gitlost ab2abccdb6 - zint_symbol->fgcolour & bgcolour buffer lengths extended 10
-> 16 to allow for "C,M,Y,K" comma-separated decimal percentage
- API/CLI/GUI: allow foreground/background colours to be specified
  as comma-separated decimal "C,M,Y,K" strings where "C", "M" etc.
  are percentages (0-100) (ticket #281, 3rd point)
- output.c: new funcs `out_colour_get_rgb()` & `out_colour_get_cmyk()`
  and use in bmp/emf/gif etc.
- PCX: add alpha support
- GUI: fix fg/gbcolor icon background not being reset on zap
- GUI: Rearrange some Appearance tab inputs (Border Type <-> Width,
  Show Text <-> Font, Text/Font <-> Printing Scale/Size) to flow
  more naturally (hopefully)
- GUI: save button "Save As..." -> "Save..." and add icon
- CLI: add --bgcolor/colour & --fgcolor/colour synonyms
2023-01-29 19:51:11 +00:00
2022-12-09 14:51:26 +00:00

For generation of "docs/manual.pdf" and "docs/manual.txt" from "manual.pmd" using a recent version of pandoc

On Ubuntu/Debian (tested on Ubuntu 22.04)

    sudo dpkg -i pandoc-2.19.2-1-amd64.deb
    sudo apt install python3-pip
    pip install pandoc-tablenos --user
    export PATH=~/.local/bin:"$PATH"
    sudo apt install librsvg2-bin
    sudo apt install texlive-xetex
    sudo apt install texlive-lang-cjk
    sudo apt install fonts-wqy-microhei

On Fedora (tested on Fedora Linux 36 (Workstation Edition))

    tar xf pandoc-2.19.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz
    sudo mv -i pandoc-2.19.2/bin/pandoc /usr/local/bin
    sudo dnf install python3-pip
    pip install pandoc-tablenos --user
    export PATH=~/.local/bin:"$PATH"
    sudo dnf install librsvg2-tools.x86_64
    sudo dnf install texlive-xetex
    sudo dnf install texlive-ctex.noarch
    sudo dnf install texlive-framed.noarch
    sudo dnf install texlive-fvextra.noarch
    sudo dnf install texlive-mdwtools.noarch
    sudo dnf install texlive-sectsty.noarch
    sudo dnf install texlive-xecjk.noarch
    sudo dnf install texlive-tex-gyre.noarch
    sudo dnf install wqy-microhei-fonts.noarch

On Windows


From command prompt run as administrator

    choco install make
    choco install rsvg-convert
    choco install python
    choco install miktex

    pip install pandoc-tablenos --user

From normal command prompt run from zint "docs" directory

    set "PATH=<location-of-pandoc-tablenos>:%PATH%"
    # e.g. set "PATH=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\Scripts:%PATH%"

??? Various font errors Helvetica, TeX Gyre Pagella which miktex can't handle (ok may be non-activated Windows issue) ???
??? pandoc-tablenos filter craps out ???