/* libzint - the open source barcode library Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com> Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #include "testcommon.h" #include "test_sjis_tab.h" #include "../eci.h" /* For local "private" testing using previous libiconv adaptation, not included for licensing reasons */ #if 0 #define TEST_JUST_SAY_GNO #endif #ifdef TEST_JUST_SAY_GNO #include "../just_say_gno/sjis_gnu.c" #endif INTERNAL int u_sjis_int_test(const unsigned int u, unsigned int *dest); /* As control convert to Shift JIS using simple table generated from https://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/OBSOLETE/EASTASIA/JIS/SHIFTJIS.TXT plus simple processing */ static int u_sjis_int2(unsigned int u, unsigned int *dest) { int tab_length, start_i, end_i; int i; if (u < 0x20 || u == 0x7F) { *dest = u; return 1; } /* Shortcut */ if ((u > 0x00F7 && u < 0x0391) || (u > 0x0451 && u < 0x2010) || (u > 0x9FA0 && u < 0xE000) || (u > 0xE757 && u < 0xFF01) || u > 0xFFE5) { return 0; } if (u >= 0xE000 && u <= 0xE757) { /* PUA mappings, not in SHIFTJIS.TXT */ if (u <= 0xE0BB) { *dest = u - 0xE000 + 0xF040 + (u >= 0xE000 + 0x3F); } else if (u <= 0xE177) { *dest = u - 0xE0BC + 0xF140 + (u >= 0xE0BC + 0x3F); } else if (u <= 0xE233) { *dest = u - 0xE178 + 0xF240 + (u >= 0xE178 + 0x3F); } else if (u <= 0xE2EF) { *dest = u - 0xE234 + 0xF340 + (u >= 0xE234 + 0x3F); } else if (u <= 0xE3AB) { *dest = u - 0xE2F0 + 0xF440 + (u >= 0xE2F0 + 0x3F); } else if (u <= 0xE467) { *dest = u - 0xE3AC + 0xF540 + (u >= 0xE3AC + 0x3F); } else if (u <= 0xE523) { *dest = u - 0xE468 + 0xF640 + (u >= 0xE468 + 0x3F); } else if (u <= 0xE5DF) { *dest = u - 0xE524 + 0xF740 + (u >= 0xE524 + 0x3F); } else if (u <= 0xE69B) { *dest = u - 0xE5E0 + 0xF840 + (u >= 0xE5E0 + 0x3F); } else { *dest = u - 0xE69C + 0xF940 + (u >= 0xE69C + 0x3F); } return 2; } tab_length = sizeof(test_sjis_tab) / sizeof(unsigned int); start_i = test_sjis_tab_ind[u >> 10]; end_i = start_i + 0x800 > tab_length ? tab_length : start_i + 0x800; for (i = start_i; i < end_i; i += 2) { if (test_sjis_tab[i + 1] == u) { *dest = test_sjis_tab[i]; return *dest > 0xFF ? 2 : 1; } } return 0; } #include <time.h> #define TEST_PERF_TIME(arg) (((arg) * 1000.0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) #define TEST_PERF_RATIO(a1, a2) (a2 ? TEST_PERF_TIME(a1) / TEST_PERF_TIME(a2) : 0) #ifdef TEST_JUST_SAY_GNO #define TEST_INT_PERF_ITERATIONS 100 #endif static void test_u_sjis_int(const testCtx *const p_ctx) { int debug = p_ctx->debug; int ret, ret2; unsigned int val, val2; unsigned int i; #ifdef TEST_JUST_SAY_GNO int j; clock_t start; clock_t total = 0, total_gno = 0; #else (void)debug; #endif testStart("test_u_sjis_int"); #ifdef TEST_JUST_SAY_GNO if ((debug & ZINT_DEBUG_TEST_PERFORMANCE)) { /* -d 256 */ printf("test_u_sjis_int perf iterations: %d\n", TEST_INT_PERF_ITERATIONS); } #endif for (i = 0; i < 0xFFFE; i++) { if (i >= 0xD800 && i <= 0xDFFF) { /* UTF-16 surrogates */ continue; } if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue; val = val2 = 0; ret = u_sjis_int_test(i, &val); ret2 = u_sjis_int2(i, &val2); assert_equal(ret, ret2, "i:%d 0x%04X ret %d != ret2 %d, val 0x%04X, val2 0x%04X\n", (int) i, i, ret, ret2, val, val2); if (ret2) { assert_equal(val, val2, "i:%d 0x%04X val 0x%04X != val2 0x%04X\n", (int) i, i, val, val2); } #ifdef TEST_JUST_SAY_GNO if (i != 0xFF3C) { /* Full-width reverse solidus duplicate no longer mapped to ignore */ if (!(debug & ZINT_DEBUG_TEST_PERFORMANCE)) { /* -d 256 */ val2 = 0; ret2 = sjis_wctomb_zint(&val2, i); } else { for (j = 0; j < TEST_INT_PERF_ITERATIONS; j++) { val = val2 = 0; start = clock(); ret = u_sjis_int_test(i, &val); total += clock() - start; start = clock(); ret2 = sjis_wctomb_zint(&val2, i); total_gno += clock() - start; } } assert_equal(ret, ret2, "i:%d 0x%04X ret %d != ret2 %d, val 0x%04X, val2 0x%04X\n", (int) i, i, ret, ret2, val, val2); if (ret2) { assert_equal(val, val2, "i:%d 0x%04X val 0x%04X != val2 0x%04X\n", (int) i, i, val, val2); } } #endif } #ifdef TEST_JUST_SAY_GNO if ((debug & ZINT_DEBUG_TEST_PERFORMANCE)) { /* -d 256 */ printf("test_u_sjis_int perf totals: new % 8gms, gno % 8gms ratio %g\n", TEST_PERF_TIME(total), TEST_PERF_TIME(total_gno), TEST_PERF_RATIO(total, total_gno)); } #endif testFinish(); } static void test_sjis_utf8(const testCtx *const p_ctx) { struct item { char *data; int length; int ret; int ret_length; unsigned int expected_jisdata[20]; char *comment; }; /* é U+00E9 in ISO 8859-1 plus other ISO 8859 (but not in ISO 8859-7 or ISO 8859-11), Win 1250 plus other Win, not in Shift JIS, UTF-8 C3A9 β U+03B2 in ISO 8859-7 Greek (but not other ISO 8859 or Win page), in Shift JIS 0x83C0, UTF-8 CEB2 Ж U+0416 in ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic (but not other ISO 8859), Win 1251, in Shift JIS 0x8447, UTF-8 D096 ¥ U+00A5 in ISO 8859-1 0xA5 (\245), in Shift JIS single-byte 0x5C (\134) (backslash); 0xA5 same codepoint as single-byte half-width katakana ・ (U+FF65) in Shift JIS (below), UTF-8 C2A5 ・ U+FF65 half-width katakana, not in ISO/Win, in Shift JIS single-byte 0xA5 (\245), UTF-8 EFBDA5 ソ U+FF7F half-width katakana, not in ISO/Win, in Shift JIS single-byte 0xBF (\277), UTF-8 EFBDBF ‾ U+203E overline, not in ISO/Win, in Shift JIS single-byte 0x7E (\176) (tilde), UTF-8 E280BE \ U+FF3C full-width reverse solidus, in Shift JIS 0x815F, was duplicate of mapping of U+005C, UTF-8 EFBCBC 点 U+70B9 kanji, in Shift JIS 0x935F (\223\137), UTF-8 E782B9 茗 U+8317 kanji, in Shift JIS 0xE4AA (\344\252), UTF-8 E88C97 テ U+30C6 katakana, in Shift JIS 0x8365 (\203\145), UTF-8 E38386 */ /* s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/\*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<")): */ struct item data[] = { /* 0*/ { "é", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, {0}, "" }, /* 