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synced 2024-11-16 20:57:25 +13:00
UTF-16LE, GBK, separate GB18030, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE add examples to tests for DATAMATRIX, HANXIN, QRCODE HANXIN: Remove alternating filler in function information; GB 18030 now ECI 32 (previously used ECI 29); fix gate-posts on codeword limits use new ZXing-C++ HanXin detector (diagnostics2 branch) for tests check against ISO/IEC 20830:2021 (no substantive changes) backend_tcl: update ECIs; NOTE: changed names "unicode" -> "utf-16be", "euc-cn" -> "gb2312" GRIDMATRIX/HANXIN/QRCODE/RMQR: warn if auto-conversion (i.e. no ECI given) occurs to resp. specialized char sets (GB 2312/GB 18030/Shift JIS)
607 lines
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607 lines
41 KiB
libzint - the open source barcode library
Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission.
#include "testcommon.h"
static void test_large(int index, int debug) {
struct item {
int option_2;
char *pattern;
int length;
int ret;
int expected_rows;
int expected_width;
// s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<"))
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { -1, "1", 2751, 0, 162, 162 },
/* 1*/ { -1, "1", 2752, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 2*/ { -1, "1", 2755, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 }, // Triggers buffer > 9191
/* 3*/ { -1, "A", 1836, 0, 162, 162 },
/* 4*/ { -1, "A", 1837, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 5*/ { -1, "\200", 1143, 0, 162, 162 },
/* 6*/ { -1, "\200", 1144, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 7*/ { 1, "1", 18, 0, 18, 18 },
/* 8*/ { 1, "1", 19, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 9*/ { 1, "A", 13, 0, 18, 18 },
/* 10*/ { 1, "A", 14, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 11*/ { 1, "\200", 7, 0, 18, 18 },
/* 12*/ { 1, "\200", 8, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
/* 13*/ { 11, "1", 1995, 0, 138, 138 },
/* 14*/ { 11, "1", 1996, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1 },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
char data_buf[2755 + 1];
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (index != -1 && i != index) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
testUtilStrCpyRepeat(data_buf, data[i].pattern, data[i].length);
assert_equal(data[i].length, (int) strlen(data_buf), "i:%d length %d != strlen(data_buf) %d\n", i, data[i].length, (int) strlen(data_buf));
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, BARCODE_GRIDMATRIX, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, data[i].option_2, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data_buf, data[i].length, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data_buf, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
if (ret < ZINT_ERROR) {
assert_equal(symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, "i:%d symbol->rows %d != %d\n", i, symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows);
assert_equal(symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, "i:%d symbol->width %d != %d\n", i, symbol->width, data[i].expected_width);
static void test_options(int index, int debug) {
struct item {
int option_1;
int option_2;
struct zint_structapp structapp;
char *data;
int ret_encode;
int ret_vector;
int expected_size;
const char *expected_errtxt;
// s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<"))
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { 0, 0, { 0, 0, "" }, "12345", 0, 0, 18, "" },
/* 1*/ { 0, 1, { 0, 0, "" }, "12345", 0, 0, 18, "" },
/* 2*/ { 0, 2, { 0, 0, "" }, "12345", 0, 0, 30, "" },
/* 3*/ { 0, 14, { 0, 0, "" }, "12345", 0, 0, 18, "" }, // Version > max version 13 so ignored
/* 4*/ { 0, 13, { 0, 0, "" }, "12345", 0, 0, 162, "" },
/* 5*/ { 0, 1, { 0, 0, "" }, "1234567890123456789", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, -1, "Error 534: Input data too long for selected symbol size" },
/* 6*/ { 0, 2, { 0, 0, "" }, "1234567890123456789", 0, 0, 30, "" },
/* 7*/ { 0, 0, { 0, 0, "" }, "123456789012345678", 0, 0, 30, "" }, // Version auto-set to 2
/* 8*/ { 0, 1, { 0, 0, "" }, "123456789012345678", 0, 0, 18, "" },
