Prerequisites for building zint ------------------------------- Prerequisites are git, cmake, make, gcc and gcc-c++, e.g. Ubuntu/Debian sudo apt install git cmake build-essential or Fedora (git, make and gcc should already be installed) sudo dnf install cmake gcc-c++ libpng is optional but necessary for PNG support, e.g. Ubuntu/Debian sudo apt install libpng-dev or Fedora sudo dnf install libpng-devel Prerequisites for building zint-qt ---------------------------------- Sign up and download the Qt Maintenance Tool from On Ubuntu/Debian you may need to install xinerama to run the tool: sudo apt install libxcb-xinerama0 Launch the tool and install the "Desktop gcc 64-bit" component for either Qt 5.15.2 or Qt 6 (>= 6.1). Once Qt is installed you may need to tell CMake where it is: export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/gcc_64 e.g. export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/Qt/5.15.2/gcc_64 To build zint-qt you also need to install mesa (for OpenGL), e.g. Ubuntu/Debian sudo apt install mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev or Fedora sudo dnf install mesa-libGL mesa-libGL-devel Build ----- The rest is standard CMake git clone zint cd zint mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install CMake options ------------- A number of options are available: ZINT_COVERAGE:BOOL=OFF # Set code coverage flags ZINT_DEBUG:BOOL=OFF # Set debug compile flags ZINT_NOOPT:BOOL=OFF # Set no optimize compile flags ZINT_SANITIZE:BOOL=OFF # Set sanitize compile/link flags ZINT_STATIC:BOOL=OFF # Build static library ZINT_TEST:BOOL=ON # Set test compile flag ZINT_USE_PNG:BOOL=ON # Build with PNG support ZINT_USE_QT:BOOL=ON # Build with Qt support For details on ZINT_TEST and building the zint test suite, see "backend/tests/README".