1*/ { "~", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, {0}, "" }, /* 2*/ { "β", -1, 0, 1, { 0x83C0 }, "" }, /* 3*/ { "¥", -1, 0, 1, { 0x5C }, "" }, /* 4*/ { "aβcЖ¥・ソ‾\\点茗テ", -1, 0, 12, { 'a', 0x83C0, 'c', 0x8447, 0x5C, 0xA5, 0xBF, 0x7E, 0x815F, 0x935F, 0xE4AA, 0x8365 }, "" }, /* 5*/ { "\", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, {0}, "U+FF3C full-width reverse solidus no longer duplicate mapping of U+005C" }, /* 6*/ { "\200", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, {0}, "Invalid UTF-8" }, }; int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data); int i, length, ret; struct zint_symbol symbol = {0}; unsigned int jisdata[20]; testStart("test_sjis_utf8"); for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) { int ret_length; if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue; length = data[i].length == -1 ? (int) strlen(data[i].data) : data[i].length; ret_length = length; ret = sjis_utf8(&symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, &ret_length, jisdata); assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol.errtxt); if (ret == 0) { int j; assert_equal(ret_length, data[i].ret_length, "i:%d ret_length %d != %d\n", i, ret_length, data[i].ret_length); for (j = 0; j < ret_length; j++) { assert_equal(jisdata[j], data[i].expected_jisdata[j], "i:%d jisdata[%d] %04X != %04X\n", i, j, jisdata[j], data[i].expected_jisdata[j]); } } } testFinish(); } static void test_sjis_utf8_to_eci(const testCtx *const p_ctx) { struct item { int eci; int full_multibyte; char *data; int length; int ret; int ret_length; unsigned int expected_jisdata[20]; char *comment; }; /* é U+00E9 in ISO 8859-1 0xE9, Win 1250 plus other Win, in QR Kanji mode first byte range 0x81..9F, 0xE0..EB β U+03B2 in ISO 8859-7 Greek 0xE2 (but not other ISO 8859 or Win page) ¥ U+00A5 in ISO 8859-1 0xA5, outside first byte range 0x81..9F, 0xE0..EB ú U+00FA in ISO 8859-1 0xFA, outside first byte range à U+00EO in ISO 8859-1 0xE0, in first byte range ë U+00EB in ISO 8859-1 0xEB, in first byte range ì U+00EC in ISO 8859-1 0xEC, outside first byte range µ U+00B5 in ISO 8859-1 0xB5, outside first byte range À U+00C0 in ISO 8859-1 0xC0, outside first byte range and 0xEBxx second byte range */ /* s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/\*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<")): */ struct item data[] = { /* 0*/ { 3, 0, "é", -1, 0, 1, { 0xE9 }, "" }, /* 1*/ { 3, 1, "é", -1, 0, 1, { 0xE9 }, "" }, /* 2*/ { 3, 0, "β", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, {0}, "" }, /* 3*/ { 3, 1, "β", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, {0}, "" }, /* 4*/ { 9, 0, "β", -1, 0, 1, { 0xE2 }, "" }, /* 5*/ { 9, 1, "β", -1, 0, 1, { 0xE2 }, "" }, /* 6*/ { 3, 0, "¥", -1, 0, 1, { 0xA5 }, "" }, /* 7*/ { 3, 1, "¥", -1, 0, 1, { 0xA5 }, "" }, /* 8*/ { 3, 0, "éa", -1, 0, 2, { 0xE9, 0x61 }, "Not full