/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2008 by BogDan Vatra * * bogdan@licentia.eu * * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Robin Stuart * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * ***************************************************************************/ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et : */ #include "qzint.h" #include #include #include /* the following include was necessary to compile with QT 5.18 on Windows */ /* QT 8.7 did not require it. */ #include namespace Zint { static const char* fontstyle = "Arial"; static const int fontPixelSizeSmall = 8; static const int fontPixelSizeLarge = 12; QZint::QZint() { m_symbol = BARCODE_CODE128; m_height = 0; m_border = NO_BORDER; m_borderWidth = 0; m_securityLevel = -1; m_fgColor = Qt::black; m_bgColor = Qt::white; m_zintSymbol = NULL; m_error = 0; m_input_mode = UNICODE_MODE; m_scale = 1.0; m_option_3 = 0; m_hidetext = 0; m_dot_size = 4.0 / 5.0; target_size_horiz = 0; target_size_vert = 0; m_option_2 = 0; m_whitespace = 0; m_gssep = false; m_debug = false; } QZint::~QZint() { if (m_zintSymbol) ZBarcode_Delete(m_zintSymbol); } void QZint::resetSymbol() { if (m_zintSymbol) ZBarcode_Delete(m_zintSymbol); m_lastError.clear(); m_zintSymbol = ZBarcode_Create(); m_zintSymbol->output_options |= m_border; m_zintSymbol->symbology = m_symbol; m_zintSymbol->height = m_height; m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width = m_whitespace; m_zintSymbol->border_width = m_borderWidth; m_zintSymbol->option_1 = m_securityLevel; m_zintSymbol->input_mode = m_input_mode; m_zintSymbol->option_2 = m_option_2; m_zintSymbol->dot_size = m_dot_size; if (m_hidetext) { m_zintSymbol->show_hrt = 0; } else { m_zintSymbol->show_hrt = 1; } m_zintSymbol->option_3 = m_option_3; m_zintSymbol->scale = m_scale; if (m_gssep) { m_zintSymbol->output_options |= GS1_GS_SEPARATOR; } if (m_debug) { m_zintSymbol->debug |= ZINT_DEBUG_PRINT; } strcpy(m_zintSymbol->fgcolour, m_fgColor.name().toLatin1().right(6)); strcpy(m_zintSymbol->bgcolour, m_bgColor.name().toLatin1().right(6)); strcpy(m_zintSymbol->primary, m_primaryMessage.toLatin1().left(127)); } void QZint::encode() { resetSymbol(); QByteArray bstr = m_text.toUtf8(); m_error = ZBarcode_Encode_and_Buffer_Vector(m_zintSymbol, (unsigned char*) bstr.data(), bstr.length(), 0); m_lastError = m_zintSymbol->errtxt; switch (m_zintSymbol->output_options & (BARCODE_BIND | BARCODE_BOX)) { case 0: m_border = NO_BORDER; break; case 2: m_border = BIND; break; case 4: m_border = BOX; break; } m_borderWidth = m_zintSymbol->border_width; m_whitespace = m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width; } int QZint::symbol() const { return m_symbol; } void QZint::setSymbol(int symbol) { m_symbol = symbol; } int QZint::inputMode() const { return m_input_mode; } void QZint::setInputMode(int input_mode) { m_input_mode = input_mode; } QString QZint::text() const { return m_text; } void QZint::setText(const QString & text) { m_text = text; } QString QZint::primaryMessage() const { return m_primaryMessage; } void QZint::setPrimaryMessage(const QString & primaryMessage) { m_primaryMessage = primaryMessage; } int QZint::height() const { return m_height; } void QZint::setHeight(int height) { m_height = height; } int QZint::option2() const { return m_option_2; } void QZint::setOption2(int option) { m_option_2 = option; } void QZint::setOption3(int option) { m_option_3 = option; } float QZint::scale() const { return m_scale; } void QZint::setScale(float scale) { m_scale = scale; } void QZint::setDotSize(float dot_size) { m_dot_size = dot_size; } QColor QZint::fgColor() const { return m_fgColor; } void QZint::setFgColor(const QColor & fgColor) { m_fgColor = fgColor; } QColor QZint::bgColor() const { return m_bgColor; } void QZint::setBgColor(const QColor & bgColor) { m_bgColor = bgColor; } QZint::BorderType QZint::borderType() const { return m_border; } void QZint::setBorderType(BorderType border) { m_border = border; } int QZint::borderWidth() const { return m_borderWidth; } void QZint::setBorderWidth(int boderWidth) { if (boderWidth < 0 || boderWidth > 16) boderWidth = 0; m_borderWidth = boderWidth; } void QZint::setWhitespace(int whitespace) { m_whitespace = whitespace; } int QZint::securityLevel() const { return m_securityLevel; } void QZint::setSecurityLevel(int securityLevel) { m_securityLevel = securityLevel; } int QZint::mode() const { return m_securityLevel; } void QZint::setMode(int securityLevel) { m_securityLevel = securityLevel; } void QZint::setHideText(bool hide) { m_hidetext = hide; } void QZint::setTargetSize(int width, int height) { target_size_horiz = width; target_size_vert = height; } void QZint::setGSSep(bool gssep) { m_gssep = gssep; } void QZint::setDebug(bool debug) { m_debug = debug; } int QZint::getError() const { return