tauonmb-catppuccin/Catppuccin Mocha Rosewater.ttheme

73 lines
1.5 KiB

# by vara :3 and based off the 'Sky' theme from https://github.com/Taiko2k/TauonMusicBox/blob/master/theme/Sky.ttheme
#Tau Player theme file
24,24,37 player background
30,30,46 playlist panel
17,17,27 side panel
24,24,37 bottom panel
18,18,18 queue panel
235,235,235 bottom title
210,210,210 track line
255,195,50 track playing
85,85,85 track missing
62,178,228 track time
62,178,228 track index
62,178,228 track artist
255,195,50 index playing
255,195,50 artist playing
62,178,228 album line
255,195,50 album playing
255,195,50 time playing
180,180,180 fav line
40,40,40 folder line
159,175,255 folder title
25,25,25,0 playing highlight
120,120,120,33 select highlight
255,195,50 gallery highlight
49,50,68 buttons off
245,224,220 buttons over
245,224,220 buttons active
129,145,246 playing time
235,235,235 tab active line
235,235,235 tab line
24,24,24 tab background
40,40,40 tab over
30,30,46 tab active background
230,230,230 title info
205,205,205 extra info
20,20,20 art border
245,224,220 seek bar
245,224,220 volume bar
14,14,24 seek bg
14,14,24 volume bg
17,17,27 scroll bar
49,50,68 mode off
245,224,220 mode over
245,224,220 mode on
129,145,246 music vis
30,30,46 menu background
49,50,68 menu highlight
24,24,37 menu border
205,214,244 menu text
255,0,0 menu disable text
245,224,220 menu icons
#-Mini Mode---------
14,14,14 mini bg
60,60,60 mini border