gs1 --gssep --square" << "zint.exe -b 71 -d \"[20]12\" --gs1 --gssep --square" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_DATAMATRIX") << false << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_DATAMATRIX << (DATA_MODE | ESCAPE_MODE | FAST_MODE) // symbology-inputMode << "ABCDEFGH\\x01I" << "" // text-primary << 0.0f << -1 << 0 << 0 << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.7f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 71 --binary -d 'ABCDEFGH\\x01I' --esc --fast" << "zint.exe -b 71 --binary -d \"ABCDEFGH\\x01I\" --esc --fast" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_DBAR_EXPSTK_CC") << false << 40.8f << "" << BARCODE_DBAR_EXPSTK_CC << (DATA_MODE | HEIGHTPERROW_MODE) // symbology-inputMode << "[91]ABCDEFGHIJKL" << "[11]901222[99]ABCDE" // text-primary << 0.0f << -1 << 0 << 2 << 1.0f << 0.0f << true << 0.9f // height-dotSize << 3.0f << 2 << 1 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 139 --binary --compliantheight -d '[11]901222[99]ABCDE' --height=40.8 --heightperrow" " --primary='[91]ABCDEFGHIJKL' --rows=2" << "zint.exe -b 139 --binary --compliantheight -d \"[11]901222[99]ABCDE\" --height=40.8 --heightperrow" " --primary=\"[91]ABCDEFGHIJKL\" --rows=2" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_DOTCODE") << false << 1.0f << "" << BARCODE_DOTCODE << GS1_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "[20]01" << "" // text-primary << 30.0f << -1 << 8 << ((0 + 1) << 8) << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.7f // height-dotSize << 0.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 115 --cols=8 -d '[20]01' --dotsize=0.7 --gs1 --mask=0" << "zint.exe -b 115 --cols=8 -d \"[20]01\" --dotsize=0.7 --gs1 --mask=0" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_DOTCODE") << false << 1.0f << "" << BARCODE_DOTCODE << GS1_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "[20]01" << "" // text-primary << 30.0f << -1 << 8 << ((0 + 1) << 8) << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.7f // height-dotSize << 0.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 115 --cols=8 -d '[20]01' --dotsize=0.7 --gs1 --mask=0" << "zint.exe -b 115 --cols=8 -d \"[20]01\" --dotsize=0.7 --gs1 --mask=0" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_DPD") << true << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_DPD << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "1234567890123456789012345678" << "" // text-primary << 0.0f << -1 << 0 << 0 << 4.5f << 24.0f << true << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 0.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.375 << 0 << 600 << 1 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 96 --compliantheight -d '1234567890123456789012345678' --scalexdimdp=0.375,24" << "zint.exe -b 96 --compliantheight -d \"1234567890123456789012345678\" --scalexdimdp=0.375,24" << "" << "" << "" << "zint -b 96 --compliantheight -d '1234567890123456789012345678' --scalexdimdp=0.375mm,600dpi"; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_EANX") << true << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_EANX << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "123456789012+12" << "" // text-primary << 0.0f << -1 << 8 << 0 << 1.0f << 0.0f << true << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 0.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 13 --addongap=8 --compliantheight -d '123456789012+12' --guarddescent=0" << "zint.exe -b 13 --addongap=8 --compliantheight -d \"123456789012+12\" --guarddescent=0" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_GRIDMATRIX") << false << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_GRIDMATRIX << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "Your Data Here!" << "" // text-primary << 0.0f << 1 << 5 << 0 << 0.5f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << true << false << true << 270 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 142 -d 'Your Data Here!' --quietzones --rotate=270 --scale=0.5 --secure=1 --vers=5" << "zint.exe -b 142 -d \"Your Data Here!