This is a proof of concept project I threw together over the last few days, it's not perfect, but it looks nice. This uses web rtc to stream a desktop inside of a docker container, I made this because rabb.it went under and my internet can't handle streaming and discord keeps crashing. I just want to watch anime with my friends ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) so I started digging throughout the net and found a few kinda clones, but non of them had the virtual browser, then I found Turtus and I was able to figure out the rest.
This is by no means a fully featured clone of rabbit. The client has no concept of other peers. It has bugs, but for the most part it works. I'm not sure what the future holds for this. If I continue to use it and like it, I'll probably keep pushing updates to it. I'd be happy to accept PRs for any improvements.
Why n.eko?
I like cats (Neko is the Japanese word for cat), I'm a weeb/nerd, I own the domain n.eko.moe and I love the logo /shrug
Super easy mode setup
Deploy a Server/VPS
Recomended Specs: (Note: these may not be correct, I did a small round testing, 4c/4gb worked fine with small hickups here and there)
Resolution Cores Ram Recommendation 576p 2 2gb Not Recommended 720p 4 4gb Good Performance 720p 6 4-6gb Recommended 720p+ 8 8gb+ Best Performance -
Install Docker
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | CHANNEL=stable bash
Run these commands:
ufw allow 80/tcp wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nurdism/neko/master/docker-compose.yaml docker-compose up -d
Visit the IP address of the droplet in your browser and login, the default password is
Protip: Run
nano docker-compose.yaml
to edit the settings, then press ctrl+x to exit and save the file.
Running the container:
sudo docker run -p 8080:8080 -e NEKO_PASSWORD='secret' --shm-size=1gb nurdism/neko:latest
Note: --shm-size=1gb
is required, firefox-esr tabs will crash
NEKO_DISPLAY=0 // Display number
NEKO_WIDTH=1280 // Display width
NEKO_HEIGHT=720 // Display height
NEKO_PASSWORD=neko // Password
NEKO_BIND= // Bind
Highly recommend you use a dev container for vscode, I've included the .devcontainer
I've used to develop this app. To build neko run:
cd .docker && ./build