multibyte" }, /* 9*/ { 3, 1, "éa", -1, 0, 1, { 0xE961 }, "In QR Kanji mode range" }, /* 10*/ { 3, 0, "éaúbàcëdìeµ", -1, 0, 11, { 0xE9, 0x61, 0xFA, 0x62, 0xE0, 0x63, 0xEB, 0x64, 0xEC, 0x65, 0xB5 }, "" }, /* 11*/ { 3, 1, "éaúbàcëdìeµ", -1, 0, 8, { 0xE961, 0xFA, 0x62, 0xE063, 0xEB64, 0xEC, 0x65, 0xB5 }, "" }, /* 12*/ { 3, 0, "ëÀ", -1, 0, 2, { 0xEB, 0xC0 }, "Not full multibyte" }, /* 13*/ { 3, 1, "ëÀ", -1, 0, 2, { 0xEB, 0xC0 }, "Outside QR Kanji mode range" }, /* 14*/ { 20, 0, "\\\\", -1, 0, 2, { 0x815F, 0x815F }, "Shift JIS reverse solidus (backslash) mapping from ASCII to double byte" }, /* 15*/ { 20, 1, "\\\\", -1, 0, 2, { 0x815F, 0x815F }, "Shift JIS reverse solidus (backslash) mapping from ASCII to double byte" }, /* 16*/ { 20, 0, "爍", -1, 0, 1, { 0xE0A1 }, "Shift JIS U+720D" }, /* 17*/ { 20, 1, "爍", -1, 0, 1, { 0xE0A1 }, "Shift JIS" }, /* 18*/ { 20, 0, "~", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, {0}, "ASCII tilde not in Shift JIS" }, /* 19*/ { 25, 0, "12", -1, 0, 4, { 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 0x32 }, "UCS-2BE ASCII" }, /* 20*/ { 25, 0, "", -1, 0, 4, { 0x00, 0x81, 0x00, 0x81 }, "UCS-2BE U+0081" }, /* 21*/ { 25, 1, "", -1, 0, 4, { 0x00, 0x81, 0x00, 0x81 }, "UCS-2BE outside QR Kanji mode range" }, /* 22*/ { 25, 0, "腀", -1, 0, 2, { 0x81, 0x40 }, "UCS-2BE U+8140" }, /* 23*/ { 25, 1, "腀", -1, 0, 1, { 0x8140 }, "UCS-2BE in QR Kanji mode range" }, /* 24*/ { 28, 0, "¢¢", -1, 0, 4, { 0xA2, 0x46, 0xA2, 0x46 }, "Big5 U+00A2" }, /* 25*/ { 28, 1, "¢¢", -1, 0, 4, { 0xA2, 0x46, 0xA2, 0x46 }, "Big5 outside QR Kanji mode range" }, /* 26*/ { 28, 0, "觡", -1, 0, 2, { 0xE0, 0x40 }, "Big5 U+89E1" }, /* 27*/ { 28, 1, "觡", -1, 0, 1, { 0xE040 }, "Big5 in QR Kanji mode range" }, /* 28*/ { 29, 0, "¨¨", -1, 0, 4, { 0xA1, 0xA7, 0xA1, 0xA7 }, "GB 2312 U+00A8" }, /* 29*/ { 29, 1, "¨¨", -1, 0, 4, { 0xA1, 0xA7, 0xA1, 0xA7 }, "GB 2312 outside QR Kanji mode range" }, /* 30*/ { 29, 0, "崂", -1, 0, 2, { 0xE1, 0xC0 }, "GB 2312 U+5D02" }, /* 31*/ { 29, 0, "釦", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, {0}, "GB 18030 U+91E6 not in GB 2312" }, /* 32*/ { 29, 1, "崂", -1, 0, 1, { 0xE1C0 }, "GB 2312 in QR Kanji mode range" }, /* 33*/ { 30, 0, "¡¡", -1, 0, 4, { 0x22 + 0x80, 0x2E + 0x80, 0x22 + 0x80, 0x2E + 0x80 }, "EUC-KR U+00A1 (0xA2AE)" }, /* 34*/ { 30, 1, "¡¡", -1, 0, 4, { 0x22 + 0x80, 0x2E + 0x80, 0x22 + 0x80, 0x2E + 0x80 }, "EUC-KR 0xA2AE outside QR Kanji mode range" }, /* 35*/ { 30, 0, "詰", -1, 0, 2, { 0x7D + 0x80, 0x7E + 0x80 }, "EUC-KR U+8A70 (0xFDFE)" }, /* 36*/ { 30, 1, "詰", -1, 0, 2, { 0x7D + 0x80, 0x7E + 0x80 }, "EUC-KR > 0xEBBF so not in QR Kanji mode range" }, }; int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data); int i, length, ret; unsigned int jisdata[20]; testStart("test_sjis_utf8_to_eci"); for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) { int ret_length; if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue; length = data[i].length == -1 ? (int) strlen(data[i].data) : data[i].length; ret_length = length; ret = sjis_utf8_to_eci(data[i].eci, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, &ret_length, jisdata, data[i].full_multibyte); assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ret %d != %d\n", i, ret, data[i].ret); if (ret == 0) { int j; assert_equal(ret_length, data[i].ret_length, "i:%d ret_length %d != %d\n", i, ret_length, data[i].ret_length); for (j = 0; j < ret_length; j++) { assert_equal(jisdata[j], data[i].expected_jisdata[j], "i:%d jisdata[%d] 0x%04X != 0x%04X\n", i, j, jisdata[j], data[i].expected_jisdata[j]); } } } testFinish(); } static void test_sjis_cpy(const testCtx *const p_ctx) { struct item { int full_multibyte; char *data; int length; int ret; int ret_length; unsigned int expected_jisdata[20]; char *comment; }; /* s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/\*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<")): */ struct item data[] = { /* 0*/ { 0, "\351", -1, 0, 1, { 0xE9 }, "Not full multibyte" }, /* 1*/ { 1, "\351", -1, 0, 1, { 0xE9 }, "In QR Kanji mode first-byte range but only one byte" }, /* 2*/ { 0, "\351\141", -1, 0, 2, { 0xE9, 0x61 }, "Not full multibyte" }, /* 3*/ { 1, "\351\141", -1, 0, 1, { 0xE961 }, "In QR Kanji mode range" }, /* 4*/ { 1, "\201", -1, 0, 1, { 0x81 }, "In QR Kanji mode first-byte range but only one byte" }, /* 5*/ { 0, "\201\141", -1, 0, 2, { 0x81, 0x61 }, "Not full multibyte" }, /* 6*/ { 1, "\201\141", -1, 0, 1, { 0x8161 }, "In QR Kanji mode range" }, /* 7*/ { 0, "\201\077\201\100\237\374\237\375\340\077\340\100\353\277\353\300", -1, 0, 16, { 0x81, 0x3F, 0x81, 0x40, 0x9F, 0xFC, 0x9F, 0xFD, 0xE0, 0x3F, 0xE0, 0x40, 0xEB, 0xBF, 0xEB, 0xC0 }, "" }, /* 8*/ { 1, "\201\077\201\100\237\374\237\375\340\077\340\100\353\277\353\300", -1, 0, 12, { 0x81, 0x3F, 0x8140, 0x9FFC, 0x9F, 0xFD, 0xE0, 0x3F, 0xE040, 0xEBBF, 0xEB, 0xC0 }, "" }, }; int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data); int i, length; unsigned int jisdata[20]; testStart("test_sjis_cpy"); for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) { int ret_length; int j; if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue; length = data[i].length == -1 ? (int) strlen(data[i].data) : data[i].length; ret_length = length; sjis_cpy((unsigned char *) data[i].data, &ret_length, jisdata, data[i].full_multibyte); assert_equal(ret_length, data[i].ret_length, "i:%d ret_length %d != %d\n", i, ret_length, data[i].ret_length); for (j = 0; j < ret_length; j++) { assert_equal(jisdata[j], data[i].expected_jisdata[j], "i:%d jisdata[%d] %04X != %04X\n", i, j, jisdata[j], data[i].expected_jisdata[j]); } } testFinish(); } #define TEST_PERF_ITER_MILLES 100 #define TEST_PERF_ITERATIONS (TEST_PERF_ITER_MILLES * 1000) /* Not a real test, just performance indicator */ static void test_perf(const testCtx *const p_ctx) { int debug = p_ctx->debug; struct item { char *data; int ret; char *comment; }; struct item data[] = { /* 0*/ { "1234567890", 0, "10 numerics" }, /* 1*/ { "貫やぐ識禁ぱい再2間変字全ノレ没無8裁", 0, "Small mixed" }, /* 2*/ { "貫やぐ識禁ぱい再2間変字全ノレ没無8裁花ほゃ過法ひなご札17能つーびれ投覧マ勝動エヨ額界よみ作皇ナヲニ打題ヌルヲ掲布益フが。