\" --quietzones --rotate=270 --scale=0.5 --secure=1 --vers=5" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_HANXIN") << false << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_HANXIN << (UNICODE_MODE | ESCAPE_MODE) // symbology-inputMode << "éβÿ啊\\e\"'" << "" // text-primary << 30.0f << 2 << 5 << ((0 + 1) << 8) << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 29 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 116 --eci=29 -d 'éβÿ啊\\e\"'\\''' --esc --mask=0 --secure=2 --vers=5" << "zint.exe -b 116 --eci=29 -d \"éβÿ啊\\e\\\"'\" --esc --mask=0 --secure=2 --vers=5" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_HIBC_DM") << false << 10.0f << "" << BARCODE_HIBC_DM << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "1234" << "" // text-primary << 0.0f << -1 << 8 << DM_DMRE << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.7f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << true << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 102 -d '1234' --dmre --vers=8" << "zint.exe -b 102 -d \"1234\" --dmre --vers=8" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_HIBC_PDF") << false << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_HIBC_PDF << (DATA_MODE | HEIGHTPERROW_MODE) // symbology-inputMode << "TEXT" << "" // text-primary << 3.5f << 3 << 4 << 10 << 10.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 2 << 1 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << true << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 106 --binary --cols=4 -d 'TEXT' --height=3.5 --heightperrow --quietzones" " --rows=10 --scale=10 --secure=3 --structapp=1,2" << "zint.exe -b 106 --binary --cols=4 -d \"TEXT\" --height=3.5 --heightperrow --quietzones" " --rows=10 --scale=10 --secure=3 --structapp=1,2" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_ITF14") << true << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_ITF14 << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "9212320967145" << "" // text-primary << 30.0f << -1 << 0 << 0 << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 89 --compliantheight -d '9212320967145'" << "zint.exe -b 89 --compliantheight -d \"9212320967145\"" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_ITF14") << true << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_ITF14 << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "9212320967145" << "" // text-primary << 30.0f << -1 << 0 << 0 << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 1 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 89 --border=1 --compliantheight -d '9212320967145'" << "zint.exe -b 89 --border=1 --compliantheight -d \"9212320967145\"" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_MAXICODE") << true << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_MAXICODE << (UNICODE_MODE | ESCAPE_MODE) // symbology-inputMode << "152382802840001" << "1Z00004951\\GUPSN\\G06X610\\G159\\G1234567\\G1/1\\G\\GY\\G1 MAIN ST\\GTOWN\\GNY\\R\\E" // text-primary << 0.0f << -1 << (96 + 1) << 0 << 2.5f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << true << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 57 -d '1Z00004951\\GUPSN\\G06X610\\G159\\G1234567\\G1/1\\G\\GY\\G1 MAIN ST\\GTOWN\\GNY\\R\\E'" " --esc --primary='152382802840001' --quietzones --scale=2.5 --scmvv=96" << "zint.exe -b 57 -d \"1Z00004951\\GUPSN\\G06X610\\G159\\G1234567\\G1/1\\G\\GY\\G1 MAIN ST\\GTOWN\\GNY\\R\\E\"" " --esc --primary=\"152382802840001\" --quietzones --scale=2.5 --scmvv=96" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_MICROQR") << false << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_MICROQR << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "1234" << "" // text-primary << 30.0f << 2 << 3 << (ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE | (3 + 1) << 8) << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 97 -d '1234' --fullmultibyte --mask=3 --secure=2 --vers=3" << "zint.exe -b 97 -d \"1234\" --fullmultibyte --mask=3 --secure=2 --vers=3" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_QRCODE") << true << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_QRCODE << GS1_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "(01)12" << "" // text-primary << 0.0f << 1 << 5 << (ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE | (0 + 1) << 8) << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << true << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << true << true << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 58 -d '(01)12' --fullmultibyte --gs1 --gs1parens --gs1nocheck --mask=0 --quietzones" " --secure=1 --vers=5" << "zint.exe -b 58 -d \"(01)12\" --fullmultibyte --gs1 --gs1parens --gs1nocheck --mask=0 --quietzones" " --secure=1 --vers=5" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_RMQR") << true << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_RMQR << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "テ" << "" // text-primary << 30.0f << -1 << 8 << 0 << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 180 // showText-rotateAngle << 20 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 145 --eci=20 -d 'テ' --rotate=180 --vers=8" << "zint.exe -b 145 --eci=20 -d \"テ\" --rotate=180 --vers=8" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_ULTRA") << false << 0.0f << "" << BARCODE_ULTRA << (GS1_MODE | GS1PARENS_MODE | GS1NOCHECK_MODE) // symbology-inputMode << "(01)1" << "" // text-primary << 0.0f << 6 << 2 << 0 << 1.0f << 0.0f << true << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 2 << 1 << "4" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 144 -d '(01)1' --gs1 --gs1parens --gs1nocheck --secure=6 --structapp='1,2,4' --vers=2" << "zint.exe -b 144 -d \"(01)1\" --gs1 --gs1parens --gs1nocheck --secure=6 --structapp=\"1,2,4\" --vers=2" << "" << "" << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_UPCE_CC") << true << 0.0f << "out.svg" << BARCODE_UPCE_CC << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "12345670+1234" << "[11]901222[99]ABCDE" // text-primary << 0.0f << -1 << 0 << 0 << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 6.5f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(0xEF, 0x29, 0x29) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << (BOLD_TEXT | SMALL_TEXT) // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << true << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_FAIL_ALL << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 136 --bold --compliantheight -d '[11]901222[99]ABCDE' --fg=EF2929 --guarddescent=6.5" " --noquietzones -o 'out.svg' --primary='12345670+1234' --small --werror" << "zint.exe -b 136 --bold --compliantheight -d \"[11]901222[99]ABCDE\" --fg=EF2929 --guarddescent=6.5" " --noquietzones -o \"out.svg\" --primary=\"12345670+1234\" --small --werror" << "zint --barcode=136 --bold --compliantheight --data='[11]901222[99]ABCDE' --fg=EF2929" " --guarddescent=6.5 --noquietzones --output='out.svg' --primary='12345670+1234' --small --werror" << "zint -b UPCE_CC --bold --compliantheight -d '[11]901222[99]ABCDE' --fg=EF2929 --guarddescent=6.5" " --noquietzones -o 'out.svg' --primary='12345670+1234' --small --werror" << "zint -b 136 --bold --compliantheight -d \"[11]901222[99]ABCDE\" --fg=EF2929 --guarddescent=6.5" " --noquietzones -o \"out.svg\" --primary=\"12345670+1234\" --small --werror" << ""; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_VIN") << false << 2.0f << "" << BARCODE_VIN << UNICODE_MODE // symbology-inputMode << "12345678701234567" << "" // text-primary << 20.0f << -1 << 1 << 0 << 1.0f << 0.0f << false << 0.8f // height-dotSize << 5.0f << 0 << 0 << "" << QColor(Qt::black) << QColor(Qt::white) // guardDescent-bgColor << false << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // cmyk-fontSetting << true << false << false << false << true << 0 // showText-rotateAngle << 0 << false << false << false << WARN_DEFAULT << false // eci-debug << 0.0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 // xdimdp << "zint -b 73 -d '12345678701234567' --height=20 --vers=1" << "zint.exe -b 73 -d \"12345678701234567\" --height=20 --vers=1" << "" << "" << "" << ""; } void getAsCLITest() { Zint::QZint bc; QString cmd; QFETCH(bool, autoHeight); QFETCH(float, heightPerRow); QFETCH(QString, outfile); QFETCH(int, symbology); QFETCH(int, inputMode); QFETCH(QString, text); QFETCH(QString, primary); QFETCH(float, height); QFETCH(int, option1); QFETCH(int, option2); QFETCH(int, option3); QFETCH(float, scale); QFETCH(float, dpmm); QFETCH(bool, dotty); QFETCH(float, dotSize); QFETCH(float, guardDescent); QFETCH(int, structAppCount); QFETCH(int, structAppIndex); QFETCH(QString, structAppID); QFETCH(QColor, fgColor); QFETCH(QColor, bgColor); QFETCH(bool, cmyk); QFETCH(int, borderTypeIndex); QFETCH(int, borderWidth); QFETCH(int, whitespace); QFETCH(int, vWhitespace); QFETCH(int, fontSetting); QFETCH(bool, showText); QFETCH(bool, gsSep); QFETCH(bool, quietZones); QFETCH(bool, noQuietZones); QFETCH(bool, compliantHeight); QFETCH(int, rotateAngle); QFETCH(int, eci); QFETCH(bool, gs1Parens); QFETCH(bool, gs1NoCheck); QFETCH(bool, readerInit); QFETCH(int, warnLevel); QFETCH(bool, debug); QFETCH(double, xdimdp_xdim); QFETCH(int, xdimdp_xdim_units); QFETCH(int, xdimdp_resolution); QFETCH(int, xdimdp_resolution_units); QFETCH(int, xdimdp_filetype); QFETCH(int, xdimdp_filetype_maxicode); QFETCH(QString, expected_cmd); QFETCH(QString, expected_win); QFETCH(QString, expected_longOptOnly); QFETCH(QString, expected_barcodeNames); QFETCH(QString, expected_noexe); QFETCH(QString, expected_xdimdp); bc.setSymbol(symbology); bc.setInputMode(inputMode); if (primary.isEmpty()) { bc.setText(text); } else { bc.setText(primary); bc.setPrimaryMessage(text); } bc.setHeight(height); bc.setOption1(option1); bc.setOption2(option2); bc.setOption3(option3); bc.setScale(scale); bc.setDPMM(dpmm); bc.setDotty(dotty); bc.setDotSize(dotSize); bc.setGuardDescent(guardDescent); bc.setStructApp(structAppCount, structAppIndex, structAppID); bc.setFgColor(fgColor); bc.setBgColor(bgColor); bc.setCMYK(cmyk); bc.setBorderType(borderTypeIndex); bc.setBorderWidth(borderWidth); bc.setWhitespace(whitespace); bc.setVWhitespace(vWhitespace); bc.setFontSettingValue(fontSetting); bc.setShowText(showText); bc.setGSSep(gsSep); bc.setQuietZones(quietZones); bc.setNoQuietZones(noQuietZones); bc.setCompliantHeight(compliantHeight); bc.setRotateAngleValue(rotateAngle); bc.setECIValue(eci); bc.setGS1Parens(gs1Parens); bc.setGS1NoCheck(gs1NoCheck); bc.setReaderInit(readerInit); bc.setWarnLevel(warnLevel); bc.setDebug(debug); cmd = bc.getAsCLI(false /*win*/, false /*longOptOnly*/, false /*barcodeNames*/, false /*noEXE*/, autoHeight, heightPerRow, outfile); QCOMPARE(cmd, expected_cmd); cmd = bc.getAsCLI(true /*win*/, false /*longOptOnly*/, false /*barcodeNames*/, false /*noEXE*/, autoHeight, heightPerRow, outfile); QCOMPARE(cmd, expected_win); if (!expected_longOptOnly.isEmpty()) { cmd = bc.getAsCLI(false /*win*/, true /*longOptOnly*/, false /*barcodeNames*/, false /*noEXE*/, autoHeight, heightPerRow, outfile); QCOMPARE(cmd, expected_longOptOnly); } if (!expected_barcodeNames.isEmpty()) { cmd = bc.getAsCLI(false /*win*/, false /*longOptOnly*/, true /*barcodeNames*/, false /*noEXE*/, autoHeight, heightPerRow, outfile); QCOMPARE(cmd, expected_barcodeNames); } if (!expected_noexe.isEmpty()) { cmd = bc.getAsCLI(true /*win*/, false /*longOptOnly*/, false /*barcodeNames*/, true /*noEXE*/, autoHeight, heightPerRow, outfile); QCOMPARE(cmd, expected_noexe); } if (xdimdp_xdim) { struct Zint::QZintXdimDpVars vars = { xdimdp_xdim, xdimdp_xdim_units, xdimdp_resolution, xdimdp_resolution_units, xdimdp_filetype, xdimdp_filetype_maxicode, 1 /*set*/ }; cmd = bc.getAsCLI(false /*win*/, false /*longOptOnly*/, false /*barcodeNames*/, false /*noEXE*/, autoHeight, heightPerRow, outfile, &vars); QCOMPARE(cmd, expected_xdimdp); } } void getAsCLISegsTest() { Zint::QZint bc; QString cmd; QString expected_cmd; QString expected_win; std::vector segTexts; std::vector segECIs; segTexts.push_back(QString("Τεχτ")); segECIs.push_back(9); segTexts.push_back(QString("Téxt")); segECIs.push_back(3); segTexts.push_back(QString("กขฯ")); segECIs.push_back(13); segTexts.push_back(QString("貫やぐ禁")); segECIs.push_back(20); std::vector segs; for (int i = 0; i < (int) segTexts.size(); i++) { segs.push_back(Zint::QZintSeg(segTexts[i])); segs.back().m_eci = segECIs[i]; } bc.setSymbol(BARCODE_QRCODE); bc.setSegs(segs); bc.setDotty(true); expected_cmd = "zint -b 58 --eci=9 -d 'Τεχτ' --seg1=3,'Téxt' --seg2=13,'กขฯ' --seg3=20,'貫やぐ禁' --dotty"; cmd = bc.getAsCLI(false /*win*/); QCOMPARE(cmd, expected_cmd); expected_win = "zint.exe -b 58 --eci=9 -d \"Τεχτ\" --seg1=3,\"Téxt\" --seg2=13,\"กขฯ\" --seg3=20,\"貫やぐ禁\" --dotty"; cmd = bc.getAsCLI(true /*win*/); QCOMPARE(cmd, expected_win); } void qZintAndLibZintEqualTest_data() { QTest::addColumn("symbology"); QTest::addColumn("rotateAngles"); QTest::addColumn("text"); QTest::newRow("symbology=BARCODE_DATAMATRIX rotateAngles=0 text=1234") << BARCODE_DATAMATRIX << 0 << "1234"; QTest::newRow("symbology=BARCODE_QRCODE rotateAngles=0 text=Hello%20World") << BARCODE_QRCODE << 0 << "Hello%20World"; QTest::newRow("symbology=BARCODE_QRCODE rotateAngles=90 text=Hello%20World") << BARCODE_QRCODE << 90 << "Hello%20World"; QTest::newRow("symbology=BARCODE_QRCODE rotateAngles=180 text=Hello%20World") << BARCODE_QRCODE << 180 << "Hello%20World"; QTest::newRow("symbology=BARCODE_QRCODE rotateAngles=270 text=Hello%20World") << BARCODE_QRCODE << 270 << "Hello%20World"; } void qZintAndLibZintEqualTest() { QFETCH(int, symbology); QFETCH(int, rotateAngles); QFETCH(QString, text); QString fileName("test_qZintAndLibZintEqual_%1.gif"); QString fileNameForLibZint(fileName.arg("libZint")); QString fileNameForQZint(fileName.arg("qZint")); Zint::QZint bc; QSharedPointer symbol(ZBarcode_Create(), ZBarcode_Delete); bc.setSymbol(symbology); symbol->symbology = symbology; bc.setText(text); bc.setRotateAngleValue(rotateAngles); qstrcpy(symbol->outfile, qUtf8Printable(fileNameForLibZint)); bc.save_to_file(fileNameForQZint); ZBarcode_Encode_and_Print(symbol.data(), reinterpret_cast(qUtf8Printable(text)), 0, rotateAngles); QImage imageWrittenByVanilla(fileNameForLibZint); QImage imageWrittenByQZint(fileNameForQZint); QCOMPARE(imageWrittenByQZint.isNull(), false); QCOMPARE(imageWrittenByVanilla.isNull(), false); QCOMPARE(imageWrittenByQZint == imageWrittenByVanilla, true); QFile::remove(fileNameForLibZint); QFile::remove(fileNameForQZint); } void barcodeNameTest_data() { QTest::addColumn("symbology"); QTest::addColumn("expected_name"); QTest::newRow("BARCODE_MAXICODE") << BARCODE_MAXICODE << "BARCODE_MAXICODE"; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_CODE128AB") << BARCODE_CODE128AB << "BARCODE_CODE128AB"; QTest::newRow("BARCODE_CODE128B") << BARCODE_CODE128B << "BARCODE_CODE128AB"; } void barcodeNameTest() { QFETCH(int, symbology); QFETCH(QString, expected_name); QString name = Zint::QZint::barcodeName(symbology); QCOMPARE(name, expected_name); } }; QTEST_MAIN(TestQZint) #include "test_qzint.moc" /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et : */