m_error; } QString QZint::error_message() const { return m_lastError; } const QString & QZint::lastError() const { return m_lastError; } bool QZint::hasErrors() const { return m_lastError.length(); } bool QZint::save_to_file(QString filename) { resetSymbol(); strcpy(m_zintSymbol->outfile, filename.toLatin1().left(255)); QByteArray bstr = m_text.toUtf8(); m_error = ZBarcode_Encode_and_Print(m_zintSymbol, (unsigned char*) bstr.data(), bstr.length(), 0); if (m_error >= 5) { m_lastError = m_zintSymbol->errtxt; return false; } else { return true; } } void QZint::render(QPainter & painter, const QRectF & paintRect, AspectRatioMode mode) { struct zint_vector_rect *rect; struct zint_vector_hexagon *hex; struct zint_vector_circle *circle; struct zint_vector_string *string; qreal radius; (void)mode; /* Not currently used */ encode(); QFont fontSmall(fontstyle); fontSmall.setPixelSize(fontPixelSizeSmall); QFont fontLarge(fontstyle); fontLarge.setPixelSize(fontPixelSizeLarge); if (m_error >= 5) { // Display error message instead of barcode fontLarge.setPointSize(14); painter.setFont(fontLarge); painter.drawText(paintRect, Qt::AlignCenter, m_lastError); return; } painter.save(); painter.setClipRect(paintRect, Qt::IntersectClip); qreal xtr = paintRect.x(); qreal ytr = paintRect.y(); qreal scale; qreal gwidth = m_zintSymbol->vector->width; qreal gheight = m_zintSymbol->vector->height; if (paintRect.width() / gwidth < paintRect.height() / gheight) { scale = paintRect.width() / gwidth; } else { scale = paintRect.height() / gheight; } xtr += (qreal) (paintRect.width() - gwidth * scale) / 2.0; ytr += (qreal) (paintRect.height() - gheight * scale) / 2.0; painter.setBackground(QBrush(m_bgColor)); painter.fillRect(paintRect, QBrush(m_bgColor)); painter.translate(xtr, ytr); painter.scale(scale, scale); //Red square for diagnostics //painter.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, m_zintSymbol->vector->width, m_zintSymbol->vector->height), QBrush(QColor(255,0,0,255))); QPen p; p.setWidth(1); p.setColor(m_fgColor); painter.setPen(p); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); // Plot rectangles rect = m_zintSymbol->vector->rectangles; while (rect) { if (rect->colour == -1) { painter.fillRect(rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height, QBrush(m_fgColor)); } else { switch(rect->colour) { case 0: // White painter.fillRect(rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height, QBrush(Qt::white)); break; case 1: // Cyan painter.fillRect(rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height, QBrush(Qt::cyan)); break; case 2: // Blue painter.fillRect(rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height, QBrush(Qt::blue)); break; case 3: // Magenta painter.fillRect(rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height, QBrush(Qt::magenta)); break; case 4: // Red painter.fillRect(rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height, QBrush(Qt::red)); break; case 5: // Yellow painter.fillRect(rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height, QBrush(Qt::yellow)); break; case 6: // Green painter.fillRect(rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height, QBrush(Qt::green)); break; default: painter.fillRect(rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height, QBrush(Qt::black)); break; } } rect = rect->next; } // Plot hexagons hex = m_zintSymbol->vector->hexagons; while (hex) { radius = hex->diameter / 2.0; QPainterPath pt; pt.moveTo(hex->x, hex->y + (1.0 * radius)); pt.lineTo(hex->x + (0.86 * radius), hex->y + (0.5 * radius)); pt.lineTo(hex->x + (0.86 * radius), hex->y - (0.5 * radius)); pt.lineTo(hex->x, hex->y - (1.0 * radius)); pt.lineTo(hex->x - (0.86 * radius), hex->y - (0.5 * radius)); pt.lineTo(hex->x - (0.86 * radius), hex->y + (0.5 * radius)); pt.lineTo(hex->x, hex->y + (1.0 * radius)); painter.fillPath(pt, QBrush(m_fgColor)); hex = hex->next; } // Plot dots (circles) circle = m_zintSymbol->vector->circles; while (circle) { if (circle->colour) { p.setColor(m_bgColor); p.setWidth(0); painter.setPen(p); painter.setBrush(QBrush(m_bgColor)); } else { p.setColor(m_fgColor); p.setWidth(0); painter.setPen(p); painter.setBrush(QBrush(m_fgColor)); } painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(circle->x, circle->y), (double) circle->diameter / 2.0, (double) circle->diameter / 2.0); circle = circle->next; } // Plot text string = m_zintSymbol->vector->strings; if (string) { painter.setFont(fontLarge); } QFontMetrics fm(fontLarge); while (string) { QString content = QString::fromUtf8((const char *) string->text, -1); int width = fm.width(content, -1); int height = fm.height(); painter.drawText(string->x - (width / 2.0), string->y - height, width, height, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, content); string = string->next; } painter.restore(); } }