/* 9*/ { 5, 1, { 0, 0, "" }, "123456789012345678", 0, 0, 18, "" }, // Version specified so overrides ECC level which gets reduced to 4
/* 10*/ { 5, 0, { 0, 0, "" }, "123456789012345678", 0, 0, 30, "" }, // Version not specified so increased to allow for ECC level
/* 11*/ { 6, 0, { 0, 0, "" }, "123456789012345678", 0, 0, 30, "" }, // ECC > max ECC 5 so ignored and auto-settings version 2, ECC 4 used
/* 12*/ { 1, 0, { 0, 0, "" }, "123456789012345678", 0, 0, 30, "" }, // ECC < min ECC 2, ECC 2 used
/* 13*/ { 4, 1, { 0, 0, "" }, "123456789012345678", 0, 0, 18, "" },
/* 14*/ { 0, 0, { 1, 2, "" }, "12345", 0, 0, 18, "" },
/* 15*/ { 0, 0, { 1, 1, "" }, "12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION, -1, -1, "Error 536: Structured Append count out of range (2-16)" },
/* 16*/ { 0, 0, { 1, 17, "" }, "12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION, -1, -1, "Error 536: Structured Append count out of range (2-16)" },
/* 17*/ { 0, 0, { 0, 2, "" }, "12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION, -1, -1, "Error 537: Structured Append index out of range (1-2)" },
/* 18*/ { 0, 0, { 3, 2, "" }, "12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION, -1, -1, "Error 537: Structured Append index out of range (1-2)" },
/* 19*/ { 0, 0, { 1, 2, "255" }, "12345", 0, 0, 18, "" },
/* 20*/ { 0, 0, { 1, 2, "1234" }, "12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION, -1, -1, "Error 538: Structured Append ID too long (3 digit maximum)" },
/* 21*/ { 0, 0, { 1, 2, "A" }, "12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION, -1, -1, "Error 539: Invalid Structured Append ID (digits only)" },
/* 22*/ { 0, 0, { 1, 2, "256" }, "12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION, -1, -1, "Error 530: Structured Append ID '256' out of range (0-255)" },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (index != -1 && i != index) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, BARCODE_GRIDMATRIX, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, data[i].option_1, data[i].option_2, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
if (data[i].structapp.count) {
symbol->structapp = data[i].structapp;
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret_encode, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret_encode, symbol->errtxt);
if (ret < ZINT_ERROR) {
assert_equal(symbol->width, data[i].expected_size, "i:%d symbol->width %d != %d\n", i, symbol->width, data[i].expected_size);
assert_equal(symbol->rows, data[i].expected_size, "i:%d symbol->rows %d != %d\n", i, symbol->rows, data[i].expected_size);
assert_zero(strcmp(symbol->errtxt, data[i].expected_errtxt), "i:%d symbol->errtxt %s != %s\n", i, symbol->errtxt, data[i].expected_errtxt);
if (data[i].ret_vector != -1) {
ret = ZBarcode_Buffer_Vector(symbol, 0);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret_vector, "i:%d ZBarcode_Buffer_Vector ret %d != %d\n", i, ret, data[i].ret_vector);
static void test_input(int index, int generate, int debug) {
struct item {
int input_mode;
int eci;
int output_options;
int option_3;
struct zint_structapp structapp;
char *data;
int ret;
int expected_eci;
char *expected;
char *comment;
// é U+00E9 in ISO 8859-1 plus other ISO 8859 (but not in ISO 8859-7 or ISO 8859-11), Win 1250 plus other Win, in GB 2312 0xA8A6, UTF-8 C3A9
// β U+03B2 in ISO 8859-7 Greek (but not other ISO 8859 or Win page), in GB 2312 0xA6C2, UTF-8 CEB2
// ÿ U+00FF in ISO 8859-1 0xFF, not in GB 2312, outside first byte and second byte range, UTF-8 C3BF
// ㈩ U+3229 in GB 2312 0x226E
// 一 U+4E00 in GB 2312 0x523B
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "é", 0, 0, "30 01 69 00", "B1 (ISO 8859-1)" },
/* 1*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 3, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "é", 0, 3, "60 01 58 00 74 40", "ECI-3 B1 (ISO 8859-1)" },
/* 2*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 29, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "é", 0, 29, "60 0E 44 2A 37 7C 00", "ECI-29 H1 (GB 2312)" },
/* 3*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 26, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "é", 0, 26, "60 0D 18 01 61 6A 20", "ECI-26 B2 (UTF-8)" },
