<?php /* Convert libiconv-1.16/lib/jisx0208.h to Shift JIS values. */ /* libzint - the open source barcode library Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com> */ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et : */ $in = false; while ($line = fgets(STDIN)) { if ($in) { if (strncmp($line, '};', 2) === 0) { echo $line; break; } echo preg_replace_callback('/0x([0-9a-f]{4})/', function ($matches) { $dec = hexdec($matches[1]); $c1 = $dec >> 8; $c2 = ($dec & 0xFF); $t1 = ($c1 - 0x21) >> 1; $t2 = ((($c1 - 0x21) & 1) ? 0x5e : 0) + ($c2 - 0x21); $r = (($t1 < 0x1f ? ($t1 + 0x81) : ($t1 + 0xc1)) << 8) | ($t2 < 0x3f ? ($t2 + 0x40) : ($t2 + 0x41)); return '0x' . dechex($r); }, $line); } else { if (strpos($line, 'jisx0208_2charset') !== false) { echo $line; $in = true; } } }