入35能ト権話しこを断兆モヘ細情おじ名4減エヘイハ側機はょが意見想ハ業独案ユヲウ患職ヲ平美さ毎放どぽたけ家没べお化富べ町大シ情魚ッでれ一冬すぼめり。", 0, "Bigger mixed" }, /* 3*/ { "貫やぐ識禁ぱい再2間変字全ノレ没無8裁花ほゃ過法ひなご札17能つーびれ投覧マ勝動エヨ額界よみ作皇ナヲニ打題ヌルヲ掲布益フが。入35能ト権話しこを断兆モヘ細情おじ名4減エヘイハ側機はょが意見想ハ業独案ユヲウ患職ヲ平美さ毎放どぽたけ家没べお化富べ町大シ情魚ッでれ一冬すぼめり。社ト可化モマ試音ばじご育青康演ぴぎ権型固スで能麩ぜらもほ河都しちほラ収90作の年要とだむ部動ま者断チ第41一1米索焦茂げむしれ。測フ物使だて目月国スリカハ夏検にいへ児72告物ゆは載核ロアメヱ登輸どべゃ催行アフエハ議歌ワ河倫剖だ。記タケウ因載ヒイホヤ禁3輩彦関トえび肝区勝ワリロ成禁ぼよ界白ウヒキレ中島べせぜい各安うしぽリ覧生テ基一でむしゃ中新トヒキソ声碁スしび起田ア信大未ゅもばち。", 0, "Bigger mixed" }, /* 4*/ { "点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点点", 0, "784 kanji" }, }; int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data); int i, length, ret; struct zint_symbol symbol = {0}; int ret_length; #ifdef TEST_JUST_SAY_GNO int ret_length2; #endif unsigned int ddata[8192]; int ret2 = 0; #ifdef TEST_JUST_SAY_GNO unsigned int ddata2[8192]; #endif clock_t start; clock_t total = 0, total_gno = 0; clock_t diff, diff_gno; int comment_max = 0; if (!(debug & ZINT_DEBUG_TEST_PERFORMANCE)) { /* -d 256 */ return; } for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) if ((int) strlen(data[i].comment) > comment_max) comment_max = (int) strlen(data[i].comment); printf("Iterations %d\n", TEST_PERF_ITERATIONS); for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) { int j; if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue; length = (int) strlen(data[i].data); diff = diff_gno = 0; for (j = 0; j < TEST_PERF_ITERATIONS; j++) { ret_length = length; start = clock(); ret = sjis_utf8(&symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, &ret_length, ddata); diff += clock() - start; #ifdef TEST_JUST_SAY_GNO ret_length2 = length; start = clock(); ret2 = sjis_utf8_wctomb(&symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, &ret_length2, ddata2); diff_gno += clock() - start; #endif } assert_equal(ret, ret2, "i:%d ret %d != ret2 %d\n", (int) i, ret, ret2); printf("%*s: new % 8gms, gno % 8gms ratio %g\n", comment_max, data[i].comment, TEST_PERF_TIME(diff), TEST_PERF_TIME(diff_gno), TEST_PERF_RATIO(diff, diff_gno)); total += diff; total_gno += diff_gno; } if (p_ctx->index == -1) { printf("%*s: new % 8gms, gno % 8gms ratio %g\n", comment_max, "totals", TEST_PERF_TIME(total), TEST_PERF_TIME(total_gno), TEST_PERF_RATIO(total, total_gno)); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { testFunction funcs[] = { /* name, func */ { "test_u_sjis_int", test_u_sjis_int }, { "test_sjis_utf8", test_sjis_utf8 }, { "test_sjis_utf8_to_eci", test_sjis_utf8_to_eci }, { "test_sjis_cpy", test_sjis_cpy }, { "test_perf", test_perf }, }; testRun(argc, argv, funcs, ARRAY_SIZE(funcs)); testReport(); return 0; } /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et : */