/* 4*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 26, -1, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE, { 0, 0, "" }, "é", 0, 26, "60 0D 05 28 4F 7C 00", "ECI-26 H1 (UTF-8) (full multibyte)" },
/* 5*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "é", 0, 0, "30 03 43 54 40", "B2 (UTF-8)" },
/* 6*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, -1, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE, { 0, 0, "" }, "é", 0, 0, "0A 51 1F 78 00", "H1 (UTF-8) (full multibyte)" },
/* 7*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "\351", 0, 0, "30 01 69 00", "B1 (ISO 8859-1) (0xE9)" },
/* 8*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "β", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 08 40 2F 78 00", "H1 (GB 2312)" },
/* 9*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 9, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "β", 0, 9, "60 04 58 00 71 00", "ECI-9 B1 (ISO 8859-7)" },
/* 10*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 29, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "β", 0, 29, "60 0E 44 20 17 7C 00", "ECI-29 H1 (GB 2312)" },
/* 11*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 26, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "β", 0, 26, "60 0D 18 01 67 2C 40", "ECI-26 H1 (UTF-8)" },
/* 12*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 26, -1, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE, { 0, 0, "" }, "β", 0, 26, "60 0D 05 6B 17 7C 00", "ECI-26 H1 (UTF-8) (full multibyte)" },
/* 13*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "β", 0, 0, "30 03 4E 59 00", "B2 (UTF-8)" },
/* 14*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, -1, ZINT_FULL_MULTIBYTE, { 0, 0, "" }, "β", 0, 0, "0B 56 2F 78 00", "H1 (UTF-8) (full multibyte)" },
/* 15*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "ÿ", 0, 0, "30 01 7F 00", "B1 (ISO 8859-1)" },
/* 16*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "ÿÿÿ", 0, 0, "30 05 7F 7F 7F 60", "B3 (ISO 8859-1)" },
/* 17*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "㈩一", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 08 15 68 0E 7F 70 00", "H2 (GB 2312)" },
/* 18*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 29, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "㈩一", 0, 29, "60 0E 44 0A 74 07 3F 78 00", "ECI-29 H2 (GB 2312)" },
/* 19*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "\177\177", 0, 0, "30 02 7F 3F 40", "B2 (ASCII)" },
/* 20*/ { DATA_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "\177\177\177", 0, 0, "30 04 7F 3F 5F 60", "B3 (ASCII)" },
/* 21*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "123", 0, 0, "10 1E 7F 68", "N3 (ASCII)" },
/* 22*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, " 123", 0, 0, "11 7A 03 6F 7D 00", "N4 (ASCII)" },
/* 23*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "1+23", 0, 0, "11 7B 03 6F 7D 00", "N4 (ASCII)" },
/* 24*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "12.3", 0, 0, "11 7C 63 6F 7D 00", "N4 (ASCII)" },
/* 25*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "123,", 0, 0, "10 1E 7F 73 76 5E 60", "N3 L1 (ASCII)" },
/* 26*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "123,4", 0, 0, "14 1E 7F 51 48 3F 50", "N5 (ASCII)" },
/* 27*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "\015\012123", 0, 0, "11 7D 63 6F 7D 00", "N4 (ASCII) (EOL)" },
/* 28*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "1\015\01223", 0, 0, "11 7E 03 6F 7D 00", "N4 (ASCII) (EOL)" },
/* 29*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "12\015\0123", 0, 0, "11 7E 23 6F 7D 00", "N4 (ASCII) (EOL)" },
/* 30*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "123\015\012", 0, 0, "10 1E 7F 7C 01 06 42 40", "N3 B2 (ASCII) (EOL)" },
/* 31*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "123\015\0124", 0, 0, "14 1E 7F 5D 48 3F 50", "N5 (ASCII) (EOL)" },
/* 32*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "2.2.0", 0, 0, "15 7C 46 73 78 40 07 7A", "N5 (ASCII)" },
/* 33*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "", 0, 0, "30 0C 32 17 0C 45 63 01 38 6A 00", "B7 (ASCII)" },
