remove control protection.

This commit is contained in:
Miroslav Šedivý 2024-04-21 20:16:09 +02:00
parent 5c683fb1b8
commit 014b68e1fb
3 changed files with 2 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ type WebSocket struct {
Password string
AdminPassword string
Locks []string
ControlProtection bool
func (WebSocket) Init(cmd *cobra.Command) error {
@ -29,11 +27,6 @@ func (WebSocket) Init(cmd *cobra.Command) error {
return err
cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("control_protection", false, "control protection means, users can gain control only if at least one admin is in the room")
if err := viper.BindPFlag("control_protection", cmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("control_protection")); err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -41,6 +34,4 @@ func (s *WebSocket) Set() {
s.Password = viper.GetString("password")
s.AdminPassword = viper.GetString("password_admin")
s.Locks = viper.GetStringSlice("locks")
s.ControlProtection = viper.GetBool("control_protection")

View File

@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ type Stats struct {
LastAdminLeftAt *time.Time `json:"last_admin_left_at"`
LastUserLeftAt *time.Time `json:"last_user_left_at"`
ControlProtection bool `json:"control_protection"`
ImplicitControl bool `json:"implicit_control"`
ImplicitControl bool `json:"implicit_control"`
type WebSocket interface {

View File

@ -20,19 +20,11 @@ import (
const CONTROL_PROTECTION_SESSION = "by_control_protection"
func New(sessions types.SessionManager, desktop types.DesktopManager, capture types.CaptureManager, webrtc types.WebRTCManager, conf *config.WebSocket) *WebSocketHandler {
logger := log.With().Str("module", "websocket").Logger()
state := state.New()
// if control protection is enabled
if conf.ControlProtection {
logger.Info().Msgf("control locked on behalf of control protection")
// apply default locks
for _, lock := range conf.Locks {
state.Lock(lock, "") // empty session ID
@ -113,24 +105,6 @@ func (ws *WebSocketHandler) Start() {
ws.logger.Debug().Str("id", e.Id).Msg("session connected")
// if control protection is enabled and at least one admin
// and if room was locked on behalf control protection, unlock
sess, ok := ws.state.GetLocked("control")
if ok && ws.conf.ControlProtection && sess == CONTROL_PROTECTION_SESSION && len(ws.sessions.Admins()) > 0 {
ws.sessions.SetControlLocked(false) // TODO: Handle locks in sessions as flags.
ws.logger.Info().Msgf("control unlocked on behalf of control protection")
if err := ws.sessions.Broadcast(
Event: event.ADMIN_UNLOCK,
ID: e.Id,
Resource: "control",
}, nil); err != nil {
ws.logger.Warn().Err(err).Msgf("broadcasting event %s has failed", event.ADMIN_UNLOCK)
// remove outdated stats
if e.Session.Admin() {
ws.lastAdminLeftAt = nil
@ -147,25 +121,6 @@ func (ws *WebSocketHandler) Start() {
membersCount := len(ws.sessions.Members())
adminCount := len(ws.sessions.Admins())
// if control protection is enabled and no admin
// and room is not locked, lock
ok := ws.state.IsLocked("control")
if !ok && ws.conf.ControlProtection && adminCount == 0 {
ws.state.Lock("control", CONTROL_PROTECTION_SESSION)
ws.sessions.SetControlLocked(true) // TODO: Handle locks in sessions as flags.
ws.logger.Info().Msgf("control locked and released on behalf of control protection")
ws.handler.AdminRelease(e.Id, e.Session)
if err := ws.sessions.Broadcast(
Event: event.ADMIN_LOCK,
ID: e.Id,
Resource: "control",
}, nil); err != nil {
ws.logger.Warn().Err(err).Msgf("broadcasting event %s has failed", event.ADMIN_LOCK)
// if this was the last admin
if e.Session.Admin() && adminCount == 0 {
now := time.Now()
@ -312,8 +267,7 @@ func (ws *WebSocketHandler) Stats() types.Stats {
LastAdminLeftAt: ws.lastAdminLeftAt,
LastUserLeftAt: ws.lastUserLeftAt,
ControlProtection: ws.conf.ControlProtection,
ImplicitControl: ws.webrtc.ImplicitControl(),
ImplicitControl: ws.webrtc.ImplicitControl(),