DO $$ DECLARE comm_id INTEGER; DECLARE user_id INTEGER; DECLARE root_post_id INTEGER; DECLARE t3_uag3ji_id CONSTANT INTEGER := NULL; DECLARE t1_i5zahcv_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_i5xpc4z_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_i5zb0y6_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_i5ybfk8_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_i5zbn7n_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_i5yf7ya_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_i5yrfqc_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_i5yhplo_id INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT id INTO STRICT comm_id FROM community WHERE name='chattanooga'; SELECT id INTO STRICT user_id FROM person WHERE name='archive_bot'; INSERT INTO post (name, url, body, creator_id, community_id, locked, published, featured_community) VALUES ('screw you, passoid', '', '`/u/StarryEyes2414 - promoted to twinkhon - originally from /r/4tran`', user_id, comm_id, false, TIMESTAMP '2022-04-23 22:09:49+00', false) RETURNING id INTO STRICT root_post_id; UPDATE post_aggregates SET score=50 WHERE post_id=root_post_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/Sebbie_UwU - oldshit heighthon he/him bdd passoid - originally from /r/4tran` Gosh I fucking hate youngshit passoids', TIMESTAMP '2022-04-24 08:48:35+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_i5zahcv_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=5 WHERE comment_id=t1_i5zahcv_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/ryefields - feminized male - originally from /r/4tran` Passing absolutely is a myth t. 9 month manmoder with gigahon proportions', TIMESTAMP '2022-04-23 23:21:56+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_i5xpc4z_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=1 WHERE comment_id=t1_i5xpc4z_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/StarryEyes2414 - promoted to twinkhon - originally from /r/4tran` \*holds up mirror*', TIMESTAMP '2022-04-24 08:56:17+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_i5zb0y6_id; UPDATE comment SET path = (SELECT path FROM comment WHERE id=t1_i5zahcv_id) WHERE id=t1_i5zb0y6_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=5 WHERE comment_id=t1_i5zb0y6_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/leomwatts - originally from /r/4tran` I didn''t start getting gendered correctly by strangers untill about 2 - 2.5 years.', TIMESTAMP '2022-04-24 02:23:35+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_i5ybfk8_id; UPDATE comment SET path = (SELECT path FROM comment WHERE id=t1_i5xpc4z_id) WHERE id=t1_i5ybfk8_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=3 WHERE comment_id=t1_i5ybfk8_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/StarryEyes2414 - promoted to twinkhon - originally from /r/4tran` nah you''re proportional but tall', TIMESTAMP '2022-04-24 09:04:52+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_i5zbn7n_id; UPDATE comment SET path = (SELECT path FROM comment WHERE id=t1_i5xpc4z_id) WHERE id=t1_i5zbn7n_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=3 WHERE comment_id=t1_i5zbn7n_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/ryefields - feminized male - originally from /r/4tran` i don''t want to look like a weird boymoder creature into my mid 20s 😕', TIMESTAMP '2022-04-24 02:56:23+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_i5yf7ya_id; UPDATE comment SET path = (SELECT path FROM comment WHERE id=t1_i5ybfk8_id) WHERE id=t1_i5yf7ya_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=4 WHERE comment_id=t1_i5yf7ya_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/MINNESOTAKARMATRAIN_ - originally from /r/4tran` mogging me smh my head', TIMESTAMP '2022-04-24 04:51:32+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_i5yrfqc_id; UPDATE comment SET path = (SELECT path FROM comment WHERE id=t1_i5ybfk8_id) WHERE id=t1_i5yrfqc_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=2 WHERE comment_id=t1_i5yrfqc_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/leomwatts - originally from /r/4tran` I''m sorry. I didn''t connect my tranner dots till I was 26-27. Tomboymoding and twinkmoding really isn''t that bad for what it''s worth 🤷🏼‍♀️. Give it time. My 6 to 9 month Era was awful. Definitely an ugly stage. I''m lots prettier now.', TIMESTAMP '2022-04-24 03:18:34+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_i5yhplo_id; UPDATE comment SET path = (SELECT path FROM comment WHERE id=t1_i5yf7ya_id) WHERE