/* 34*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "", 0, 0, "13 7C 46 73 78 40 07 71 46 0F 74", "N8 (ASCII)" },
/* 35*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "20.12.13.\015\012", 0, 0, "11 7C 66 27 79 0D 2F 7F 00 45 60 68 28 00", "N8 B3 (ASCII)" },
/* 36*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "ABCDE\011F", 0, 0, "20 01 08 32 3E 49 17 30", "U7 (ASCII)" },
/* 37*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "1 1234ABCD12.2abcd-12", 0, 0, "13 7A 23 41 2A 3F 68 01 08 3E 4F 66 1E 5F 70 00 44 1F 2F 6E 0F 0F 74", "N6 U4 N4 L4 N3 (ASCII)" },
/* 38*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "1 123ABCDE12.2abcd-12", 0, 0, "28 1F 40 42 06 28 59 43 27 01 05 7D 56 42 49 16 34 7F 6D 30 08 2F 60", "M21 (ASCII)" },
/* 39*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "国外通信教材 Matlab6.5", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 09 63 27 20 4E 24 1F 05 21 58 22 13 7E 1E 4C 78 09 56 00 3D 3F 4A 45 3F 50", "H6 U2 L5 N3 (GB 2312) (Same as D.2 example)" },
/* 40*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "AAT", 0, 0, "20 00 4F 30", "U3 (ASCII)" },
/* 41*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "aat", 0, 0, "18 00 4F 30", "L3 (ASCII)" },
/* 42*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "AAT2556", 0, 0, "20 00 4F 58 7F 65 47 7A", "U3 N4 (ASCII) (note same bit count as M7)" },
/* 43*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "AAT2556 ", 0, 0, "29 22 4E 42 0A 14 37 6F 60", "M8 (ASCII)" },
/* 44*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "AAT2556 电", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 29 22 4E 42 0A 14 37 6F 62 2C 1F 7E 00", "M8 H1 (GB 2312)" },
/* 45*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, " 200", 0, 0, "11 7A 06 23 7D 00", "N4 (ASCII)" },
/* 46*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, " 200mA至", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 2F 60 40 00 60 2B 78 63 41 7F 40", "M6 H1 (GB 2312)" },
/* 47*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "2A tel:86 019 82512738", 0, 0, "28 22 5F 4F 29 48 5F 6D 7E 6F 55 57 1F 28 63 0F 5A 11 64 0F 74", "M2 L5(with control) N15 (ASCII)" },
/* 48*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "至2A tel:86 019 82512738", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 30 07 56 60 4C 48 13 6A 32 17 7B 3F 5B 75 35 67 6A 18 63 76 44 39 03 7D 00", "B4 L5(with control) N15 (GB 2312)" },
/* 49*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning (62) 29 22 22 1C 4E 41 42 7E 0A 40 14 00 37 7E 6F 00 62 7E 2C 00 1C 7E 4B 00 41 7E 18 00", "M8 H11 M6 B4 L5(with control) N15 (GB 2312) (*NOT SAME* as D3 example Figure D.1, M8 H11 M6 H1 M3 L4(with control) N15, which uses a few more bits)" },
/* 50*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::", 0, 0, "(588) 37 68 68 68 68 68 74 7E 74 74 74 74 74 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 0E", "B512 (ASCII)" },
/* 51*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\177", 0, 0, "(591) 37 68 68 68 68 68 74 7E 74 74 74 74 74 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 0E", "B513 (ASCII)" },
/* 52*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::至", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning (591) 37 68 68 68 68 68 74 7C 74 74 74 74 74 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 0E", "B511 H1 (GB 2312)" },
/* 53*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::至:", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning (592) 37 68 68 68 68 68 74 7E 74 74 74 74 74 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 0E", "B513 (GB 2312)" },
/* 54*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "电电123456", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 09 30 72 61 7F 70 41 76 72 1F 68", "H2 (GB 2312) N6" },
/* 55*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "电电abcdef", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 09 30 72 61 7F 71 00 08 43 10 5D 40", "H2 (GB 2312) L6" },
/* 56*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "电电电电电\011\011\011", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 09 30 72 61 65 43 4B 07 16 0F 7F 14 02 04 42 21 10", "H5 (GB 2312) B3" },
/* 57*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "1234567电电", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 14 1E 6E 22 5E 3F 59 30 72 61 7F 70 00", "N7 H2 (GB 2312)" },
/* 58*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "12345678mA 2", 0, 0, "12 1E 6E 23 06 3F 76 02 5F 02 7E 00", "N8 M4" },
/* 59*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "ABCDEFG电电", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 20 01 08 32 0A 37 05 43 4B 07 7F 40", "U7 H2 (GB 2312)" },
/* 60*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "ABCDEFGHIJ8mA 2", 0, 0, "20 01 08 32 0A 31 68 27 70 46 02 5F 02 7E 00", "U10 M5" },
/* 61*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "ABCDEFGHIJ\011\011\011\011", 0, 0, "20 01 08 32 0A 31 68 27 78 03 04 42 21 10 48 00", "U10 B4" },
/* 62*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "8mA B123456789", 0, 0, "29 0C 05 3E 17 7C 40 7B 39 0C 2B 7E 40", "M5 N9" },
/* 63*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "8mA aABCDEFGH", 0, 0, "29 0C 05 3E 49 7D 00 04 21 48 29 47 6C", "M5 U8" },
/* 64*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "\011\011\011\011123456", 0, 0, "30 06 09 04 42 21 12 03 6D 64 3F 50", "B4 N6" },
/* 65*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "\011\011\011\011ABCDEF", 0, 0, "30 06 09 04 42 21 14 00 11 06 21 3B", "B4 U6" },
/* 66*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "\011\011\011\0118mA 2", 0, 0, "30 06 09 04 42 21 15 11 40 57 60 5F 40", "B4 M5" },
/* 67*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "电电电电电\015\012", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 09 30 72 61 65 43 4B 07 16 0F 73 03 7E 00", "H7 (GB 2312)" },
/* 68*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "电电电电电12", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 09 30 72 61 65 43 4B 07 16 0F 7B 37 7E 00", "H7 (GB 2312)" },
/* 69*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "1234567.8\015\012123456", 0, 0, "10 1E 6E 23 79 30 67 77 0F 37 11 7E 40", "N17" },
/* 70*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "˘", ZINT_WARN_USES_ECI, 4, "Warning 60 02 18 00 51 00", "ECI-4 B1 (ISO 8859-2)" },
/* 71*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 4, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "˘", 0, 4, "60 02 18 00 51 00", "ECI-4 B1 (ISO 8859-2)" },
/* 72*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "Ħ", ZINT_WARN_USES_ECI, 5, "Warning 60 02 58 00 50 40", "ECI-5 B1 (ISO 8859-3)" },
/* 73*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 5, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "Ħ", 0, 5, "60 02 58 00 50 40", "ECI-5 B1 (ISO 8859-3)" },
/* 74*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 6, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "ĸ", 0, 6, "60 03 18 00 51 00", "ECI-6 B1 (ISO 8859-4)" },
/* 75*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 7, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "Ж", 0, 7, "60 03 58 00 5B 00", "ECI-7 B1 (ISO 8859-5)" },
/* 76*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "Ș", ZINT_WARN_USES_ECI, 18, "Warning 60 09 18 00 55 00", "ECI-18 B1 (ISO 8859-16)" },
/* 77*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 18, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "Ș", 0, 18, "60 09 18 00 55 00", "ECI-18 B1 (ISO 8859-16)" },
/* 78*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "テ", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 08 34 6F 78 00", "H1 (GB 2312)" },
/* 79*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 20, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "テ", 0, 20, "60 0A 18 01 41 59 20", "ECI-20 B2 (SHIFT JIS)" },
/* 80*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 20, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "テテ", 0, 20, "60 0A 18 03 41 59 30 36 28 00", "ECI-20 B4 (SHIFT JIS)" },
/* 81*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 20, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "\\\\", 0, 20, "60 0A 18 03 40 57 70 15 78 00", "ECI-20 B4 (SHIFT JIS)" },
/* 82*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "…", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 08 01 5F 78 00", "H1 (GB 2312)" },