id=t1_i5yhplo_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=3 WHERE comment_id=t1_i5yhplo_id; END $$; DO $$ DECLARE comm_id INTEGER; DECLARE user_id INTEGER; DECLARE root_post_id INTEGER; DECLARE t3_t7ojr1_id CONSTANT INTEGER := NULL; DECLARE t1_hzj0gpn_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_hzk3wx3_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_hzj4g58_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_hzkwgyp_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_hzlgyca_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_hzjaaip_id INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT id INTO STRICT comm_id FROM community WHERE name='chattanooga'; SELECT id INTO STRICT user_id FROM person WHERE name='archive_bot'; INSERT INTO post (name, url, body, creator_id, community_id, locked, published, featured_community) VALUES ('Anon has her revenge', '', '`/u/communist_stonks - old youngshit - originally from /r/4tran` Gallery links: - - -', user_id, comm_id, false, TIMESTAMP '2022-03-06 02:06:40+00', false) RETURNING id INTO STRICT root_post_id; UPDATE post_aggregates SET score=804 WHERE post_id=root_post_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/Princess_Bugaboo - originally from /r/4tran` The best gaslight gatekeep girlbossing I’ve seen in a while', TIMESTAMP '2022-03-06 02:26:41+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_hzj0gpn_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=275 WHERE comment_id=t1_hzj0gpn_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/Zony2525 - Local hugboxer (Theymab trender) - originally from /r/4tran` Malebrained revenge: punch Fembrained revenge: elaborate scheme to completely destroy their mental health', TIMESTAMP '2022-03-06 09:15:14+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_hzk3wx3_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=76 WHERE comment_id=t1_hzk3wx3_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`[deleted] - originally from /r/4tran` This is so bad, yet so, so good', TIMESTAMP '2022-03-06 03:00:10+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_hzj4g58_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=63 WHERE comment_id=t1_hzj4g58_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`[deleted] - originally from /r/4tran` based', TIMESTAMP '2022-03-06 14:48:03+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_hzkwgyp_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=5 WHERE comment_id=t1_hzkwgyp_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/StarryEyes2414 - promoted to twinkhon - originally from /r/4tran` im so pathetic id probably fail at both', TIMESTAMP '2022-03-06 17:15:31+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_hzlgyca_id; UPDATE comment SET path = (SELECT path FROM comment WHERE id=t1_hzk3wx3_id) WHERE id=t1_hzlgyca_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=18 WHERE comment_id=t1_hzlgyca_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/BrainwormCultivator - tgirlboss - originally from /r/4tran` deliciously bad', TIMESTAMP '2022-03-06 03:50:18+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_hzjaaip_id; UPDATE comment SET path = (SELECT path FROM comment WHERE id=t1_hzj4g58_id) WHERE id=t1_hzjaaip_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=31 WHERE comment_id=t1_hzjaaip_id; END $$; DO $$ DECLARE comm_id INTEGER; DECLARE user_id INTEGER; DECLARE root_post_id INTEGER; DECLARE t3_zfg9pp_id CONSTANT INTEGER := NULL; DECLARE t1_izbn47m_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_izbnk6z_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_izdc0vw_id INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT id INTO STRICT comm_id FROM community WHERE name='chattanooga'; SELECT id INTO STRICT user_id FROM person WHERE name='archive_bot'; INSERT INTO post (name, url, body, creator_id, community_id, locked, published, featured_community) VALUES ('dongus', '', '`/u/helpmegirlpls - qween brick, most masculine "woman" in the world - originally from /r/4tran`', user_id, comm_id, false, TIMESTAMP '2022-12-07 22:29:55+00', false) RETURNING id INTO STRICT root_post_id; UPDATE post_aggregates SET score=738 WHERE post_id=root_post_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/backwardsshortjump - tang dynasty dwarf - originally from /r/4tran` Kid named Finger:', TIMESTAMP '2022-12-07 22:35:14+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_izbn47m_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=106 WHERE comment_id=t1_izbn47m_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/helpmegirlpls - qween