/* 83*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 21, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "…", 0, 21, "60 0A 58 00 42 40", "ECI-21 B1 (Win 1250)" },
/* 84*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "Ґ", ZINT_WARN_USES_ECI, 22, "Warning 60 0B 18 00 52 40", "ECI-22 B1 (Win 1251)" },
/* 85*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 22, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "Ґ", 0, 22, "60 0B 18 00 52 40", "ECI-22 B1 (Win 1251)" },
/* 86*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "˜", ZINT_WARN_USES_ECI, 23, "Warning 60 0B 58 00 4C 00", "ECI-23 B1 (Win 1252)" },
/* 87*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 23, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "˜", 0, 23, "60 0B 58 00 4C 00", "ECI-23 B1 (Win 1252)" },
/* 88*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 24, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "پ", 0, 24, "60 0C 18 00 40 40", "ECI-24 B1 (Win 1256)" },
/* 89*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "က", ZINT_WARN_USES_ECI, 26, "Warning 60 0D 18 02 70 60 10 00", "ECI-26 B3 (UTF-8)" },
/* 90*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 25, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "က", 0, 25, "60 0C 58 01 08 00 00", "ECI-25 B2 (UCS-2BE)" },
/* 91*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 25, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "ကက", 0, 25, "60 0C 58 03 08 00 02 00 00 00", "ECI-25 B4 (UCS-2BE)" },
/* 92*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 25, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "12", 0, 25, "60 0C 58 03 00 0C 20 03 10 00", "ECI-25 B4 (UCS-2BE ASCII)" },
/* 93*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 27, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "@", 0, 27, "60 0D 4F 77 2E 60", "ECI-27 L1 (ASCII)" },
/* 94*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "龘", ZINT_WARN_USES_ECI, 26, "Warning 60 0D 18 02 74 6F 53 00", "ECI-26 B3 (UTF-8)" },
/* 95*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 28, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "龘", 0, 28, "60 0E 18 01 7C 75 20", "ECI-28 B2 (Big5)" },
/* 96*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 28, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "龘龘", 0, 28, "60 0E 18 03 7C 75 3F 1D 28 00", "ECI-28 B4 (Big5)" },
/* 97*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "齄", ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 0, "Warning 0F 4B 6F 78 00", "H1 (GB 2312)" },
/* 98*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 29, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "齄", 0, 29, "60 0E 47 65 77 7C 00", "ECI-29 H1 (GB 2312)" },
/* 99*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 29, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "齄齄", 0, 29, "60 0E 47 65 77 4B 6F 78 00", "ECI-29 H2 (GB 2312)" },
/*100*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "가", ZINT_WARN_USES_ECI, 26, "Warning 60 0D 18 02 75 2C 10 00", "ECI-26 B3 (UTF-8)" },
/*101*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 30, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "가", 0, 30, "60 0F 18 01 58 28 20", "ECI-30 B2 (EUC-KR)" },
/*102*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 30, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "가가", 0, 30, "60 0F 18 03 58 28 36 0A 08 00", "ECI-30 B4 (EUC-KR)" },
/*103*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 170, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "?", 0, 170, "60 55 0F 77 26 60", "ECI-170 L1 (ASCII invariant)" },
/*104*/ { DATA_MODE, 899, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "\200", 0, 899, "63 41 58 00 40 00", "ECI-899 B1 (8-bit binary)" },
/*105*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 900, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "é", 0, 900, "63 42 18 01 61 6A 20", "ECI-900 B2 (no conversion)" },
/*106*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 1024, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "é", 0, 1024, "64 08 00 30 03 43 54 40", "ECI-1024 B2 (no conversion)" },
/*107*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 32768, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "é", 0, 32768, "66 08 00 01 40 0E 0E 52 00", "ECI-32768 B2 (no conversion)" },
/*108*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 811800, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "é", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION, 811800, "Error 533: Invalid ECI", "" },
/*109*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 3, -1, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "β", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, 3, "Error 535: Invalid character in input data for ECI 3", "" },
/*110*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, READER_INIT, -1, { 0, 0, "" }, "12", 0, 0, "51 11 71 7E 40", "" },
/*111*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 1, 16, "" }, "12", 0, 0, "48 03 60 24 3C 3F 50", "FNC2 ID0 Cnt15 Ind0 N2" },
/*112*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, READER_INIT, -1, { 1, 16, "" }, "12", 0, 0, "54 40 1E 02 23 63 7D 00", "FNC3 FNC2 ID0 Cnt15 Ind0 N2" },
/*113*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 2, 16, "" }, "12", 0, 0, "48 03 62 24 3C 3F 50", "FNC2 ID0 Cnt15 Ind1 N2" },
/*114*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, READER_INIT, -1, { 2, 16, "" }, "12", 0, 0, "48 03 62 24 3C 3F 50", "FNC2 ID0 Cnt15 Ind1 N2 (FNC3 omitted)" },
/*115*/ { UNICODE_MODE, 0, -1, -1, { 3, 3, "255" }, "12", 0, 0, "4F 7C 44 24 3C 3F 50", "FNC2 ID256 Cnt2 Ind2 N2" },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
char escaped[1024];
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (index != -1 && i != index) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
debug |= ZINT_DEBUG_TEST; // Needed to get codeword dump in errtxt
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, BARCODE_GRIDMATRIX, data[i].input_mode, data[i].eci, -1 /*option_1*/, -1, data[i].option_3, data[i].output_options, data[i].data, -1, debug);
if (data[i].structapp.count) {
symbol->structapp = data[i].structapp;
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d\n", i, ret, data[i].ret);
if (generate) {
printf(" /*%3d*/ { %s, %d, %s, %s, { %d, %d, \"%s\" }, \"%s\", %s, %d, \"%s\", \"%s\" },\n",
i, testUtilInputModeName(data[i].input_mode), data[i].eci, testUtilOutputOptionsName(data[i].output_options), testUtilOption3Name(data[i].option_3),
data[i].structapp.index, data[i].structapp.count, data[i].structapp.id,
testUtilEscape(data[i].data, length, escaped, sizeof(escaped)),
testUtilErrorName(data[i].ret), ret < ZINT_ERROR ? symbol->eci : -1, symbol->errtxt, data[i].comment);
} else {
if (ret < ZINT_ERROR) {
assert_equal(symbol->eci, data[i].expected_eci, "i:%d eci %d != %d\n", i, symbol->eci, data[i].expected_eci);
assert_zero(strcmp((char *) symbol->errtxt, data[i].expected), "i:%d strcmp(%s, %s) != 0\n", i, symbol->errtxt, data[i].expected);
static void test_encode(int index, int generate, int debug) {
struct item {
char *data;
int input_mode;
int option_1;
int option_2;
int ret;
int expected_rows;
int expected_width;
char *comment;
char *expected;
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { "1234", UNICODE_MODE, -1, -1, 0, 18, 18, "",
/* 1*/ { "Grid Matrix", UNICODE_MODE, 5, -1, 0, 30, 30, "AIMD014 Figure 1 **NOT SAME** different encodation, uses Upper and Lower whereas figure uses Mixed and Lower",
/* 2*/ { "AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738", UNICODE_MODE, 3, 3, ZINT_WARN_NONCOMPLIANT, 42, 42, "AIMD014 Figure D.1 **NOT SAME** different encodation, see test_input dataset",
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (index != -1 && i != index) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, BARCODE_GRIDMATRIX, data[i].input_mode, -1 /*eci*/, data[i].option_1, data[i].option_2, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
if (generate) {
printf(" /*%3d*/ { \"%s\", %s, %d, %d, %s, %d, %d, \"%s\",\n",
i, data[i].data, testUtilInputModeName(data[i].input_mode), data[i].option_1, data[i].option_2, testUtilErrorName(data[i].ret),
symbol->rows, symbol->width, data[i].comment);
testUtilModulesPrint(symbol, " ", "\n");
printf(" },\n");
} else {
if (ret < ZINT_ERROR) {
int width, row;
assert_equal(symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, "i:%d symbol->rows %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, data[i].data);