brick, most masculine "woman" in the world - originally from /r/4tran`', TIMESTAMP '2022-12-07 22:38:20+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_izbnk6z_id; UPDATE comment SET path = (SELECT path FROM comment WHERE id=t1_izbn47m_id) WHERE id=t1_izbnk6z_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=57 WHERE comment_id=t1_izbnk6z_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/vriskaundertale - originally from /r/4tran` [real](', TIMESTAMP '2022-12-08 07:02:30+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_izdc0vw_id; UPDATE comment SET path = (SELECT path FROM comment WHERE id=t1_izbn47m_id) WHERE id=t1_izdc0vw_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=4 WHERE comment_id=t1_izdc0vw_id; END $$; DO $$ DECLARE comm_id INTEGER; DECLARE user_id INTEGER; DECLARE root_post_id INTEGER; DECLARE t3_zfsejv_id CONSTANT INTEGER := NULL; DECLARE t1_izdh515_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_izdhl6e_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_izdls3w_id INTEGER; DECLARE t1_izelkzd_id INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT id INTO STRICT comm_id FROM community WHERE name='chattanooga'; SELECT id INTO STRICT user_id FROM person WHERE name='archive_bot'; INSERT INTO post (name, url, body, creator_id, community_id, locked, published, featured_community) VALUES ('bubger!', null, '`/u/Chloedelvalle - originally from /r/4tran` [removed]', user_id, comm_id, false, TIMESTAMP '2022-12-08 07:34:47+00', false) RETURNING id INTO STRICT root_post_id; UPDATE post_aggregates SET score=0 WHERE post_id=root_post_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/fluffypikachu222 - based and evilpilled - originally from /r/4tran` This isnt bubger where is he what have you done with him', TIMESTAMP '2022-12-08 08:11:21+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_izdh515_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=2 WHERE comment_id=t1_izdh515_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/Chloedelvalle - originally from /r/4tran`', TIMESTAMP '2022-12-08 08:17:36+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_izdhl6e_id; UPDATE comment SET path = (SELECT path FROM comment WHERE id=t1_izdh515_id) WHERE id=t1_izdhl6e_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=6 WHERE comment_id=t1_izdhl6e_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/fluffypikachu222 - based and evilpilled - originally from /r/4tran` Bubger', TIMESTAMP '2022-12-08 09:18:37+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_izdls3w_id; UPDATE comment SET path = (SELECT path FROM comment WHERE id=t1_izdhl6e_id) WHERE id=t1_izdls3w_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=1 WHERE comment_id=t1_izdls3w_id; INSERT INTO comment (creator_id, post_id, content, published, updated) VALUES (user_id, root_post_id, '`/u/helpmegirlpls - qween brick, most masculine "woman" in the world - originally from /r/4tran` kid named taunt:', TIMESTAMP '2022-12-08 15:25:02+00', null) RETURNING id INTO STRICT t1_izelkzd_id; UPDATE comment SET path = (SELECT path FROM comment WHERE id=t1_izdhl6e_id) WHERE id=t1_izelkzd_id; UPDATE comment_aggregates SET upvotes=1 WHERE comment_id=t1_izelkzd_id; END $$; DO $$ DECLARE comm_id INTEGER; DECLARE user_id INTEGER; DECLARE root_post_id INTEGER; DECLARE t3_vizf53_id CONSTANT INTEGER := NULL; BEGIN SELECT id INTO STRICT comm_id FROM community WHERE name='chattanooga'; SELECT id INTO STRICT user_id FROM person WHERE name='archive_bot'; INSERT INTO post (name, url, body, creator_id, community_id, locked, published, featured_community) VALUES ('The duality of tran', '', '`/u/Necessary_Picture_42 - could’ve-been stacy - originally from /r/4tran`', user_id, comm_id, false, TIMESTAMP '2022-06-23 15:22:24+00', false) RETURNING id INTO STRICT root_post_id; UPDATE post_aggregates SET score=528 WHERE post_id=root_post_id; END $$; DO $$ DECLARE comm_id INTEGER; DECLARE user_id INTEGER; DECLARE root_post_id INTEGER; DECLARE t3_vs6y4s_id CONSTANT INTEGER := NULL; BEGIN SELECT id INTO STRICT comm_id FROM community WHERE name='chattanooga'; SELECT id INTO STRICT user_id FROM person WHERE name='archive_bot'; INSERT INTO post (name, url, body, creator_id, community_id, locked, published, featured_community) VALUES ('consequences of the bonepill', '', '`/u/CravenFromYggdrasil - originally from /r/4tran` Gallery links: - - - - - - -', user_id, comm_id, false, TIMESTAMP '2022-07-05 20:10:30+00', false) RETURNING id INTO STRICT root_post_id; UPDATE post_aggregates SET score=714 WHERE post_id=root_post_id; END $$;