assert_equal(symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, "i:%d symbol->width %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, data[i].data);
ret = testUtilModulesCmp(symbol, data[i].expected, &width, &row);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d testUtilModulesCmp ret %d != 0 width %d row %d (%s)\n", i, ret, width, row, data[i].data);
#include <time.h>
// Not a real test, just performance indicator
static void test_perf(int index, int debug) {
struct item {
int symbology;
int input_mode;
int option_1;
int option_2;
char *data;
int ret;
int expected_rows;
int expected_width;
char *comment;
struct item data[] = {
"AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738 AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738",
0, 66, 66, "97 chars, mixed modes" },
"AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738 AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738"
"AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738 AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738"
"AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738 AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738"
"AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738 AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738"
"AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738 AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738"
"AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738 AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738"
"AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738 AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738"
"AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738 AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738"
"AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738 AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738"
"AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738 AAT2556 电池充电器+降压转换器 200mA至2A tel:86 019 82512738",
0, 162, 162, "970 chars, mixed modes" },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
clock_t start, total_encode = 0, total_buffer = 0, diff_encode, diff_buffer;
if (!(debug & ZINT_DEBUG_TEST_PERFORMANCE)) { /* -d 256 */
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
int j;
if (index != -1 && i != index) continue;
diff_encode = diff_buffer = 0;
for (j = 0; j < TEST_PERF_ITERATIONS; j++) {
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, data[i].input_mode, -1 /*eci*/, data[i].option_1, data[i].option_2, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
start = clock();
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
diff_encode += clock() - start;
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
assert_equal(symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, "i:%d symbol->rows %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, data[i].data);
assert_equal(symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, "i:%d symbol->width %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, data[i].data);
start = clock();
ret = ZBarcode_Buffer(symbol, 0 /*rotate_angle*/);
diff_buffer += clock() - start;
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Buffer ret %d != 0 (%s)\n", i, ret, symbol->errtxt);
printf("%s: diff_encode %gms, diff_buffer %gms\n", data[i].comment, diff_encode * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, diff_buffer * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
total_encode += diff_encode;
total_buffer += diff_buffer;
if (index != -1) {
printf("totals: encode %gms, buffer %gms\n", total_encode * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, total_buffer * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
testFunction funcs[] = { /* name, func, has_index, has_generate, has_debug */
{ "test_large", test_large, 1, 0, 1 },
{ "test_options", test_options, 1, 0, 1 },
{ "test_input", test_input, 1, 1, 1 },
{ "test_encode", test_encode, 1, 1, 1 },
{ "test_perf", test_perf, 1, 0, 1 },
testRun(argc, argv, funcs, ARRAY_SIZE(funcs));
return 0;
/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et norl : */